Chapter 5

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I can't believe what is happening. What is happening exactly? I am so confused and it's actually hurting my brain, I seriously think it would be less painful if I got hit by a bus right now.

"So you're telling me that Ashton and Becca.... wait Becca and Ashton are a thing? When did this happen? How did it happen?" Calum asks, well sort of rants at me asking every question he could about the situation. I know I shouldn't have told anyone but with me, Mikey and Ash knowing and Calum didn't, well it just didn't feel right keeping something from him, he's like a brother to me.

"Listen Cal, for the last time. They aren't together, they haven't even kissed" I explain for like the thousandth time to him trying to help him get his brain around this, even though I'm still trying to wrap my head around it too.

"This is bad. This is actually bad you know that right?" Calum asks and I hear a sense of fear in his tone of voice, I give him a confused look as I had no clue as to what he is talking about now, how is this bad?

"If any of the guys, Louis, Liam them lot, find out about this they will tell Niall and then poof, our shot at becoming the next biggest artists is out the window. Niall will kill Ashton" He rants out in one breath making every hand gesture he can to emphasise how bad the situation actually is.

I nod my head finally understanding where Calum is coming from now and if I wasn't nervous before I sure as hell am now. "Which is why you're not going to say anything" I state in a matter of fact to him which I get an incredulous look back.

"What do you take me for Luke? Huh? Some sort of idiot?" Calum sasses me back and I'm now restraining myself to hit him across the head. I don't need sass right now. "Please Luke. This is more serious than you think. Not only is it our career on the line it's also someone else's relationship too. We can't get involved" Calum still carries on expressing every thought process in his head right now.

"Hey Calum" I hear Mikey's voice behind me so me and Cal both turn around to face him.

"Yeah?" Calum asks back with a bright smile on his face after seeing his best friend walk into our dressing room where we have been having this conversation for the past 45 minutes.

"Shut the fuck up" Michael says then slaps the kiwi boy upside his head taking the smile from his face and replacing it with a frown. I chuckle and smirk at the boys, it's always funny seeing them this way. Calum rubs his head where he had been previously slapped as if it had actually hurt him when in reality we both know it didn't.

"What was that for?" Calum asked, well sort of whined really.

"I could hear you out in the hallway idiot, you were way too loud and we can't let this get out. Seriously we all have to shut up about this now like we don't know anything" Mikey demands to which me and Calum just nod our heads.

"Maybe if we-" Calum starts but quickly get cuts off by Michael showing Mikey's dominate side between them and their relationship.

"Calum no. Shut the fuck up" Mikey demands once more about to walk out the room to which he receives a pout from Calum. Just before Mikey walks through the door he stops and looks back at Calum "I love you meathead" he says letting his affectionate side come out which now makes Calum smile again, this time wider and brighter than before.


You ever get that feeling that people are either looking at you or talking about you behind your back, well I have that right now. I keep trying to brush it off and not letting my paranoia eat me whole but right now nothing is working as I look over to Ashton and Michael who I swear keep giving me side glances every now and then.

"Hey man, you alright?" Louis voice chirps from beside me and I stop biting my nails so I can turn to look at him and give him a nod of my head 'yes', I go to say something but instead stop myself and hesitate before voicing my thoughts.

"Louis please tell me I'm not losing it and that the guys from 5 seconds of summer keep looking at me then turning away to talk" I say to Louis making him look in Ashton and Michaels direction to which he does catch them looking our way for them to turn away sheepish that they just got caught. "You saw that right?!" I shout at Louis making it known that I'm slowly going out of my mind.

"Yeah...I did" Louis now says sceptically, cocking his head to the side in confusion as to what's going on with the younger group before us.

"Okay...Michael, Ashton. Where are Luke and Calum? You're on in 10" Joe one of the production managers came rushing through in panic searching for the two other boys. "I can't find Luke and Calum" He says now through the walkie talkie he holds in his right hand, as if on cue the two younger boys of the group come into the main dressing room where we are all placed.

"We're here" Luke says nonchalantly hands in his pocket as if nothing in the world matters to him right now.

"Stage. Now." Joe demands the four boys before pushing them out the door and towards the stage preventing me or Louis to ask any questions as to what's going on with them. I guess I'll just have to try later.


As me and the boys are being rushed through to the stage by the crew members I faintly hear Ashton "C'mon boys. It's time to kill it, give it your everything" He gets us pumped up and ready and when I step out onto the stage a rush of adrenaline runs through my veins and all I can hear is the screaming fans.

"Alright England! Who's ready to rock?!" Luke screams through his microphone to the crowd earning even more louder screams than before. If I hadn't put my ear piece in I'm sure I'd be deaf right now.

"This is English love affair" Mikey says letting the crowd know making the crowd scream even louder if that was even possible, I'm now letting my fingers strum on the bass guitar starting the song.


"It started on a weekend in May. I was looking for attention, needed intervention. Felt somebody looking at me. With a powder white complexion, feeling the connection.

The way she looked was so ridiculous. Every single step had me waiting for the next. Before I knew it, it was serious. Dragged me out the bar to the back seat of her car.

When the lights go out, she's all I ever think about. The picture burning in my brain, kissing in the rain. I can't forget, my English love affair. Today, I'm seven thousand miles away. The movie playing in my head of a king sized bed means I can't forget. My English love affair. My English love affair.

Next thing we were back at her place. A hideaway in Mayfair, all the great and good there. Drinking all the way to third base. Princess getting naked, falling on their faces.

The story line was so ridiculous. Ever single step had me begging for the next. Before I knew it, it was serious. Dragged me up the stairs and it wasn't ending there.

When the lights go out, she's all I ever think about. The picture burning in my brain, kissing in the rain. I can't forget, my English love affair. Today, I'm seven thousand miles away. The movie playing in my head of a king sized bed means I can't forget. My English love affair.

When I got out I knew that nobody I knew would believe in me. I look back and know that nobody could ever take the memory.

When the lights go out (lights go out), she's all I ever think about (think about). The picture burning in my brain, kissing in the rain. I can't forget, my English love affair. Today I'm seven thousand miles away. The movie playing in my head of a king sized bed means I can't forget.

My English love affair. My English love affair. My English love affair."

Sequel: Life Goes On (A 1D & 5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now