Chapter 8

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I can't believe Harry had asked me on a date, I never expected this. This whole time I thought Louis liked me but I guess I was wrong, it was his best friend instead. When Harry asked me out on the date I side glanced to Louis to see his reaction, I just wanted any reaction from him, he's the guy I really want, the guy I want to care but instead all I got was nothing. He wasn't even looking in my direction. Did he even hear what Harry had asked me?

I agreed to go on the date anyway, maybe I can move on from Louis, who clearly doesn't want me. I was so stupid to think he would like me, he's 3 years older than me.

I'm now currently getting ready for the date with Becca helping me along the way which I'm really grateful for otherwise I'd be in panic mode right now over what to wear, how to do my make-up or hair. I don't even know why I was nervous to be honest.

"There. You look amazing" Becca says now spinning me around in the chair so I can look in the mirror of my reflection. Wow. Is this really me?

My medium blonde hair was curled to perfection, my make-up minimal and simplistic but yet with a bold red lip which I absolutely loved. My outfit was a plain black skater dress with spaghetti straps and a leather jacket to go over it, which was borrowed from my dear best friend of course and then my black studded high heel boots.

"Wow Becca! I look.....nice for once" I compliment her work on me and give her the biggest smile ever.

"Don't thank me, It's all you. My best friend is gorgeous" She compliments me back and I give her the biggest hug yet and for some reason I feel guilty. This isn't right, I feel like I'm going out with the wrong guy.

"Becca...Don't hate me" I say sighing about to confess my feelings, she gives me a confused look to which I elaborate a bit more and tell her everything. "I don't like Harry like this. I like Louis"

"What? Freya why did you say yes to him then?" She questions me, curiosity filling her.

"I don't think Louis likes me that way, so I thought I'd say yes to Harry so I could get over him and move on to someone else. I sound terrible don't I?" I confess and question her scared of her answer back.

"Freya..." She sighs closing her eyes and I'm now ready for a lecture to come from her. "I guess I can't really say anything with my love life lately" She says now looking at me with the guilty eyes, I look at her confused but let it go, I'll question her later over this. I'm not letting that go.

"You look great. Even Louis will want you looking like that" Becca says sending me a playful wink and I couldn't help but let out a little giggle.


"Seriously?! Harry, why?!" Louis shouts at me and I'm bewildered as to what he's going on about now.

"Why what?" I interrogate him, shrugging my shoulders hands in my pockets.

"Why ask Freya out on a date when you know I like her?!" He shouts again making hands and arms gestures to let me know how angry and frustrated he is.

"Seriously Louis? I thought we were over this?!" I ask but also demand to him. I'm fed up of this now, all the arguing over Freya, I'm starting to think she's not even worth losing over this.

"Am I interrupting?" I hear a female voice and turn around to face Freya. Don't get me wrong she looked pretty but for some reason the only person that popped into my head right now was Brooke. That's normal right? Your ex to pop into your head before you try to move on to someone else? Either way I'm going on this date, whether Louis likes it or not.

"Wow. You look nice" I compliment her and she gives me a little smile.

"Nice? Freya you look beautiful" Louis speaks up from behind me and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him. Why can't he just accept the fact that I made the first move, not him and to make things worse not only did Freya blush at his compliment but also gave him a genuine wide smile showing her teeth. Does she like him back?

I couldn't stand here much longer with these two so I took MY date and left the tour bus without another word to Louis.

"So dinner and movie?" I ask Freya whilst walking with her towards where the strip of fancy restaurants were.

"Can I be honest Harry?" Freya turns her body to mine to which I stop in my place so I can guarantee her my attention. "I'm not a fan of fancy restaurants. I'm okay with pizza hut or maybe even Nandos"

"Then why are you dressed all fancy? Isn't this what you wanted?" I ask her, somewhat annoyed with her that we've got all dressed up real nice just for a pizza hut or Nandos. "This isn't what I had planned" I confess to her making her look at me now annoyed.

"I'm sorry Harry but this isn't who I am. I don't go out to fancy restaurants, I don't have money, I don't like my photograph being taken by paparazzi. Harry I'm not a model" She says arguing with me and I'm not liking it one bit, we didn't even make it to the restaurant. "I'm sorry but I'm not going to change who I am for you. Even if you are famous" Freya states and I'm more now angry than annoyed.

"Fine. Then go back if this isn't what you want because this is who I AM" I retort back to which he looks startled and surprised but she soon regains her composure and walks away from me back to where we had just came from but before she completely walks away she stops and shouts something at me which I wasn't ready for at all.

"I'M NOT BROOKE! SO GO TO HER AND I'LL FIND SOMEONE WHO WILL WANT ME FOR ME" then she walked away with nothing else said. My anger was now through the roof and I couldn't contain my heavy breathing but I soon regained myself and ran after her. I couldn't leave it like this.

"Freya!.....Freya" I shout now running after her, I finally caught up with her and could see the tears running down her face which I immediately wipe them away for her and she let me. "I'm sorry" I apologise to her and she now looks up to me. "Maybe I'm not over Brooke. I was stupid to ask you out tonight" I admit putting my head down ashamed of myself.

"I shouldn't have said yes" Freya says taking me by surprise again.

"Louis likes you. I know he does. He will take good care of you" I confess knowing that they both liked each other. "I was an ass for standing in the way. Forgive me?" I request with hopeful eyes, maybe we can just be friends. I'd like it that way.

She leans up and kisses me on the cheek then whispers "I forgive you Harry" and this time I receive a genuine smile from her to which I gladly give one back.

"Friends?" I try to initiate a handshake to which she holds her hand out and shakes mine with a smile.


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