Chapter 22 (Final Chapter)

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This was the night everyone needed, having such a laugh and letting loose a little. Everything was going well, maybe a little too well for my liking, I haven't seen Becca or Ashton for the last 30 minutes though.

I knew that they both liked each other, it was part of the reason why me and Becca broke up but seeing her still here on tour with us and getting along with another guy who isn't me does sting a little. I am still in love with the girl so seeing her with Ashton makes my blood boil.

"Mate, you alright?" I hear Harry's voice come from next to me, I turn back to him giving him my full attention. I nod my head 'yes' to him and take the last gulp of my drink in my hand. "I know what you're thinking" Harry tries to talk to me again and this time I'm intrigued that he's a mind reader all of a sudden.

I raise my eyebrows at him. "Oh, and what is that exactly?" I ask with an amused face.

"You're thinking where Becca and Ashton have gone off to and if there is something going on there" Harry explained now making me turn into a foul mood that he definitely hit the nail exactly on the head. Am I that predictable? "They are over there in that corner"

With that my head whipped around to where Harry had nodded to whilst drinking his beverage. There stood was Becca and Ashton too close together, giggling with each other in a drunken state. My anger level was too much I could feel my body heat rising. "Don't Niall" Louis now comes up beside me also watching the scene in front of us looking not drunk but angry.

"I can't just watch this" And with that said I take off to the 'loving' couple in front of me. "Ashton, mate, mind if I talk to Becca a sec?" I ask trying not to grit my teeth or punch him in the face right now, I could tell that he can feel my hostility right now so he just walked away but not right before sending me an intense death glare.

Looking at Becca I could sense she didn't want this talk, she was looking down at her drink swirling it around not even bothering to look at me. "Really? You're just going to pretend that we didn't happen and move on right in front of me?" I asked her with annoyance laced in my voice.

"Are you kidding me Niall? You're the one who broke up with me" It was now her turn to speak to me like that. "What do you want me to do? Be upset and cry?" This was now turning into an argument and it probably isn't going to end well with us both seeing red.

I could see Ashton Calum and Michael coming up beside us probably to split this apart but seeing Ashton right now was the worst thing to happen with this scenario right now. I lunge myself at him with all of the intoxicants in my body and press him up against the wall by his shirt. "This is all your fault. You're the reason my relationship ended" I grit through my teeth now not containing myself whatsoever.

"Niall get off him" Becca screams at me with anger, I look towards her about to say something but get cut off when I get pushed back by Ashton.

"I didn't end your relationship, you did. You couldn't trust Becca so that's your fault, I can't help if she came running into my arms" Ashton smirked at me crossing him arms looking all smug with himself.

Harry, Louis, Liam and Zayn now came running over finally now catching up with everything but that didn't stop me. "Don't push me Ashton, this is your fault and you know it" I shout over the music for everyone to hear pointing at him.

"Yeah c'mon Ash you've been wanting Becca since you met her making it obvious to us all" Louis now chimes in backing me up.

"You haven't really made it easy Ash" Liam adds in now too. Wait they all knew and they kept this from me?

I had to step back and take all of this in. "Wait you guys knew? You guys knew that they liked each other from the start and never told me?" I asked them all looking around at everyone and all of them except Zayn put his head down making me give him a questioning look.

"I only found out yesterday" Zayn says and then takes a step back taking himself out of the equation of all of this, of this mess.

"So you've been wanting my girlfriend all this time?" I ask Ashton through gritted teeth but before he could Becca stepped in.

Ashton huffed and ran a hand through his hair obviously not wanting this conversation but we are definitely having this conversation right now. "Look man I didn't expect this to happen, I didn't expect to fall head over heels for her but I have, how could you not? Look at her" Ashton asks now pointing to Becca who looks like she's about to cry any second now, with Brooke and Freya hugging into her comforting her.

"You're off the tour, I don't want you opening for us anymore" I snarl at him, I turn to Becca my eyes now getting glossy. "Do you love him?" I ask my breath now hitching trying to stop myself from crying, she couldn't speak so instead I got a nod of the head 'yes' now making me take another step back, grabbing onto my hair now letting a few tears slip.

"I never thought I'd lose you to another guy" I cry to her now watching her tears fall too.

Becca takes a step forward to me "I'm so sorry Niall, I didn't mean for this to happen and I never wanted to hurt you but don't forget you're the one who broke up with me and Ashton was there with his shoulder for me to cry on" She explained and I only had one thought in my head right now, one I was dreading the answer to.

"D-Did you cheat on me?" I question her with a pained look on my face but that quickly changed when she shook her head.

"Never, I would never do that to anyone" Becca cries to me trying to justify herself but right now this person stood in front of me was a complete stranger.


I was breaking right now having this conversation with Niall, I never wanted it to end this way but with the way things were it was inevitable. We were both hurting and I do love Niall but I'm just not in love with him anymore.

"Becca I still love you, I still want you" Niall reaches for my hand and I let him hold it. Once upon a time I craved his touch but now all I want and need is Ashton.

"I can't" I whisper and turn to Ashton who is just looking down to the ground upset and distressed that this is all happening. "I did love you Niall but I'm now in love with Ashton." I try to not break the fragile boy in front of me but was failing either way. "I'm going to leave with these guys but I wish you the best with everything Niall, I really do" with that me Brooke, Freya and Vanessa now leave with Calum, Mikey and Ash following in suit to the bus to grab Mia and Luke plus all our things.

I guess people move on in life. Life goes on.

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