Chapter 16

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Couldn't a guy get 10 minutes just to himself? All I wanted was to just chill out on my bunk and not be bothered with at all, leaving me with my thoughts and emotions because to be quite honest they are a mess right now. Knowing that Becca and Ashton are having a secret affair behind Niall and Vanessa's backs is just eating me alive. I don't know how long I could handle keeping this secret to myself.

Right now all I can hear is screams coming from the back of the bus.








By the sounds of it I think they were playing on the Xbox that we have placed in the back of the bus and things have gotten a little competitive. I'm suddenly being jumped out of my skin as the back door comes flying open and an angry Harry comes storming out not looking happy at all. He must have lost on Fifa again.

"Harry c'mon, it's just a game" Niall now comes out after him trying to calm down the younger boy but all he got back was an angry glare. "You're seriously being like this because we lost to them?" Niall now asks just trying to get Harry to speak.

"You cost us the fucking game Niall" Harry now shouted back clearly indicating that him and Niall were on a team and that Niall had made them lose in some sort of way. Now there's something I want to know, how did Niall make them lose?

"I hardly did that" Niall spat back trying to defend himself.

"You went the wrong way and kicked the ball in our net, that was the winning shot Niall" Harry continued to argue back not backing down one bit.

I couldn't help but snicker at the two boys fighting in front of me only to get a glare from both of the heated boys.

"Get over it, you curly headed fuck" Niall now says making me howl in laughter from the saying in the film 'Step Brothers.' This argument was so amusing to me right now. "And you can shut up too" He now snapped at me too making me stop laughing but biting my lip to contain myself.

Niall now sauntered into the front of the bus where the girls were just sat chilling on their phones and talking about anything that came to their mind. I watched intently as Niall went and sat beside Becca putting his arm around her for her only to squirm away from him only for him not to notice but me to see everything.

I was now put back into a bad mood about the whole situation, I wanted to say something so bad but what was the point when Ashton was trying to fix the situation and be with Vanessa?

Harry had noticed something was up with me, he furrowed his eyebrows at me as if mentally asking 'are you ok?' and I just had to say something, keeping this to myself was eating me alive. I nodded to him indicating to follow me outside which he gladly obliged.

As soon as we stepped outside the words wouldn't stop flowing from my mouth and I was so scared that Niall would hear me. "I can't keep it to myself anymore Harry, I feel like I'm going out of my freaking mind. It's literally eating me up inside and I just feel like I'm going to burst any second but I can't do that not around Niall anyway" I rambled on and on but Harry eventually stopped me.

"Louis what are you going on about? What's with Niall?" Harry now asks me looking more concerned than ever. I looked over my shoulder to the bus hoping that no one could hear us but just to be safe I grabbed hold of Harry's wrist and led him away further from the bus. "Okay now you're scaring me" He now says looking at me with wide eyes.

"Becca and Ashton like each other" I finally confess making Harry's face contort from confusion to anger.

"What?!" He snarled under his breath. Maybe I shouldn't have told him, maybe telling Harry was the worst thing to do. "They're together? Behind Niall's back?!" He asked now determined to know answers.

"No they're not together, but they want to be, if it wasn't for Niall and Vanessa. They don't want to cheat" I elaborate a bit more for him making him look a bit more at ease but still not happy with this at all.

I start to bite my nails just waiting for him to respond, I was so freaking nervous. Harry closed his eyes inhaling then exhaling as if trying to grasp his head around this. "So they like each other but haven't done anything cause they don't want to hurt Niall?" He asks now seeming to get it all, I nod my head to his question but this now makes him even more angry.

"YOU KNEW AND DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING LOUIS?!" He shouted the loudest I've ever heard him and to be honest I was quite scared of him. "We have to tell Niall, he needs the upper-hand right now if anything does happen" He says now marching back over to the bus to tell Niall everything.

I had to use every force in my body to stop him, this could literally break Niall and we can't have that right now, not on tour. "Harry stop and think about this" I say pushing him on his chest before he could make his way to the bus. "If we tell Niall this now when nothing has even happened we could look like idiots." I try to reason with him.

"And if we don't say anything and something does happen Niall will then look like the idiot and we will look guilty and bad for keeping this from him. You think about it Louis" Harry argued back with me.

"Listen alright" I start to say and get his attention. "As soon as we hear anything will happen we tell him but right now Ashton is too focused on Vanessa than Becca, we need to keep this to ourselves otherwise it would just break him and we can't have that right now on tour" I try to compromise with Harry and when he nodded his head I took as a sign that he will do as he is told.

The door opens to the front of the bus and what Niall says makes our stomachs drop.

"You better get in here, something has happened with Ashton and some of us are not happy. One bit!"

Sequel: Life Goes On (A 1D & 5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now