Chapter 13

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I feel so free, I feel so alive.... so why the hell am I sat on my own in the studio doing absolutely nothing? I thought being away from the boys and starting my own rise to fame would be a good idea. I didn't want to be held back and just be known as Zayn Malik from One Direction, I wanted to be just Zayn and have people know me by just that name.

Things weren't so great, here I thought life would be so much easier and not as hectic and instead it's more work than ever and still just as hectic. As I'm sat on the couch on my own, I start to think back to the boys and how I just left everyone so easily. I never even said goodbye to any of them, I knew that would hurt them, especially Louis.

I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and started to scroll down my contacts, I finally stopped at Louis name. Thinking for a while, I was contemplating if I should message or even ring him maybe. Should I? Shouldn't I?

*RING RING RING* I didn't even realise that I had press the call button next to his name, I put the phone to my ear feeling anxious, I wouldn't blame him if he didn't want to talk to me but he's my best mate and for some reason I just needed some clarification that we could be okay or maybe I could even explain myself to him.

Shit. Voicemail, he's not talking to me and a part of me sort of already knew he would be like this with me, I guess another part of me wanted that not to be true but with the stunts I had pulled before I had even left I knew they would never take me back, take me home because that's what those boys are to me and it was like I needed some time away to finally see that.

I had made a huge mistake and now I can't undo it. I now couldn't help some tears slip from my eyes. "Zayn you alright?" My new studio manager Nigel asked me. I didn't know whether to tell him the truth or not but right now I realised I had to and maybe find some sort of way to make my way back to the boys.

"I'm sorry Nigel but I can't do this, not on my own. I was an idiot thinking I could do this but I need the others" I explain to Nigel thinking he would understand but by the look on his face that was the last thing he was going to feel right now.

He walked up to me and if looks could kill I'd be a dead man. "You have wasted so many peoples time, you know that Zayn?" He said not so politely and he wasn't wrong either which made me not reply. "Not only mine but also your own. Who's to say they will take you back? You threw a diva fit not wanting to be there with them anymore saying you were so much better than them" He spat at me and all I could do was just sit here and take it because he was right. "Zayn, you were a brat"

With that said I got up and walked out of the room not wanting to be in there taking anymore of that. It was true what he said, all of it which made it worse for me. Wiping away the tears I had let fall even more, I carried on walking until I was outside then took a deep breath. I felt like I was drowning right now and I needed to get some air.

Pulling out my phone once more I knew the one person I could ring who will talk to me and maybe I can get him to understand where I'm coming from and also understand why I did what I did. I knew that there was a slim chance that the boys will take me back but I could always try.

"Hey Zayn" I hear Paul's voice on the other end of the phone and I let out a sigh of relief that he answered the phone to me.

I started to bite my nails, I was nervous for what I was about to say and to see what his reply would be too. "Paul I made a mistake. Please can I come back? Please talk to management for me, I need you guys"

The line went silent, I could've sworn he had hung up on me but I could still hear his breathing signalling that he was thinking, maybe even considering it. "Okay fine.... I'll talk to management but don't hold your breath Zayn, you really pissed them off" Paul explains. "You pissed off a lot of people Zayn, but we are your family and family stick together so I will try and talk with them"

Another sigh of relief came from me and I felt my shoulders relax a little, but I couldn't relax just yet, they could still say no. "I'll call you back in 20 minutes when I've spoke to them, okay?" Paul says then hangs up on me. A fresh wave of tears hit me, I was thinking of all the worst possible outcomes to this instead of the positives and I was letting it get to me once again.

Those 20 minutes were the longest 20 minutes of my life, I was looking at the clock on my phone every minute, feeling anxious and nervous was an understatement. It had gone past 20 minutes and I was now convinced that they weren't going to take me back, that Paul wasn't going to ring me back.

The ringing from my phone pulled me out of my negative thoughts and I answered it as quickly as I could. "H-Hello, Hello? Paul?" I ask into the phone my heart racing so fast that I could hear it in my ears, this phone call was now about to tell me if I had a future or not.

"Zayn, they've made their decision" Paul says and my shoulders slumped already knowing what was about to come. "Pack your bags, I'm coming to get you"

"Wait, I'm coming back?" I asked back surprised and shocked.

"You're back in One Direction"

Sequel: Life Goes On (A 1D & 5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now