Chapter 3

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The cheers and screams fill my ears from the sea of people watching us from the crowd in front of us and yet for some reason I don't get the sense of fulfilment by accomplishing my goal like I normally do, instead I stare out into space; like a blanket of darkness just washes over me and I hear and see nothing. It's finally happened. I don't want to be here anymore, I have gotten everything I wanted and more so now it's like there is no need for me to be apart of One Direction anymore.

My senses finally come to as I receive a hard pat on the back from Liam who is sending a supportive smile my way. "Another incredible performance ay mate?" He questions me but I don't answer back, I don't want to give attention to him or anyone for that matter, so with a blank look across my face, I shrug his hand off my back and walk off stage and towards the bus where I can do some thinking alone in my bunk.

Stepping into the bus alone, I yank my top from over my head and chuck it onto the floor with my other pile of clothes at the end of my bed. I climb onto my bunk with it being the top one out of the three, laying down I then close the curtain with one swift pull letting it all go dark around me.

All the thinking that I had done in the past hour and a half taught me quite a few things:

1. I had been messing with the guys and starting drama on purpose cause I was bored with everyone.

2. Not only am I bored with everyone but they're also pissing me off easily.

3. I don't feel happy or successful anymore instead I feel like they're all holding me back.

4. If this is how I feel then why the hell am I still here when I could just leave?!

With number 3 and 4 playing on my mind I know just what to do and head out the bus towards management with a scowl on my face.

No one is going to like this one bit, which makes me want to do it even more.


"CHEERS" Everyone around me shouts, we're all backstage, pizza and alcoholic drinks in hand celebrating how well the first show of tour had gone. Everyone is in a circle around the table in the middle of the room, including management and the tech guys. It's like a big happy family.

Everyone is now conversing in their own little groups of 2 or 3:

Becca and Luke.

Niall, Freya and Calum.

Liam and Harry.

Louis, Ashton and... wait where is Zayn?

As that thought came into my mind, Zayn himself walked into the room before shouting at management he needed to talk. They all left the room leaving us all silent and confused as to why Zayn came in late and him asking to speak to management privately. I was confused but curious.

"Does anyone know what's going on?" Louis now chirped up in his British accent creating a chorus of 'no's' and 'nope' from everyone except Liam, with all of us now having our attention on him he finally decides to speak up.

"Well I don't know for sure myself what they're talking about but when we finished our set I noticed he was staring into space looking upset so I congratulated him to get nothing but a blank stare back, he shrugged me off and walked away" he explained making all of us even more confused than before.

"You know what I've noticed too?" Niall chimes in adding to the conversation. "That whenever things are going great he has to ruin it or do something no one likes. It's like he wants the drama on purpose, last week he got me and Becca arguing because he saw Ashton give Becca some 'look' and told me that knowing I'd get jealous" Niall lets the words slip past his mouth like it was nothing, now letting everyone well aware that there is now tension between Ashton and Becca.

"There is nothing between me and Becca. Don't assume things Niall, like you said Zayn's just creating unnecessary and untrue drama for the sake of it" Ashton now jumps in defending Becca and himself making everyone else nod agreeing with him too, everyone knows Becca wouldn't do anything to jeopardise her relationship with Niall, she loves him.

Niall shoots Ashton a smile "Thanks mate, means a lot clearing that all up now. For a minute there I thought you wanted to steal my girl" he ends with a laugh to which Ashton then chuckles nervously, I side glance to Becca who is standing directly opposite me in the circle, to see her reaction and I notice she's as stiff as a board and has her head down not daring to look at anyone.

The bomb had dropped for me, and only me as no one took a look at Becca and her reaction. "Fucking hell" I muttered thinking it was only quiet enough for me to hear but it wasn't. Everyone had heard and now all their heads had turned to me, including Becca.

"What's up?" Luke questioned from beside me and I take a quick glance again at Becca to see her looking at me with pleading eyes as if not to say anything. I wasn't going to say anything, it wasn't mine to tell.

"J-Just" I stammered trying to think of a lie. "With Zayn being like this you don't think he's going to quit do you?" I ask now diverting the conversation back to Zayn. Good work Michael, you did it. I look back to Becca who is now mouthing a quiet 'thank you' to which I then mouth back 'no problem'.

The reason why I lied and keeping their secret? I like Becca and I like her and Niall together, they're going to work this out as I'm going to have a little chat with Ashton alone. Everyone is now back talking in their groups again about different topics so I get the chance to pull Ashton aside.

"Hey man can I talk to you?" I interrupt Ashton and Louis, Ash nods his head following me to the other side of the room where no one can hear us and Louis now joins in with Harry's group talking to them leaving us with our secret conversation.

"Don't think I don't know what's going on" I say first which makes Ashton pull his face in confusion so I elaborate a bit more. "I know that there's something going on between you and Becca, Ash wh-" I get cut off by him.

"Please don't say anything, besides Becca has already said she isn't going to cheat on Niall" Ashton now pleads and explains the situation to me; they have feelings for each other but they don't want to hurt Niall.

I close my eyes and sigh to myself really hard "I'm not gonna, I'm not about to create even more drama right now there's already enough"

Ashton gives me a thankful smile "Tha-" I cut him off about to thank me because there is something that should be done.

"Instead your cutting all ties with Becca" I demand with a stern look and Ashton gives me a sorrowful look "That means friendly hugs when its acceptable, no flirting, no flirty looks and you are not allowed alone with her under any circumstances" I say with a stern tone in my voice, like a mother telling off her child.

"C'mon mate that's a bit extreme don't ya think?" Ash asks with disappointment written across his face, I shake my head 'no' about speak again but instead management come in with anger across all their faces getting all our attention.

"What now?" Harry is the first to ask and with what comes out of management mouth leaves us all angry but also confused and hurt.

"Zayn's quit"

Sequel: Life Goes On (A 1D & 5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now