Chapter 9

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I was sat chilling on the couch on the tour bus with pretty much everyone but Harry, Freya and Ashton. My head was placed in Becca's lap whilst she sat crossed legged, she was playing with my hair which was almost sending me to sleep.

"Ugh today has been so boring" Calum whined like a child who was sat next to Becca, I opened my eyes and looked up at him. How could he not like this? We get to chill and not do anything work related, I loved it! Especially cause it meant more free time with Becca which I haven't gotten much of since the tour started.

"You're gonna be even worse tomorrow then cause it's another day off" I tell him, I hear a sigh from him now which makes me chuckle a little.

It was silent for a while until Luke decided to speak up getting everyone's attention "Well if it's a day off tomorrow, why don't we go out tonight all together?" He asked, making us all exchange glances between each other and even though we weren't talking it's like we knew what we we're all saying.

"Yeah I could go out" Louis chirps up from the table next to the couch, he was sat there with Mikey and Liam playing cards, he earned nods from the rest of us agreeing with him.

"We've had 2 nights out this week. I don't know if I can take it!" Becca exclaims tiredly to which I give another chuckle.

"You'll be okay babe" I say leaning up and placing my lips on hers to which she kisses back but not as much as I wanted.

The door opens up and I'm surprised at Harry and Freya back so early from their date, before I could ask the question Becca had beaten me to it. "Why you back so early?"

It was a weird atmosphere between the two of them, something I've never experienced before and I could tell that both of them were too nervous to tell us all what's happened between them. "We've both come to terms that we're not compatible for each other romantically, so we've decided to stay friends instead" Harry explains making us all shocked and surprised, well all of us except Becca.

I looked at Becca trying to read her facial expressions but I couldn't see her face as it was turned the other way towards Liam, Mikey and Louis but I couldn't tell which one of them she was looking at.

"Okay it's confession time" Freya announces making everyone's heads snap towards her. "The reason why me and Harry aren't compatible romantically is because I like someone else. That someone being Louis" She confesses taking us all by surprise. No one saw that coming.

Louis now stands up from the table shocked at the confession but also with excitement, "You like me?" Freya nods her head 'yes' making Louis run towards her picking her up and spinning her, he places her down on the ground then attaches their lips together to which she gladly responds to.

"Earth to Freya and Louis? You have an audience" Becca interrupts their cute little moment making them both pull away and blush. "Save it for tonight, we're going out clubbing" Becca tells Freya and Harry the plan.

Harry now takes a seat next to my feet looking rather pleased with himself, I think it was because Louis is now happy and it's partly his doing, but then takes in his surroundings now looking confused. "Anyone know where Ashton is?" He asks now making everyone else confused. How could we not tell he wasn't here?

A chorus of 'no' and 'nope' surround the bus. "I'll go find him then" I say about to get up from my position on Becca's lap but Luke ends up beating me to it.

"I'll go find him, he's probably on our bus" Luke says then leaving the tour bus shutting the door behind him.


I couldn't be around anyone right now. My feelings for Becca are as strong as ever and I don't want to ruin anything for her and Niall so I decided to keep my distance from both of them, or until I can actually move on to someone else.

I'm just lay in my bunk once again staring into space with my headphones in listening to my music, the music reflecting my mood right now; sad and heartbroken. Everyone is bound to figure everything out with the way I'm acting, I can't keep anything well hidden.

Amnesia was playing through the headphones and I realised that one of our songs was perfectly fitted to me and my emotions right now, I miss it. I miss Becca and how we used to be together but I'm now in love with her and I don't regret falling for her one bit. I just wish she was with me instead of Niall.

I feel my headphones being taken out of my left ear making me turn my head to see who was standing next to me. It was Luke.

"Hey mate. We're all going out clubbing together, you coming? I could just tell them you're not feeling too good again if not" He asks looking at me sympathetically now hearing the music himself playing from my earphones.

"I guess I should come. It's probably getting suspicious how I'm avoiding them both" I say referring to Niall and Becca. Luke nodded his head agreeing with me, he stood back letting me jump down from my bunk and we both walked out together. Hopefully this night out will help cheer my mood a little, maybe I could find another girl.

Walking onto the bus and seeing the scene in front of me confirms that I will never find a girl like Becca and be in love this much with someone else. Becca was sat cross legged on the couch with Niall's head on her lap, she had her fingers laced in his hair playing with it and they were both laughing at something to even notice that I had now walked onto the bus.

"Hey Ash. You coming with us?" Calum calls my name out letting everyone know that I was here, everyone including Niall and Becca, their attention now on me. Niall gave me a half-smile as if he's missed me the past 2 days where as Becca just looked at me with guilt and sadness.

I pull my gaze away from the loving couple and put all my attention on the other people in the bus too. "Actually no. I don't feel too good" I lied.

I couldn't do it. I won't be able to hide my emotions especially if I get drunk around them being cute together, I'll snap. "Aw c'mon Ash. Join us, we've not seen you as much lately" Liam says guilt tripping me.

"Okay, fine" I give in to him and try and pull a smile but it was fake. I hope no one could tell it was fake. I looked back to Niall and Becca again but this time only Becca's gaze was on me and she gave me a little smile happy that I said yes to coming out with them.

As if on cue Niall leaned up and kissed her cheek, it's like he tries to be cute with her when I'm in the room. I know that's not true though because he has no clue as to what's going on.

"I'm ready to party, let's go" Calum says now getting up and about to walk out the door, I join him ready to leave and saying the next words loud enough for everyone to hear but mainly Becca, I want to make her jealous so she can feel what I'm feeling.

"Fuck it, I'm getting laid tonight"

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