Chapter 10

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The music was blasting throughout my ears, the bass blaring making the whole club shake or that could've been everyone on the dance floor just jumping around like drunken idiots. I was one of them drunken idiots, alcohol was not only in my system but I could feel it in my veins, I had in fact drank that much, I'll be surprised if I leave tonight without alcohol poisoning.

In my drunken state I stumble to the bar and order another drink. It's been like this all night; Drink after drink and for some reason I never remember paying them either. I could get in trouble tonight.

Becca was now stood next to me at the bar, I take in that she's not as drunk as me but she is in fact drunk. "Becca!" I exclaim being my usual happy self, I embrace her in a massive bear hug and she hugs me back laughing.

"Calum!" She mimics me with just the same amount of happiness in her tone of voice. "You having a good time?" She asks me trying to shout over the blasting music.

"Uhuh, y-yeah. Fantastic" I reply to her question now taking my drink and taking a huge gulp, I burp and hiccup at the same time letting the alcohol burn my throat and somehow Becca heard it making us both burst out in hysterics.

"Dude. You haven't payed all night it's £55.78" The guy from behind the bar screams at me not looking happy with me at all.

"Uh can you get outta my grill. I didn't invite you to my BBQ so get outta my grill" I retort back and give him a sassy look which made me receive a death glare back. I downed my drink in my hand then placed it back on the counter giving the guy a nod of my head. Becca looked at me unexpectedly, she probably thought a fight was about to break out.

I lean over to her ear slowly sliding my hand down her arm then linking are fingers together so we're now holding hands, whilst the guy behind the bar was still watching us intently wanting to be paid. "Run" I whisper and then take off into the crowded club weaving in and out of people still holding Becca's hand pulling her with me and far away from the bar.

We found a corner and I quickly pulled her with me causing her to swing around from the pace of what we were running, her back now colliding with the wall and me practically on top of her, my hands just above her head on the wall steadying myself. The guy nowhere in sight as we look around trying to see if we got caught.

Looking back to Becca I let out a laugh squinting my eyes, she copied my actions now laughing too. "I think we're safe" Becca says and I realise we can actually hear each other with the music now being faint in the background.

"Yeah I thi-" I start but get cut off by hearing some sounds and by sounds I mean moaning. Pulling off the wall I look around and see a couple just a few meters away from us against the wall practically having sex with each other. The girl had her legs wrapped around her boyfriend as he had her pushed against the wall sucking her neck so we couldn't see his face.

"Ashton" The girl moaned and I now had to double take. It wasn't a couple at all, it was Ashton and a girl he had found. I was gobsmacked and speechless, I thought he was in love with Becca?

Then I realised Becca was still stood under me making me look down to her. Her blue eyes were glossy, she was crying looking in the other direction not wanting to see this happening right now. "Becca I-" I start to apologise but get cut off by her.

"Calum, take me home please" She ordered me and I just nodded my head but I had to take care of something first.

"You go find the others and tell them you're not feeling good. I'll be there soon" I tell her what to do and she wipes her face free from the tears nodding her head then she leaves me stood here.

I don't know what came over me, I felt a sudden urge of anger and protection. Through the times I've known Becca she's became like a sister to me and seeing her cry because of Ashton pissed me off to no extent.

"Ashton" I shout with anger pulsating through me getting his attention, his head whipped around to see me, he looked shocked that I had caught him. He doesn't know Becca had caught him too though.

"C-Calum. W-what, I'm busy" Ashton now declares wanting me to leave, he tries to go back to what he was doing making me grab him by the back of his shirt pulling him off the unknown girl. I push him against the wall heaving him up off his feet. "Cal, what the fuck are you doing?" Ashton screams at me in fear.

"You hurt her Ashton. You say you're in love with her and then you do this shit" I scream in his face then looking to the girl who was now fixing her hair and skirt looking confused.

"What are you talking about? Becca?" He questions me now looking guilty and scared at the same time.

"Yeah, Becca. You know the girl you claim to be in love with" I retort to him, my anger not calming down one bit. "She saw you" I snap now telling him why I'm so angry.

Ashton gulped not saying anything, he was just staring at me not knowing what to do with himself. He soon regained himself "Calum what am I supposed to do? She's with Niall"

I never responded to him, instead I just walked away from him feeling disappointed. I thought he would fight for her not move on to someone else.


I know I shouldn't feel sad or hurt by seeing Ashton with another girl, I mean I have Niall but it was hard to see him move on so fast.

Making my way to the guys I see that they are all there, I sigh with relief that I just have to explain myself once. "Hey guys" I say now standing in a circle with them, Luke on my right and Harry on my left.

"You okay? you don't look too good" Freya asks me concerned, knowing something is up.

"I actually don't feel too good. Calum said he'll take me back" I explain to them receiving sympathetic looks and nods.

"I'll take you back. You're my girl I should look after you" Niall speaks up making me smile and yet I couldn't help but feel guilty for what I'm feeling. I'm a terrible person.

Calum now made his way towards us not looking pleased at all, Ashton was behind him with a girl following him too. It was the girl he was with moments ago against the wall and I suddenly didn't want to be here anymore.

"Niall can we please go. I feel like I'm gonna throw up" I ask, lying to my boyfriend and he nodded his head swinging his arm around my shoulders and leading us away from the group before I could even meet this girl that I'm envious of.

"This is Vanessa" Is the last thing I hear from Ashton before leaving the club.

Sequel: Life Goes On (A 1D & 5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now