Chapter 2

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I can't believe Harry and Zayn. I thought that them out of everyone would understand that when you're single on the road any girl in sight is automatically attractive.

I didn't expect that reaction at all when I said my thoughts out loud to Zayn, and why did he have to go snitch to Harry? I really don't understand what's going on with him lately, it's as if he's wanting to create drama on purpose so we'd all fight.

I'm trying to find Harry right now to talk to him after what just happened but I can't find him anywhere, I'm starting to get worried. The only place left to check is the tour bus and I'm praying he's there because we're on stage soon, 5SOS have almost finished and if I don't find Harry in time and have a talk no doubt the concert will be a mess.

As I step onto the bus I hear humming coming from the back of the bus towards the bunk beds. Thank fuck he's here.

"Harry?" I call out in hopes he will hear me. The humming automatically stops and the bunk bed curtain flies open and I'm met face to face with the green eyed boy, the look on his face breaks my heart, he had been crying.

"Harry I'm sorry, I just thought she's attractive that's all. I didn't intend on hurting you" I apologise and confess at the same time, by the end of my sentence he's shaking his head 'no' as if to say that wasn't why he was crying.

"It's not that Lou. I-I'm just scared to fall for her after what happened with Brooke, I c-can't let m-my heart b-break a-a-again" He now sobs to me holding onto me for dear life, I gently rub his back trying to sooth and calm down the hysterical boy but I can't help let a tear fall from my eye.

"Trust me Harry I get it" I try to console him in the best way possible, I take a deep breath before carrying on. "I was devastated after what happened with El, I know it isn't the same situation as yours but I'm scared to fall back into love too." I confess all at once and I feel my shoulders relax as if a weight had been lifted that I didn't realise I was carrying.

"Really?" He questions now pulling away from me and wiping his eyes free from the tears, his eyes looked somewhat hopeful looking into mine when he realised we were both one in the same in this situation.

"Really, but Harry you can't let that stop you from getting to know the girl and maybe things could work out. Never rule out anything especially when you really like someone" I advise him and he nods his head taking in everything I am saying to him. "I'll back off. You deserve and need her, I can see it" I force myself to say just wanting him to be happy.

"Thanks Lou - wait aren't we supposed to be out on stage right now?" He asks me with wide eyes a worried look on his face and mine soon mirrored his before we both sprint out of the tour bus and into the arena where everyone is now waiting for us looking angry to no extent.


That was by far the best show we've done yet, I'm so pumped up right now with adrenaline rushing through my blood and veins. Sweat was cascading down my face and back another way of showing how it was a killer performance. Me and the boys all run off stage to the side and Becca is immediately in my vision so I take off into her direction, running towards her I pick her up and start spinning her in circles.

She starts laughing and the sound is like music to my ears but I know she'll never want me that way, not with Niall still in the picture. Trust me to fall for a girl who's already taken, and by one of my mates too.

"You were amazing Ash" she compliments me and my cheeks automatically heat up and go red, lucky for me my face was already red as a tomato from performing so hard so she couldn't see me blush otherwise I'd be a dead man as Niall was walking this way ready for his set.

"Great show man" He congratulates me with a pat on my back and I return with a shy smile scared just in case he saw how I just was with his girlfriend, when I realise he didn't see a thing I nod at him and wish him a good luck.

He goes in to kiss Becca in front of me so I turn my head so I don't have to see them and they also can't see the hurt in my face. I was in deep shit. I love this girl already and it's killing me. I look to the corner of my eye just in time to witness Becca turn her head so the kiss converted from lips to cheek and I couldn't help the smirk that came onto my face. Maybe I do have a chance.

"I gotta go babe, I'm on" He says to her as if he was hinting for a good luck kiss but instead Becca just says a quick 'good luck' and a smile leaving Niall confused and me with hope.

Niall runs onto to the stage and we instantly hear the crowd go wild as me and Becca were just stood there side by side, looking into the sea of people, nothing said to the event that had just happened with her and her boyfriend.

I was the first to break the silence. "So... why didn't you kiss him?" I ask scared of her answer but a part of me was needing to know if there was any connection between us and it isn't just all in my head, a fantasy that was never going to happen.

"Ash I saw the look on your face. I know how you feel for me which just makes this all the more confusing for me, up until now I just always saw you as a brother" She explained still facing towards the crowd not bothering to look in my direction. I suddenly felt upset that she only felt that way towards me, until I realised she said she was now confused between us. If she saw me that way there shouldn't be any confusion which means...

"Wait. You're saying that there is a chance?" I now ask or should I say more demand now facing her. She now turns towards me a frown evident on her face.

"I love Niall. I'm only starting to like you. I think we both know what should be done here Ashton, please don't make this hard for me" She explains now looking upset more than ever and without thinking I just pull her into a hug. We hold each other for what seems like forever and I hover my lips over her forehead contemplating whether I should or not but then a wave of confidence rushes through me so I place my lips there ever so softly.

"I will respect your decision, but please promise me w-we will stay f-friends" I almost plead with her letting my voice getting the better of me, I pull myself together before I let any tears slip out and she looks up at me.

"I promise Ash" she smiles and I smile back at her, she then pulls away to run over to her boyfriend and I watch as she crashes her lips onto his. My heart shatters at the sight but I don't let my emotions get the better of me.

"Why'd you do that?" I hear a deep Australian accent from beside me and I recognise the voice being Luke, I don't turn to face him and instead just watch everyone in front of me greeting and congratulating the One Direction boys.

"Because Luke. When you love someone you set them free and if they love you back they'll come running" I say although I don't know who I'm trying to convince here, Luke or myself. "That's what I'm hoping for anyway" I sigh deeply.

I now feel like I've just made a mistake letting her go.

Sequel: Life Goes On (A 1D & 5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now