Chapter 12

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"Harry what are you talking about?" I ask the curly haired boy walking up to him, the door was wide open and my mouth now resembled it. "Brooke? Mia? What are you guys doing here?" I question them gobsmacked and shocked, but more so excited that both my sisters are here now.

A big grin made it's way on both their faces "Surprise?" Brooke said but it came out more like a question. "I wanted to come see you again and I brought Mia with me this time" Brooke now explained and then turned her attention on Harry. "I also missed you a lot too. Is there any chance we could talk?" She asked her face now full of guilt but also hope that he will talk to her.

Harry didn't say anything, he just grabbed his jacket and motioned his head for her to follow him which she gratefully did after leaving her suitcase and Mia with me. I was now stood in the doorway with Mia, she was always quiet and shy. "Where's my hug?" I ask and open my arms for her to smile and run into me squeezing the life out of me. We let go of the hug and I shut the door behind me.

I walked into the room with Mia trailing behind me and now all the guys eyes were on us but mainly her. "Guys this is my younger sister Mia" I introduce her to them and they all smiled to her, Luke placed a pillow in her hand to which she gave him a confused look back but took it anyway. "Mia, we're having a pillow fight" I lean over and whisper into her ear.

A devilish smile made it's way onto her face "Well in that case..." and next thing I know a pillow came swinging into my face, everyone now looked shocked not knowing how I was going to react.

"You little shit" I laughed then picked up a pillow now swinging it at her, everyone now laughed and joined in again. This was the perfect moment, pillow fights with my amazing boyfriend, best friends and my little sister who I missed dearly. It was like a scene from a movie.

Brooke and Harry now walked through the door smiling and holding hands. "Woah wait, hold up" I now stop and getting everyone's attention but it's soon diverted to Brooke and Harry and now everyone had caught on as to what was happening right now. They are back together.

"Wait are you two back together?" Louis now asks the question on everyone's mind. Brooke was now smiling looking at Harry waiting for him to tell everyone the news.

"Yeah we are, we talked and worked it out. Turns out we both missed each other a lot" Harry tells us all and we all erupt in cheers at the happy couple in front of us. I look around and not only are Brooke and Harry kissing but so are Louis and Freya. I suddenly felt like I couldn't be in the room anymore, my feelings and emotions getting the better of me. I am happy with Niall don't get me wrong but Ashton wasn't here because he wanted to spend time with Vanessa.

Niall could see I wasn't in the best of moods and he just had to do this in front of everyone didn't he? "Hey Babe, you okay?" This now put me in a bad mood, I was frustrated now with Niall.

"Do I look okay? No I don't so don't ask questions you already know the answer to" I snap and now I walk out the room, I just hope he doesn't follow me and as I walk out the room I'm glad I don't hear the door open, he finally got the memo and left me alone for once.


We all watch Becca as she walks out the room, no one dared to speak at first but eventually Mikey broke the silence. "Should someone go talk to her?" and we all now shake our heads 'no'.

"Does anyone know what's going on? She's been like this since we were all at the club the other night" Niall now asks leaving me more confused, all I remember from that night out is Becca leaving early cause she didn't feel good and Ashton introducing this new girl Vanessa to us.

"You mind if I go talk to her?" Calum now asks Niall getting his permission to go talk to his girlfriend. Niall just nodded his head and signalled with his hand for him to go for it but before he could leave Brooke and Mia beat him to it. "Stay pretty boy, it's my sister. I'll deal with her" Brooke now ordered him and he put his hands in defence staying put.

"Wait, I'm coming with you" I now call out to them now walking behind them and out the door leaving the guys behind in the room. I want to know what's going on now. I now recall her trying to tell me something the night I was about to go on the date with Harry but she ended up backing out of it,  she said something along the lines that her and Niall's relationship wasn't the best right now but that was now clear to everyone since she's been so distant with him since we all went clubbing together.

We finally catch up with her, "Becca?" I call out to get her attention and she now turns around to us wiping her tears away that she had let slip. "What's going on?" I question her and she now lets all the tears out and pulls Brooke in for a hug whilst Mia ran her hand up and down her back trying to comfort their sister.

"I'm a terrible person guys. You shouldn't be hugging me" She admits and now we all look at her confused. "Well it's obvious to everyone that mine and Niall's relationship is going through something right now" we nod our heads admitting that we can all see it. "It's cause I have feelings for Ashton and I've been keeping this a secret for about a month now. Niall doesn't know" Becca confesses making the three of us shocked.

"Becca, you can't do this to Niall. He loves you" Brooke now speaks up wiping away the tears from under her eyes.

"I know and that's why I feel so guilty and I've been keeping my distant from both of them. I don't know what to do anymore" She now cries even harder and it's my turn to pull her into a hug but mainly because Ashton is now walking this way with Vanessa holding hands, I didn't want her to see that.

Ashton now walks up to us with a confused but concerned look on his face at Becca crying, "Is she o-" He tries to ask but Brooke just cuts him off point blank not caring. "Please just leave us to deal with this Ashton, take your new girl and go" Her voice came out stone cold and stern making Ashton now nod his head and leave us alone.

"Does he know how you're feeling?" Brooke now asks "He didn't try anything with you did he?" The questions just kept coming from her and it was now making me annoyed, so right now I can only guess how Becca is feeling towards her older sister.

"No he doesn't know. The only people who know are Luke, Calum, Mikey and Louis" Becca answers but this now makes me upset that I never knew and she kept this from me. "And he didn't try anything with me, I would never cheat on Niall" Becca explains and we all let out a sigh of relief that they haven't done anything together.

"How about we have a girly day shopping? Let's ditch the guys and treat ourselves. I want to spend time with my sisters" Mia now speaks up and also refers to me being one of her sisters to which I smile at her.

We all nod our heads in agreement that it's a good plan. "Hey guys!" We hear a female voice call out and we all turn to see Vanessa now stood across from us, she looked uncomfortable being around us not being apart of our little group we have going on.

"We're going shopping. Wanna join us?" Becca now asks her "I want to get to know you properly now you're with Ashton, you'll be around a lot more now." Vanessa gives her a little smile and nods her head grateful that we've invited her along.

Brooke and Mia now walk ahead with Vanessa so I grab Becca back to talk to her. "Becca why are you doing this?" I ask referring to inviting Vanessa with us.

"Because I want Ashton to be happy. I'm gonna fix things with Niall when we come back" She smiles to me but I know my best friend. The smile is fake, she doesn't want Niall anymore.

She wants Ashton but she can't have him.

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