Chapter 11

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As I'm sat at home in my room on my own I start to think about Becca and how I left my baby sister out in the world on her own, yeah she has Niall and the boys but it was my job to protect her and now it's like I've failed.

My thoughts now turn to Harry, the love of my life who I left without a goodbye. Truth is that I couldn't say goodbye because I knew he could make me stay and I couldn't stay there with my management firing me.

That's the reason why I left, my boss fired me, I'm no longer a model. Harry deserves someone who is a model, not someone who is unemployed like me. I know that Niall is with Becca and she isn't a model but that's different, she has the confidence where as I only had the confidence in front of a camera.

I start crying just reminiscing about everything, Becca, Harry, the boys and even London itself. Without even thinking I pull my case out and start packing everything I own. I'm going back. I need them.

"Mum!" I shout through the house still packing my stuff, rummaging through drawers rushing just to get out of here to my sister and the boy I love.

"What Brooke?" My mum asks popping her head round the door of my room.

"I'm going back mum. I can't take it here anymore, I need him" I explain and get a smile in return from her, it was like she knew this was going to happen.

"There in Ireland at the minute so I'll go book you a flight" She says then walks off.

I hear the front door slam shut which confuses me, Dad is at work and all the kids are in school, mums took phoebe to the babysitters so she could get work done.

"I hate that place and you're not making me go back" I hear shouting throughout the house and I recognise the voice as Mia's. Why is she home from school so early?

Walking out of my room I bump into Mia who tries to turn into her room but I block the way wanting answers from her. "What's gone on? Why aren't you in school?" I ask her and she starts crying pulling me in for a hug.

"I get bullied every day, normally I can take it but today it wasn't just Madison, everyone else joined in and laughed at me. Please don't make me go back Brooke" Mia cried into my shoulder telling me what's happened today.

As I was comforting my little sister our mum walked out of the study. "Here are your flights Brooke" she hands me the piece of paper with all my flight details on it and as I take it I can see the sadness in Mia's eyes.

"How would you feel if I took Mia with me?" I ask my mum and before she could protest I carry on "she'll stay with me at all times, I won't let her out of my sight I swear"

She sighs in protest but then walks back off to the study to probably book Mia's flights too. "Better go get packing kid, you're coming with me to see Becca, Harry and the guys" I say making Mia squeal in excitement and run into her room to start packing.

Mia came running back out in seconds. "How long are we staying for? Just so I know how much to take"

"Err....I'm not really sure, I pretty much packed for a month, maybe a bit more." I explain, she then runs back in her room packing all her stuff.

I walk back into my room and finish up the packing then walk out holding my suitcase and handbag, I meet Mia in the hallway who's also got her case and handbag, we give each other a smile before knocking on mums study to grab Mia's flight details and passport.

Before we could knock the door swings open revealing our mum and she hands over the piece of paper. "All done. You're sat next to each other and here are your passports. Your flight leaves in 2 hours girls, please stay together and be safe." My mum Sonia explains to us.

"Thanks mum. It means a lot" I smile then give her a hug to which Mia follows in suit and hugs her too and then she shuts the door to carry on working. "Right well looks like we'll have to get going to the airport then cause it's 25 minutes away and we have to check in our bags and cases" I explain, Mia nods her head in agreement.

"Let's go surprise them all"



That's all that everyone could hear right now throughout the hotel room. For some reason we all decided that it would be a good idea to finally use the hotels that management had booked, so we're all now in Becca's and Niall's room having a major pillow fight.

I know what you're thinking 'you're all a bunch of kids' and you know what? We actually are.

Everyone is having so much fun right now and even though there's some complaining now and then mainly from Niall and Luke it's all pretty much laughter too.

As I was about to swing to get Becca with my pillow there was a knock at the door stopping my actions mid-way. Not only did I stop but so did everyone else, looking at the door as if expecting the person to just walk in, I look around to everyone to see if anyone was moving towards the door but they stood still in place.

"Uh I'll get it then?" I say but it came out more like a question. I got head nods in agreement so I made my way over to the door, I opened it to reveal the last person I'd ever expect but yet I was so excited to see her I could leap for joy.

It was Brooke and by the looks of the girl next to her who had similar features I'm guessing it was Mia, their younger sister who I had never met.

I look back towards Becca to see if she can see who I answered the door to but she was too busy talking with Niall and Luke to notice.

"Becca" I call out her name to get her attention, "I guess it's for us"

Sequel: Life Goes On (A 1D & 5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now