Chapter 17

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We were all just waiting quietly but not so patiently on the tour bus all together to hear the so called 'news' Ashton has for us, this cannot go well at all.

Harry and Louis finally make their way onto the bus and they take a seat just wanting this to be over and done with now. I take a glance at them both, whilst Louis was looking nervous and biting his nails, Harry looked angry, I think. I wonder what made him upset.

"So guys please don't be mad at me for this" Ashton starts off saying and this now makes us all confused as to what he is saying, what has he done? "I did get permission from the team so it wasn't something I did off my own back, well actually it was but what I'm trying to say is....." He explained but then trailed off making a dramatic affect that there was no need of. "Vanessa is joining us on tour!" He exclaimed over-enthusiastically.

All of us don't say anything, mainly because we don't know what to say. Just yesterday he was head over heels for Becca and now he pulls Vanessa on tour with us, why in the hell did he think that this would be a good idea?!

"Aren't you guys excited?" Ashton now asks us as we all sit in silence not daring to look at him. Instead we all just glance at each other as if saying that we all knew this won't end good. Over half of us here know that he is in love with Becca and that Vanessa is just a distraction, that must be why he's invited her.

"Why didn't you ask any of us first?" Liam is the first to speak up to Ashton, he doesn't even know what's going on and he still isn't a fan of this idea that Ashton came up with.

"I didn't think it would be a problem. Harry has Brooke and Louis has Freya" Ashton tries to argue back but forgets to include Becca and Niall into that list, which makes Niall stand up in defence.

"You do know that me and Becca are still together right?" Niall spits out and I could nearly see the steam come out of Ashton's ears he looked that pissed off and angry.

"How can I forget when you're always all over each other in front of everybody?!" Ashton now stands up for himself but I could see where this is going and it definitely shouldn't be happening right now. I had to step in and quick before this escalates any further.

"Okay guys c'mon. Ashton made a little error there, it's not a big deal alright he was just giving examples of couples" I try to stand up for my bandmate even though right now he has just messed up a little. Ashton now nods his head agreeing with me but still stands his ground with Niall.

Everybody else was quiet not saying anything, the tension was definitely high right now and it was currently building too making me feel suffocated, I had to get out of here right now so I walk out but not before grabbing Ashton bringing him with me. He's about to feel my wrath.

I was dragging Ashton into our tour bus, after stepping into the bus I look around first making sure that no one was here and would be able to hear us right now.

"What the actual fuck Ashton?!" I shout at him not caring how loud I was. I am beyond angry so I just voice everything that pops into my head right now. "Why invite Vanessa on the tour?! Why complicate things even further?! Why did you just make it so obvious in front of everyone that you are jealous of Niall and Becca?! Be lucky I just saved your ass back there because with how things are looking Louis might have just told Harry and he will definitely tell Niall now!" I let it all out, I let all my anger out just by shouting at him and he just stands there taking it.

I stop and I feel a little better getting all that of my chest now. Whilst waiting for his answer the door opens and I cannot believe who just walked on the bus hearing all of that. Becca.


I was still sat in the same position I was when Ashton told us that he was bringing Vanessa on tour with him. I was shocked, my mouth literally hanging open, here I thought he liked me but I guess he's just over me now and has moved on to this new girl. The thing is though is that I am not over Ashton, I still really like him and my feelings towards him are still growing.

"Babe you okay?" Niall comes up beside me throwing his arm around my shoulders but I couldn't deal with this right now. I needed to speak to Ashton.

"Yeah I gotta go speak to Ashton" I say in a rush and ignore everyone's stares on me obviously knowing that this wasn't going to be good but I need answers and I will be getting them from him.

Without anything said I storm to the other tour bus we have that is for the boys of 5 seconds of summer. Before I open the door I hear shouting, to be specific Mikey shouting to which I'm guessing at Ashton. I hear that Louis and Harry now know about mine and Ashton's secret feelings towards each other which gets me angry, how did this get out so fast?

"Louis and Harry know?" I now ask making their heads snap towards me in shock that I heard everything.

Ashton now sighs to himself "Fuck" he whispers under his breath. "Becca I'm sorry" He tries to apologise to me but I don't want to hear it.

"Mikey do you think I could speak to Ashton alone for a minute please?" I ask him, he waits a little thinking it over but then nods his head 'yes' then leaves the tour bus, leaving me and Ashton alone. "So you invited Vanessa on tour?" I ask just trying to make small talk to which he nods at me.

"Becca I-" Ashton goes to say something but I cut him off because I need to say what's been playing on my mind.

"Ashton I like you, a lot and I know I shouldn't because of Niall but I can't help it. Being away from you trying to convince myself that I don't like you that way made it clear that I actually do really like you" I confess to him, I'll admit I'm upset so I couldn't help let a tear out.

"I would like for us to spend more time together, I hate that I distanced myself from you well because..." Ashton started to say but then trailed off. He closes his eyes clearing his throat then carries on "Becca I'm falling in love with you. Vanessa is here as a distraction, I know that we can't be together because you're with Niall"

This changes everything, knowing that Ashton is falling in love with me and I feel the same way is going to be so difficult, how are we supposed to act around each other after confessing our feelings to each other plus this is not fair on Niall I don't want to break his heart.

I'm now going to have to distance myself from Niall, I'm going to need him to break up with me so I don't feel as guilty.

SEQUEL: Life Goes On (A 1D & 5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now