Chapter 4

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"Zayn's quit" Are the words that leave managements mouth, and in that second everyone else's mouth hang agape shocked and stunned to the new information we had just been given.

"W-w-what? w-when did this happen? wait WHY?!" I was too shocked to form a coherent sentence, my speech being slurred and stuttered as I even try to process the thought of Zayn leaving us. Leaving me. He was my best friend.

"Just now. Said he couldn't do it anymore, that he wanted more from life. To go solo." and from the last 3 words from their mouth sent everyone into outrage, including the boys from 5SOS and Becca. We were all starting to form our own family, we had this special bond that no one could break but I guess that's not true anymore. Zayn broke it.

"That fucking bellend" Louis harsh voice silences everyone so now we all turn our heads to him, shocked even more from what he had said about someone we all thought he loved and cared for. "Fine. Let him go solo he won't get anywhere without us, he's done for" Louis snarls through gritted teeth and then leaves the room.

"I should go after him" Harry says about to turn after the older boy but I stop him.

"Don't, let him cool down first" I say earning questionable looks from everyone so I try to elaborate a bit more to help ease the tension and everyone else's feelings. "Louis is just angry and disappointed, just like the rest of us. None of us expected this." I try and make everyone feel a bit more comfortable but it looked like it wasn't working.

"Liam's right guys. Louis is angry, hell I'm even angry at Zayn. We thought he was our friend and he just left us all, we are all going to cope in different ways and this is just Louis way. Let him cool off" Niall now backs me up and I shoot him a grateful smile.

"Maybe we can all just take a well deserved couple of days to ourselves to get over this, in the meantime we'll let management take care of it and let the fans know the situation" I say again this time achieving at cheering everyone up.


I let out a deep heavy sigh I didn't even know I was holding and feel myself relax a little bit, a break could do us all good right now even if it is just the start of the tour. Thinking about it even more I get all tensed up again and I'm in need of an alcoholic beverage of some sort.

"Fuck this I'm going to the club" I mutter loud enough for Ashton, Calum, Becca and Freya to hear me so they all turn round to me saying they are coming too. We could all do with this to be honest so I suggest it to everyone else and in return I get a weird look from Michael. What's up with him and what does he know that I don't?

To get the answers I needed from Mikey I'll need to get him drunk, It's hard for him to open up about something so you just gotta give him a little push in the right direction and then let him do all the talking.

We somehow convinced Louis to come with us too despite him being in a shitty mood so we all began walking to the nearest club we could find making small talk on the way trying to avoid the topic of Zayn. Standing outside the building where music was blasting from we made our way inside and I made my way straight to the bar to get myself a drink.


I didn't even know how long I had been here but all I know for sure is that I'm definitely fucked up right now, I had the lingering taste of vodka on my lips right now and every time I licked them I craved it even more.

Stumbling up to the bar I could just about recognise Mikey sat on a bar stool talking to some blonde chick, they both had their backs turned towards me so they didn't notice me coming up behind them, and accidentally eavesdropping on their conversation too.

"I'm not stupid Becca" I hear Mikey say towards the blonde who is now known as Becca. Am I seriously that drunk I couldn't recognise the girl who is on tour with us? I laugh quietly to myself so I could hear their conversation but I'm confused as to what Mikey says next.

"I see the way you and Ashton look at each other. It's been that way since the day Niall introduced you to us" I am confused as to what he was saying, what 'looks' were Ashton and Becca giving each other? Isn't she still with Niall? Are Becca and Ashton a thing behind Niall's back?

The last thought running through my mind made me gasp so loud people around me could hear it over the music, people also including Becca and Mikey so now their faces and attention was drawn onto me.

"L-Luke w-what did you hear?" Becca asks me the question stuttering and scared, I have to rake through the back of my drunk mind to get the next sentence out of my mouth.

"Wait a second. Just hold on for a second" I try and stand straight composing myself so I look less drunk and more attainable to them. "Did I just hear right? You and Ashton are a thing now?" I asked eager to know the answer.

"N-no. God no" Becca replies back now standing up. "Luke what did you think you heard?" She asks me now again but it was almost like she was implying that I got it all wrong and misheard their conversation. Who the fuck knows? Maybe I did cause I'm so drunk right now.

"So you and Ashton aren't giving each other 'the eye'?" I ask even putting my fingers up making quote marks, at first she looks scared like a deer in headlights, like I had just caught her out but then she shakes her head laughing at me.

"No Luke, don't be silly. Me and Ashton are just really good friends you know that" She explains and I nod my head understanding that her and Ashton had become really good friends in the short space of time, maybe it was just the amount of alcohol I've had tonight.

"Good. For a second there I thought you were cheating on Niall with one of my band members" I say laughing and then taking a drink of my gin and tonic, she lets out a laugh too but I noticed it was more forced and awkward, I go to say something but she cuts me off.

"Well I'm going to get a drink, you want one or you good?" She asks her body now slowly turning away from me to go to the bar, I give her a thumbs up signalling that I'm good and I didn't need another, so she then turns away and heads to the bar on her own.

"Don't say anything" Mikey comes up beside me warning me and I turn to face him shocked.

"How'd you know that I figured it out?" I ask confused furrowing my eyebrows at him.

"Because of the last thing you said, and the fact that I know you and your body language. Jesus fucking christ Luke you're like a fucking book already been opened" Mikey scolds me and I hold my hands up in surrender. "Promise you won't say anything? She's trying to fix it and she doesn't need us in the middle of it" He begs in some sort of way.

"I promise" I say quickly not even comprehending to what I had just even said and vowed myself to, but I'm left alone when Mikey walks away satisfied with my answer.

But I don't think I'm satisfied.

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