Chapter 20

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"I am actually so excited for tonight, another day off tomorrow" Harry exclaims to everyone as we pile into our tour bus, I don't know why but we all decided to come onto ours for a change.

I plump myself down onto the couch at the front of the bus spreading my long legs out taking up all the room. "We do need this night out" Calum says coming over grabbing my legs and chucking them down onto the floor making me pout a little at him.

Becca comes over and sits on the other side of me and lets out a huge yawn. "I don't know how you guys do it. I'm exhausted, we go out quite a lot" hearing this makes me sigh in exasperation and throwing my hands up in the air exaggerating it a little more making her roll her eyes at me.

Everyone was now sat down somewhere, I noticed Niall took the seat furthest away from Becca, their friendship was now being tested because of the break-up they just had. It was creating tensions between everyone too.

I looked around and noticed that Mia wasn't present though, where had she gone off to? I got up from my seat and was about to go look for her when I got stopped in my tracks by Mikey. "Where you going?"

"Going to see where Mia is" I reply back to him and then head to the back of the bus towards the bunk beds. Her curtain was shut so I pulled it back to reveal Mia with red teary eyes. She was crying. "Hey, why are you crying?" I question her.

She sniffles and wipes her eyes and nose before responding. "You're all going out clubbing tonight. I don't know if you realise this Luke but I'm not old enough so I'll be stuck here all on my own"

What she said made me feel guilty, a felt a strike in my stomach. I really did want to go out tonight, so bad, but I guess sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the people you care about and trust me when I say that I care about Mia a lot. "You won't be alone" I blurt out making her look confused at me. "I'm gonna stay in with you. You, me and the TV" I smile.

I got a smile back from her before she started shaking her head. "No Luke, it's okay I know you want to go out wi-" I cut her off before she could finish speaking.

"Sono con te" I try my best to sound Italian and if what I said was correct it meant 'I'm with you'. I give her another smile to which she smiles and giggles at me, which was the cutest thing I have ever witnessed and heard.

"Not bad. Have you been practicing?" She asks me and I just nod my head at her instead of telling her that I have been learning just for her so we can have our own little language without anyone knowing what we are saying. I'm cute like that.

I hold my hand out to her which she gladly takes and she jumps down from the bunk landing on her feet in front of me, she smiles up at me and my urges kicked in. I leaned down slowly making my way towards her lips, Mia reciprocating the actions signifying that she actually wants this to.

"Guys wha- Oh sorry" Of course Louis had to walk in at this moment and ruin it for us.

Sighing and shoving my hands in my pocket knowing that the perfect moment was ruined I turn to Louis. "What do you want?" I ask but in a harsh tone, I look at Mia and see her face was bright red from blushing so much from almost getting caught.

"We were just wondering if you were coming or not?" The older boy asks gesturing with his thumb behind him.

I look down to Mia and smile at her, I link my fingers with hers holding her hand. "No, I'm not. Mia isn't old enough to go out with us so I'm staying in with her tonight"

Louis looks down at our hands interlocked together and raises his eyebrows at us. "Okay. Don't do anything I would do" He smirks now making us both blush furiously then leaves with the rest of them.

The air around us was now awkward and definitely some tension that wasn't even there until Louis made that remark. I knew what he had meant but nothing like that was going to happen.

A cough from Mia made me snap my head towards her. "Xbox?" I ask hoping it will relieve the awkward and somewhat sexual tension between us. I remind myself to shave Louis hair whilst he's asleep, he created something that wasn't even there and now it's all I can think about.

"Yep, definitely" Mia now nods her head going towards the very back of the bus to where me and the boys like to call the den.

Placing the Xbox on and getting Halo Reach set up I grab both controllers and throw one down onto Mia's lap for her to which I get a quick mumbled 'thanks'.

"You're going down, Haven" I say using Mia's last name teasing her. Mia pulls her tongue out at me like a child making me laugh and then we were finally playing against each other.

"Bang and Bam!" Mia shouted jumping up from her seat and fist pumping the air when she killed me first. It was a fluke shot.

1 shot turned into 13 and I was beaten by a girl with the score of a depressingly 13-5 to Mia. I was shocked to say the least, this girl can literally do everything.

"Damn, is there something you can't do?" I laugh at her whilst she does her victory dance which to be fair was embarrassing. She started to come up in my face teasing me and I finally had enough of it. "Alright missy, that's enough" I grab her by her waist pulling her down onto me making her squeal and laugh at the same time.

This was the perfect moment and no one could actually ruin this now. Not Louis. Not anyone. Her head was placed on my lap and she was looking at me trying to calm herself down from all the laughing. Her brown eyes had a twinkle in them making me fall even more for this girl.

I had to go for it.

I leaned down capturing her lips with mine softly but still with some force, Mia kissed back making me melt into it. We finally had our first kiss and it was amazing.

Sequel: Life Goes On (A 1D & 5SOS fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now