Chapter 1

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Victoria POV

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Victoria POV

A month has passed since my marriage to Justin and there is not one day of it that am happy with. Is it possible to say I was already detesting ever agreeing to my him, cause am starting to think so.

I raised my head from the pillow look through the window wishing I could fly but I can't I was stock here. There was no backing out, am not the type of girl who believes in divorce. Its better to leave your life as a single than get married only to back out afterward finding out that marriage isn't as simple as people pointed it out to be. It never is.

Ever since I married Justin he never came to my room or spend the night at home, always out party god knows where and probably banging a girl out there. I think, what the hell was I doing here in the first place.

This wasn't the happily ever after I had wanted for myself. I seem to be facing another side of a marriage I never needed. What is Justin Smith doing to me? This wasn't the man I met in the past, who is this stranger am married to?

I sometimes pretend I wasn't hurt but deep within me it hurts than I can ever say. Most times I felt suffocated even if the surrounding was wide and free with fresh air. Not once do I feel welcomed and comfortable in my own husband's house, I felt more like a guest in it. And that isn't a good sign at all.

Needing something to put into my stomach I lifted myself of the queen sized bed putting on the slippers laying on the floor beside the bed. I stretched my arms up yawning out in an unladylike way, if my mom had seen me she would have knocked some senses into my head.

Not wanting to head downstairs to the kitchen appearing like a zombie I moved over to the bathroom. Glancing at myself in the mirror I appear to look scary almost making me shriek out in horror.

"What the hell?" I murmured to myself. My blonde hair had tangled into a mess, my grey eyes looked puff with nights of crying and to make matters worst I had a drool on my face. That means James my brother was saying the truth indeed, I really did drool and like always I'll keep on denying it.

Immediately I on the tap in the sink watching my face properly then took a towel from the rack and wipe off the water. I checked my teeth out for dirt then contemplated it I should brush before eating or after. Deciding on before eating I picked up my toothbrush from where it was then paste it and not wanting to waste much time I begin brushing.

Feeling like I have properly put myself together I head to the couch in my bedroom picking up the long silk jacket to my short nighties.

I headed down the stairs finding my way in the huge house, answering greeting from the cleaners along the way. It didn't take long before I found the kitchen.

Getting at the kitchen door I heard the sound of appliances moving around which signifies Mrs Cullen the cookers presences.

The aroma coming from whatever she was cooking made me more hungry due to skipping dinner last night not wanting to set eyes on Justin. One could say I was avoiding him. Which I am.

"Good Morning Mrs Cullen" I greeted her when my stomach grumbled in hunger. I was seriously staving, if I don't have something now I feel I would loose my sanity.

"Good morning Mrs Smith" She greeted back with an appreciative smile then resume making breakfast.

Sitting down on the stool near the island, I studied Mrs Cullen as she make breakfast "What are you making? Because I swear I can smell pancake"

The short petty grey headed woman chuckled at my remark, she reminds me of granny who passed way six years ago. The comfort Mrs Cullen provides me know no bound.

"It is so my dear" She said putting three pancakes on a plate handing it over to me which I gratefully took then immediately begin digging into it.

"Why haven't you resign yet Mrs Cullen?" I questioned curiously. For long I have been meaning to know why.

"Call me Georgia" She said glancing at me briefly then resumed making more pancake "Here take a blueberry to match with it to bring a pleasant taste" She hand me a bowl filled with blueberry which I appreciated her for.

"When you call me by my name Victoria is when I'll do so with yours" I stated then resumed eating my meal.

"Well about your question earlier. Years of experience in the kitchen seems to affect me from refusing to resigning but Mr Smith been the kind and thoughtful man he is offered to supply me my general needed once I resign with will be very soon my dear" At her words I nearly cried out.

Losing my apatite I dropped down my cutlery "I'll miss you" I sadly spoke out making Georgia switch off the gas and suspended whatever she was doing.

"Oh sweetheart" She pulled me into her welcoming embrace "All will be well. Let me tell you.." Georgia shifted her gaze at me "..Justin isn't a bad guy, its just his way of avoiding his past from repeating just give him a chance. Okay?" I nodded in reply, I was never the type to give up easily. I will do whatever I can to save my marriage.


Late that night feeling tasty I left my bedroom to myself a drink. The hallway and surroundings were totally dark making it hard to see through.

After an eternity of finding the kitchen a noise coming from there stopped me short. Who could that be? A bugler? Kidnapper? Ready to defend myself from whoever that was. I froze when I realise that wasn't a noise of someone breaking in. I mean what genius would break into a high security building like this.

Bzzzz! Came a sound


So it true. He's really having cheat in me with another girl. But wasn't that my suggestion, I never knew he would heed to it?

Tears threatened to escape my eyes. Not able to stand it any more I left there forgetting my thirst. I ran straight to my room crying hard with a deep sob taking over my whole body.

Why my life? I questioned. Why isn't mine different? I internally yelled. Feeling suffocated I rushed to the balcony in my room to have a gulp of fresh air.

What the hell is wrong with me? Why is he doing this to me? Who have I ever wronged in this life? Am I not perfect enough?

Self doubt filled my senses. Feeling self-conscious I wrapped my arm around myself?

Why do I still want him after what I just saw? I angrily thought.

For once in my life I resent my too forgiven heart. It was bound to bring me more heartbreak. And more I had wished to have dated to know how men minds work but right now am totally useless.

I was useless.

Readers knowledge only: But what Victoria doesn't know was it all an act.


Hi guys hope you enjoyed this chapter more to come in the next.

This part is edited.

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