Chapter 21

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Victoria POV

The hotness of the sun on my skin is not what I need now even when I try shading it with my umbrella the hotness is still there.

I made sure to wear a light dress to avoid me fainting but I still felt hot. My eyes roam around checking if i see any brown hair man.

What his taking him so long, I checked my watch only to find out he was eight minutes late.

What the hell.

I groan annoyed if I had know I would have spent my precious morning with my husband instead of wasting my time here. If I set my eyes on that brown hair idiot I will so strangle him do help me lord.

Tapping my right foot impatiently I caught sight of a familiar brown hair. I noticed he was moving his head around maybe looking for me.

I waved my hand up with one hand while the other holding the umbrella, I try signaling him I waved till he saw me.

I sigh murmur "Idiot" he smiled crossing over to were I am with his arms wide open.

"Hey baby sis" His myself arms wrapped around my waist tight lifting my feet of the ground twirling me around.

"Hey put me down" I giggled using one of hands to wage myself, the anger I felt a minute ago was gone.

He put me down back "Hey sorry keeping you waiting" he scratched the back of his neck looking guilty.

"You forgiven but don't try it next time"

"Okay ma'am, let go get something to eat I don't know about you but am so famished" he rubbed his stomach to indicate a point.

His grey eyes, sharp jaw, 6'2 hitches tall, bold shoulder, muscular body did no justice to any female. He is a handsome man I know I make girls want drop their panties and wet or that what girls tells me but I find it hard to picture him that way, infarct I can only picture Justin that way only.

Thinking about Justin made me hot than I am now and brought a shiver in my body, I don't know I got lucky to have such type of man.

Now back to my brother with his looks and the way he his behaving now he looks cute.

But don't tell him I said that or he might poke hole in my head, should I show you how. Okay.

I chuckled "You look cute when you do that" I waited anticipating is next move.

He growled glaring at me jaw clenched "Don't call me cute, you know I hate it" with that he walked pass me. Anger written all over him.

See I told you.

There is actually a reason for it and that reason was Lia. You know Lia likes provoking him to much she doesn't call him by his name Matthew but calls him the worst which makes him go in a fit of rage.

And guess what she calls him.

'Cutey pie'

Oh how he hate it, but I feel there is more to those two than eyes can meet. They are always like cat and mouse, which frustrate me at time. No matter how hard you try to bring those together it like you just wasting your time

I ran to catch up to him, I cling to his left arm with my right arm "Uhh......Sorry, forgive me" I pout given him one of my best puppy eyes I know he can't resist.

He stopped walking pausing to look at me for a moment, his glare still intact.

He sigh "You know I can never be angry at you for too long as long as you are giving me that puppy eyes" He move his arm to wrap my shoulder and we both begin to walk to the nearest restaurant we could see.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

James pulled my chair out for me to sit when I settled on it he also occupy his own.

"So what do want to discuss with me about" He asked giving me his undivided attention after our meals were served.

While we ate I told him about my dream and Justin having a wife before he married me. How I met him in the graveyard after the funeral of grandpa Joe.

"Okay let me get this Justin had a wife and child who are dead before he married you and you have met him before four years ago which he has not told you about. You think he may remember you or not, right?" He raised his brow up.

"Yes" I answered feeling the frustration come back again.

"Then why the long face" He pause to sip his drink "See all you have to do is wait when he feels it the right time he will tell you, Okay" he pair his eye into mine.

I sigh "I know it just that I get frustrated think about it and confuse" I pulled the end of my hair an habitat formed anytime I get frustrated.

"Then stop thinking" He lean back on his chair.

"You saying it like it easy" I look at him like he has grown six heads, I guess he was in his work mode. I narrowed my eyes at him "Are you going all business mode on me?" My glare poking his head already.

He chuckled "Yeah" And he turned serious "I know why you called me instead that annoying Lia is because you need a man point of view. You want a mans opinion on this, So let me speak to you like a man in Justin's shoe, I will need to trust you strongly to tell you about my horrible past. So I think it best you wait for him"

"But I know I trustees me or I.....think he does?" I felt hurt that he might not trust me enough to want to tell me his past.

"Hey young lady cut that look off your face, he trust you but he just needs the courage to tell you m, So have patience" He stretched his hands to hold mine giving me a smile wish I returned forced "Now to another topic"

I smirk when he mention 'topic' "ohh yeah Lia Teresa and I are going shopping, I think I over head her saying she was going to shop a thong and sexy bra to use and seduce you" I said that intentionally because those to are attracted to each other the tension around them too strong arms hat I can be cut by a knife but neither are making a move or should I say the idiot in front of me isn't. Lia try to get his attention but he just gave her the cold shoulder but I know Lia she won't give up even when he hurts her dating another lady, She is one stubborn lady.

He groan I think I hard him murmur "Gosh that girl is surely planning to kill me with a hard on, FUCK"

I laugh "You guys will look good together and will make cute little babies"

He growls "Shut up" But I could still see a smile on he lips.

Ohh he is so into her, but he is so stubborn to take a step and I will make sure to bring those two together I just need to solve mine first before theirs.

Good cupid.

I laughed hard which made James groan irritated.








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