Chapter 16

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Victoria POV

The silence in the room was so strong, shock written on everybody's face. The awareness truth behind the pregnancy was shocking mostly to Justin and i, it was the least of the thing we expected.

Valentina was quite no word came out of her mouth shock,regret,guilt,sadness, were on her face, at this point i felt a little bit of sadness for her.

I know that stupid of me but am just natural forgive I was born this way that my nature. And sometimes people take me for granted for that.

A growl came out of Justin and it was so scary "what the hell.......Eric would you like to explain that to me now!"

Eric shifted on his sit Trying to find a better position to sit on and explain to the family what he meant by that "Valentina and i had a one night stand three months ago early July, we were both drunk we didn't know how we ended up having sex but we found our self on the same bed the next day naked and one thing i know for sure is that we had sex without protection"

I looked at the woman who was trying to destroy my marriage I don't know what to say but I asked Eric "then why didn't she go to you why blame the pregnancy on Justin?" I was confused right here now.

"I heard her telling her cousin Jane about her pregnancy and I confronted her but she claimed it was not mine and that the she was two and half month pregnant but I from and it hard to believe I had to hire someone to find the truth out" he stooped to breath for a second "I was then I found out she was three months she lied to me but i thought for a second maybe she had sex around that time but no, then I took it upon me to see what her plan was but I never knew she would put the baby on you, I over had you,Victoria and val, you said you never slept with her without protection it was then I knew what she plans"

"When didn't you say anything on till now" Justin asked annoyed.

"I was waiting for you to say it out to confirm my suspension and you proved me right" he sounded sincere.

Valentina burst out crying, tears dropping out from her eyes.

Lisa looked angry and disappointed on her "val how could you what were you planning to do, to destroy my brother? How could you, what pains me most isn't about you not valuing our friendship but blaming the baby on him, I thought you were better than that but I get i was wrong you are just like all other girls who try to be friend with me to get to my brothers but not to worry you already have one good job!" She shouted at val while crying "I thought you were my best friend"

Elsa stood up and held Lisa "that okay that enough" she comforted her.

", am so.....sorry" Valentina said through her tears and sob.

"No you are not, you fucking not sorry, do you realise what you have done and what you almost cursed me" Justin yell at her.

"Justin!" Helen called out to him

"No mom, what this bitch did is on forgettable and she will pay for it" with that Justin stormed out of the house.

Eric stood up "val get up and follow me to my room"

"No she going no where what she has to do is to get out of this house" lisa refused

"Lisa in case you have forgotten she is carrying my child and please mind your business" he moved to val and pulled her up drawling her along with him to his room.

I stood up and left the rest of the family to go look for Justin.

I found him in the beach sitting on the sand with wind hitting on his face.
"Hey" I whispered softly.

"Hey" he smiled at me a little "come here" his spread his arms for me to come and i did

"You okay" I asked him

"Yes, am happy the truth is out but I can't forget it she lied, she has no idea what she has cause me, what she has done" his face looked terrified.

"What has she done?" I asked him looking confused.

He turned to look me deep in the eye and said "SHE BROUGHT BACK MY NIGHTMARES"







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