Chapter 2

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Tonight so wasn't my night as I gaze at the full moon illuminating light into my room. Everything seems calm but I certainly wasn't close to calm at all..

The man had the gut. In my kitchen my very kitchen.

Why the hell would he do that! He shouldn't have done that! It hurts knowing he had made such a move not outside but inside our very own house.

Not that it makes a difference

Feeling the need to talk to someone at the cost of my sanity. I sat up from where I had lay, picking up my iPhone 11 pro dialing someone I could trust with my feelings

"Lia?" I spoke out

"Victoria what's wrong?" At the sound of her voice I knew I had woken her up from her slumber after picking up at the sixth ring.

Amalia Shelly is someone close like a sister to me after knowing each other since diapers. That the price of having both mothers as best friend. The relationship passed down to Amalia and I, the hopes of two families becoming one crashed down when Janet (Amalia's mother) wasn't able to conceive again and top it with James disapproval, not reciprocating on Amaila's feels, sucks in their plans.

"I don't think I can bare this much longer" A sob escaped my mouth as I spoke.

Now filled with concern Lia questioned "Victoria what happened? Speak to me"

"It's Justin, I think he's cheating on me" I wept out "Not that I blame him, I practically told him to do so"

"Okay now I don't get you. What the hell do you mean cheat, blame? Get straight to the point" Confusion laced her voice as she spoke.

Not taking much time, I went straight down to what occurred on our honeymoon. The events of that night which may lead to the downfall of lots of things.

"Why do I deserve this life? You know I hate it so much i-it killing me" I sigh rest my head on the pillow "Why me?"

"Seriously you don't mean it..." She said laugh then she stopped "Do you mean it?." She said now sobering up.

"Will I ever joke with a thing like this" Suddenly feeling an ache in my head I rubbed hard on my temple.

"Then go find a hot guy and fuck" She declared out.

I sputter in my saliva almost getting it through my head, immediately I sat up coughing like a lunatic for a while. I took in a deep breath trying to get hold of myself.

"What the hell! Is that the only suggestion you can give?" I chided her through the phone.

"Ehm-yeah, what do you expect? No man will ever do that to me and go free" I could sense the dramatically meaning of her voice. The urge to roll my eyes held me.

I could say the same about James.

"Lia I'll talk to you later okay. I need to go" Not waiting for response I cut the line, laying back on the king size bed in the formerly guest room, now my room.

Not Justin's suggestion Mine.

What am I supposed to do about this I want this marriage to work I really do.

Why? I ask God but he was somewhere occupied.


The time for dinner reached as I slowly descended the stairs heading to the dinning room deeply hoping and praying for non Justin's presence.

My prayers fell into deaf years as I caught the sight of a black headed man sitting at the head of the table carefully devouring him meal

Deciding to ignore him I took a seat far end from him not needing his presence of disturbing scent near me. Facing the well perfected steak opposite me I beginning digging in.

"You know I don't bite" Justin's smooths voice spoke out making my gaze shifted to his. Within a flash, a smirk appear on his face "Or maybe I do but I'm certain you'll defiantly love it" He added with a wink

I at that moment chocked on the steak as it went to the wrong pipe. Taking a glass of water I pushed it down giving myself time to breath.

"We will be going out tomorrow evening for a business auction by 6:00 pm I expect you to be dressed by then" He said not looking affected at my state. His desire not to help infuriates me.

I dropped the glass of water down "Am going nowhere. Not with with you" I took my the steak knife and fork resuming to my meal even the I had lost my apatite.

"I wasn't asking" He stopped eating to gaze intensely at me sending a spine shivering feelings through me. Like he could view and read me openly.

The jerk had the guts to...

Swallowing up my thought. I gulp down the well cooked meat which tasted like carton in my mouth.

Having my fill I left him together with the quite room with a boiling rage in me.

Angrily I stomp the staircase as I ascend towards my assigned bedroom. I shut the door in annoyance at Justin tasting me.

Why does he have to be so annoying? I groan out in anger, continuously clenching and unclenching my fist as I pace around the large bedroom.

A sudden thought struck to me and I glance around my room, in search of my phone. Lifting the blanket up I caught sight of the black item.

Picking it up I immediately dialed my secretary's number.

"Mrs Smith?" Her patient voice came through the line.

"I've a job for you Selena"


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Lots of love ❤❤❤❤

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