Chapter 22

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Justin POV

Victoria just left the house to meet up with her brother, while am left alone to get dressed and head on to work.

I sigh today indeed is going to be a stressful one, am sure all works and files a piled up for me. Yeah I know it crazy but three days off work can make work extra in my company.

I wore my wrist watch took my briefcase and walked down the stairs and to the door. I saw my car was already packed outside waiting for me with door open.

"Good morning Mr Smith" sawyer said polity.

"Morning sawyer" I entered the car and then off we go.


The ping of the elevator brought me out of my thought. The clean smell of the atmosphere intruding.

"Good morning Mr Smith" Teresa said.

"Morning Teresa, bring all documents and files of these passed days to my office" I said while moving the small low heels on my shoe and the high heels on Teresa's echoing in the room "And also set up a meeting for Mr Russo in two hours, I will love if you inform him"

"Yes sir" she noted those down immediately but I didn't fail to notice her flinch a little at the mention of Mr Russo name.

I opened the door to my office dropped my briefcase and sat on my chair, I turn the chair making it face the high ceiling glass looking at the scenery outside.

The sound of my phone ringing brought me out of my thought, I picked it up to see who it was and found out it was my wife.

A smile came to my face automatically. "Hey" I said immediately I answered.

"Hey are you already at work?" She asked sweetly.

"Yeah I am any problem?" I relaxed on my sit.

"No, no problem at all, I just wanted to tell you I might not make it hone early today"

"Why not?" I asked confused

"Well.... What can I say" she sigh over the phone "You not the only one work is piled up for"

Yeah she works, I have tried telling her times without number to just stop and stay at home and if she can't at least stay home and work.

"Okay" I sigh "So how was your morning with your brother I hope it was entertaining enough" the smile returned to my face.

She laughed nervously "Ehm.....Yeah it was... Ehm....Great"

I frowned "Hope all is well?" I asked clearly concern.

"Yeah it is" she paused for a while then said "Justin?"


She cleared her throat "Can we talk tonight I want to asked you something"

Now am worried "Yeah, sure, tonight we will discuss and also I will be going out to get a drink with guys tonight"

She chuckled which made me smile and my heart jumped, it felt.....strange. "Okay then we are both going to be late and going to have a discussion when we get back home." She pointed out.

The knock on the door got my attention "Hey see you tonight got work to do as much as I like talking to you"

"Okay see you tonight bye"

"Bye" I ended the call "Come in"

Teresa's entered in "Sir here are the files and documents"


The bar was filled up with people the quiet slow music, the stench of alcohol in the air the warm light. Made it seem a bit welcoming.

"Justin bro over here" I turned to Sebastian sited on a chair by his right was Caleb.

Sebastian and Caleb has been my friends since fourth grade, we were very close to each other that we were named the three marketeers. Always there to defend each other, we are more brothers than friends.

If Eric were to be here we would have been complete but he his not. He his busy looking for the woman who almost destroyed my marriage, the mother of is unborn child. I can't even say her name out, it irritates me.

"Hi guys, how have you been?" We hug each other the bros way.

"Nice and juicy" Sebastian the manwhore in our group said with a stupid grin on his face which I feel like smacking off.

"When will you ever change?" I asked him.

"Ehm let me think" He pretended to be thinking for a while "Yeah never" he smirk was wiped off his face when Caleb smacked the back off his head.

"Shut up dude, I bet you going to be the next who is going to tie the nut" Caleb to pointed out.

"Eww, no never" Sebastian said looking disguised.

"We will see" I said smiling at Sebastian.

We talked and discuss a but work and life. I had no idea how long bit it was fun. I missed my Buddy's. I checked my phone to realise it was past eleven.

"Hey guys I think it about time we head home" I said feeling sad about living Victoria alone. I know she will have been back since.

"Woah Justin you already starting to sound like a married man" Sebastian said.

"And how does a married man sound like?" I asked with my brow lifted up questioningly.

"Like always saying the night was late while it never late".

Am starting to think perhaps he might be drunk. "Shut up let go home" I stood up picking my phone,wallet and car key from the bar stand.

Caleb seems to be awfully quite unlike him.

"Caleb, what wrong?" I asked him concerned.

He seem to have snap out of his thought. "Oh, nothing".

Still not convinced " Come on tell me what wrong you can't keep things serious from us we are you friends" I assured him.

I thought for a second "It not about me" he said.

Sebastian joined in the conversion "Then who?" He questioned.

He didn't answer for a while, it like he was conflicting with his thought "Just forget about it" he said after a while.

"No way in hell am I forgetting about it" I said sitting back on the stool. "Now tell us"

"It" he struggled to say.

Confused I asked "Why? What about me?"

"Have you forgotten what today is?" he asked.

"No of course not today is 21th Octob......" I stopped short of word.


I called out to the bartender "I need a very strong drink".


Hi guys.
How you doing?.

I feel joyful today.



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