Chapter 17

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Victoria POV

I felt a something moving around my body it felt so warm and tingle. I sigh with pleasure when I felt another warm and wet thing on my neck it made me moan in pleasure.

I opened my eye to find and feel Justin sucking on my neck looking for my spot his lips does things to me that felt wonderful.

I unconsciously movedmy hands in his hair and tucking it and wrapping my legs around his waist.

He chuckle when I whimper "Good morning sunshine" he spoke with his lips still in my neck his raspy voice didn't help in relieving the pleasure instead it makes it stronger.

"Good morning" I try saying out with the pleasure am feeling.

I frown and scowl when i felt the pleasure gone "why did you stop?" I whine.

"Because i want to, that my way of waking you up sunshine" he genuinely smiled.

Justin has been in a happy mode ever since the lie of Valentina is been revealed, i haven't heard from her or Eric they both left the next morning.
What Justin told me on the beach is still in my head since i wonder what his nightmare is about i plan to find out later not now I don't want to destroy the mood.

"Is that so?" I raised one of my brow.

"Yes now get up it 11:23am we going out" he said and raised from the bed heading to the bathroom.

"Where we going?" I asked.

"It a surprise" he smirked.

"You know I don't like surprises" I said a little annoyed.

"Oh love, don't worry you will love this surprise" he pulled his shirt off showing his delicious six packs, damn does workouts he normally do he looks so hot.

"I know am too hot don't worry I won't move just take a picture it will last longer if not possible forever" he smirk with mischief.

"Shut up" I blushed hard been cut staring.

"But there is a way you can still touch my abs just join me in the bathroom"

"Shut up!!" I threw a pillow at him.

He laughed hard and entered the bathroom.

I used that opportunity to call my friend lia.

I ringed three time before she picked up.

"Ohh!! my goddd!!! she remembers she has a friend wow!!!" She said in sarcasm and in a angry voice.

It was then i knew i fucked up "ohh lia am sorry I did not call you before lot of things happened while we where here and I saw your missed call but o had no chance to call you" I pleaded with her "am sorry that not an excuse but am sorry"

"It okay you forgiven now tell me what happened" she asked curious.

I told her what happened when we got here. I could still hear the shower on.

"What a bitch, whatt the hell is she trying to destroy your marriage for ohh how I feel like strangling her and let her know she can't mess with my friend's marriage bitch" she bursted on the line.

"It okay she can't do anything again everything is okay and settled but I don't think that all"

"Why do you say so?"

"Justin said something like she brought back his nightmare I don't know what it means but he his happy and I don't want to spoil the mood i plan on asking him later"

"Okay just be careful"

"Okay thanks"

We talked till Justin came out and I had to take my bath.


"Now tell me where are we going" we been driving for two hours and am beginning to get tiered.

"Like I said it a surprise" he glanced at me and then back to the road.

"Then are we close cause we have been driving for two hours, twenty-three minutes and forty-one seconds" I told him already annoyed.

"It good to know you are counting the time but we will be there very soon" he smiled looking amused.

I scoffed and face the window by my side looking out the loving the dry view,the calmness and the quietness, I had no idea when darkness over took me.


"Hey sunshine wake up we here" I opened my eyes when i heard Justin's voice.

"Hmmm?" I looked around "we here?"

He chuckled "yes we are here." He open the car and came out to open the door to my side, i pulled off my sit belt and slide out of it.

When i looked up i saw a cottage it looked lovely and beautiful "wow Justin"

"You like it?"


He looked sad "you don't like it?" Hurt was visible in his voice.

I shake my head 'no' I moved forward to the cottage and turned back to look at him "I love it" I smiled.

He had a huge smile on his face "damn woman you scared me"

I laughed "that the point"

"Come on let go inside you will love the surprise I have for you" he took my hand to led me inside.

"Is this the surprise you told me about four days ago in the car when we were going to the beach house" I asked him.

"Wow, you 'are' smart took you long to realise" he laughed when I glared at him.

When he open the door with the key he took from his pocket i was wowed with what i saw made me...........


Am sorry guys for the last update, have just been going through a lot of challenge.

I lost my baby sister and I have been depressed since then I am still depress now but am trying to over come it.

See you in my next chapter bye!

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