Chapter 5

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A strong arm holding me into a tight grip woke me from my deep slumber as I try pulling back

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A strong arm holding me into a tight grip woke me from my deep slumber as I try pulling back.

I blinked my eyes and looked up to find Justin in the bed with me.

What he doing here?.

I took a closer look at him, oh boy seeing him this close gives me the shiver.

He was so handsome, strong jaws,long black lashes,nice dark eye brow, blond hair, tan skin. He was a total perfection no wonder all the women falls for him and I believed I am also thou I was angry at him but I couldn't bring myself to be so angry for so long.

I saw his eye opening to reveal a grey eye ball I was so mesmerized by those eye they do things to me, my heart, my body....everywhere.

"Good morning beauty" Justin looks at me with a smile on his lip.

I wish I could kiss those lips and for those lips to travel around my body kissing me and going down my....GET HOLD OF YOURSELF VICKY HE IS A PLAYER, AND REMEMBER HE CHEATED AGAIN ON YOU LAST NIGHT.

I sat up and shifted myself from his body "What are you doing in my room?" I was pissed seeing him on my bed "And on my bed?"

"I'm fine thank you" He sat up ignoring me and kissed me on my forehead.

I flinched from his sudden move. I noticed a flash of hurt on his face.

What the hell has gotten to him? Was he somehow seeing his period?

But males don't menstruate, or does he? I shook myself off that thought

"Stay here on bed why I go make breakfast for us,okay?" He stood to leave.

"You don't get to order me around anywhere and most especially not in my bedroom" I glared at him folding my arms try my best to appear strong.

He chuckled and moved to the bed, his face not so far from mine,one side his lips lifted up, His eyes says an emotion..... LUST "Oh baby, trust me I do" He moved to whisper to my ear " I'm the one who gets to order in bed and trust me you won't disagree once I started"

My body was on fire, my breath changed, I was breathing fast, I could not think.

His head moved and shifted, I felt his lips brush mine. A shock of desire moved though my body I inhaled followed by his scent.

Then he left the room.

What did he just do? Why the sudden change and interest in me?

Last night he fu....I can't understand him. Is he trying to use me? And then dump me? The thought of him doing that pierced a thousand thorn in my heart. I was scared, and I am still scared.

What does he take for a fool?

If he thinks I am a fool he is making a mistake a very big time mistake.


"Hey, breakfast is served" He came to me with a tray of food. He moved to give it to me "Let me feed you"

I have had enough "STOP!! just stop" I looked at him "What do you think you are doing?."

He appeared to look clueless "Feeding you your food"

"Why" I left the bed turned and look at him "Why the sudden change? If I could remember last night you I gave you a piece of my thought" I rolled my eyes "For all I know you. What I'm I saying you've hated me since day one which lead to the question, Why?"

"I did not mean to hurt you Victoria believe me I didn't mean to let it go such extent" He looked sincere.

"Then why did you fuck Valentina last night? Or did you think I did not see you guys?" Oh I hated this man and the things he did to me.

Guilts were written on his face "God I'm so so sorry but Victoria you don't know the things you do to me, the things you make me feel" He stood up to walk to me. "I did that to lock you off and I'm sorry for that, I know it a stupid excuse but I'm sorry" He held my hands "Please give me a chance... Give us a chance, I want to make this work I really do you are a lovely lady and different, and I feel things I never plan to feel in the world with you please let me make things right....Let me make us right" He pleaded.

His words did something to me. His state appeared vulnerable and broken. This wasn't the Justin I knew. What could be wrong?

"How can I believe you, Justin I'm scared and afraid you going to cheat me, you are never faithful to me, you don't commit in a relationship, you hardly stay with one woman. You said so yourself" I dreadfully spoke out.

"I know what I said and did was wrong and I need a chance. I did all those things to push you away so you won't get any idea that I want you, that I need you. I liked you since day one" He paused to take a deep breath like he was feeling nervous "Please a chance? Please Victoria?"

Looking in his eye I knew he meant it but why do I feel like I shouldn't trust him.

I opened my mouth "I-I can't"

He held my hands in his grip "Okay listen this is how it will be. If this didn't turn out the way it should be then I'll draw out a divorce paper then we end it, Okay?" He stared at me intensely waiting for my answer.

Why not take a chance why not take the risk I thought to myself then I said "Okay"

"Thank you" I saw the relief on his face

"How about dinner tonight?"


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