Chapter 23

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Victoria POV

The silence of the house disturbs me a lot, the only noise in the house is that of the clock ticking and my deep breath.
Worry cripple it way into my head making g me wonder what was taking Justin so long to get home, he told me he was going to back late but I never expected this late.

I try calling is call but he was not picking up his phone, what made me more scared was that he wasn't that Ben's, the bar tender informed me that he and the men he came with has left a long time ago, But he left heavily drunk.

Which scares me, I called Elsa fifteen minutes ago and told her she informed me she was on her way so we could both go look for him together. Which I find very helpful, I wouldn't have called her if I wasn't so desperate and worried.

The knock on the front door got my attention, I moved fast to get the door thinking it was Justin but it was Elsa and Lisa.

The both look worried but Lisa still has a hint of anger in her eyes.

Elsa moved to hug and drag me out "We have no time lock up the door, I have found out where he is. I came here so we could all go together"

I made sure to lock up fast and three both hurried fast together, getting into what I believe could be Elsa's car.

I took the sit at the back while Lisa sits at the front with Elsa who was driving off.

"Where is he?" I worried asked still not feeling at ease.

"He is at Caleb's badly seriously drunk like always every year" Elsa said murmuring the last four words.

Curiously I asked "what do you mean evey year?"

"Will you shut up with your questions?" Lisa snapped "I expected me brother to be different when he marries you but know, today have just proved that you are nothing but a stature with a hole which my brother use to satisfy himself because if you are any difference today wouldn't have happened" she yelled out.

"LISA!!" Elsa shouted.

"What but it true or we wouldn't be here would we?" She face Elsa with rage wricar n all over her face.

The impact of the words coming through her mouth stung.

With a wary voice I asked "What have I ever done to make you hate he this way?"

She scoffed "You want to know? Then I will tell you"

She was interrupted by Elsa "Lisa don't"

"No, let me speak my mind" she turned to face me "You just one spoiled girl who thinks she can just work her way into my brother's life, am sure you were the one told you dad to partner with my brother unless he were to marry you"

"No I did not" my blood boiled with all what she said "And please save it, I just want to bring my husband back home"

Lisa scoffed "Husband indeed" she opened her mouth to say more.

"Okay that enough Lisa just shut up and we here" Elsa informed us.

We all stepped out of the car find ourselves outside a huge mansion I had no idea how when we manage to get pass the gate. Well I was busy arguing with Lisa.

Lisa rang the bell which took a while before it was answered by a tall brown head guy with brown golden eyes he had a strong jaw line.

The scowl on his face almost ruined his handsome face. "I thought I told you not to come?" He raspingly said to Elsa.

She simply just rolled her eyes "Oh do shut up Caleb and tell me where my stupid brother is" she push pass him "Come on guys get in" she motion for us to get in.

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