Chapter 25

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Dedicated to mendesgurl77

Justin POV

"Who the hell is D.M?!" James Campbell yelled out.

After everything that pulled off we decided to call the Campbell's and let me tell you it wasn't easy one bit, since they got here all we got was yells and questions.

Michael try comforting his wife Anna Campbell even thou he himself was boiling in rage, I could see it in his eyes "Answer the damn question" he said trying to keep his voice calm.

I sigh answering them "His name is Derek Marshall he is..." I swallow my saliva preparing for my next word "...he is my ex wife brother"

There was silence from the Campbell's family, that on till Michael broke it he stood up with rage "The hell do you mean ex wife?" He shouted at me making his wife flinch a little bit am sure he felt it cause immediately he turned to look down at his wife his face soften.

"You see why I refused to let you give her away to this family" he said to his Father "and most especially to him" he pointed to me.

"Enough! Yelling will not get us anywhere okay? Let just wait for Caleb to find out her location, trust me he will" Sebastian said.

I gave him a nod of appreciation thankful for him being here including Eric.

I called him telling him about Victoria's kidnap, he immediately left Texas leaving Valentina and his unborn child and came back to California to help in the search of Victoria. Unfortunately he wasn't here to defend me but with Caleb to help in the search.

Caleb is a resigned U.S militant all the trainings and connection has been helpful, he never wanted to leave but his mother weak heart made him. After losing her husband and son she prayed not to lose another and with her every power she her made sure Caleb left the army force. But that didn't stop him from protecting people he opened a security company both he own by bodyguard and securities appliances. Which has come to handy for today.

I felt my phone vibrant for an incoming call I picked it up at the second ring. "Yeah Caleb anything" at the mention on Caleb's name everyone sat up.

"Yeah we found her she is still her in California" I hear the shuffling of papers on the background and also the sound of the computer keyboard "I will send you the details" I immediately start preparing to leave but Caleb stopped me "and Justin please don't move an inch from there" Then her hang up

Like that is even possible, there was no where in hell i was no going to leave now to save my wife even if what Caleb said was true he was going to.

It has been a long horrible two weeks of now see Victoria i fears she might be dead but i hoped not, the pains of losing her was too strong that i don't think i will survive if the dies.

I knew exactly what this feeling means and i will be damned if i was going to lose her before telling her.

"Justin what did Caleb say?" Elsa asked worried.

I cleared my throat to say "They found out where she is and he is coming soon so we can both save her" I stated.

When I said so Lisa ear perk up to attention, even if she try to denies it she cares for Victoria, it was all written on her face.

At the mention of knowing about Victoria's whereabouts my mom, mark,Michael,Anna, Elsa and Sebastian relaxed having hope of Victoria's return.

After for about one and the half hours Caleb and Eric made it back to my house both looking tired. I immediately felt a peck of guilt, all this was my fault if I had not try to forget my past and not pushed Victoria away after all she had done for me we won't be in this mess we were in now. But I tend to correct everything and I hope she forgives me, I hope so.

Eric spoke out "According to what we found out Derek is not so smart maybe he is maybe he his not, it could be a trap for all we know" we all look at him confused "well according to source she is in his house I guess maybe his mental condition really pays enough and I think it about time to get Victoria back, his fun is over is going to pay for this no one mess with thus family and goes Scot free" Eric said while frowning with a look of determination in his face.

And he couldn't be more right, no one messes with this family and go without paying the prices.

It time to bring back my light I just hope it never to late.


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