Chapter 15

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Justin POV

Today is the day Victoria and I are going to inform my parent and siblings about val pregnancy.
God, am freaking out i know they will fill disappointed in me. But i tryed, i really tryed to right my wrong but it seems there is always a barrel between us. Why can i stay for a moment without my past hunting me out.

"Justin" I heard am angelic voice calling out my name.

I turned to look behind me to see my beauty calling my name "yes?"

"The whole family are at the living room, i have called them out as you have told me to" she looked at me waiting for me to say something.

Damn, am seriously nervous, how will they react to the news. I feel bad things are about to happen to me if I don't do a shit about myself, i sometimes think i will draw Victoria into my baggage, and i tend not to do so to her.

"Okay, I will be down in a moment?" I said to her more like a question.

She gave me a faint smile and left to join the rest of the family.

Currently am in the closet pick out a shirt i looked in the mirror and i saw a vulnerable man in front of me "you can do this Justin, just tell them and we will know what to do" I assured myself and found a new found strength. I puffed then left the bedroom.

As I climbed down the staircase and sited my mother,mark,Eric,Elsa, lisa, and Valentina including my wife I felt the courage and strength i mustered up drain down.

'Come on Justin you can do this' i said again to myself.

I put on a straight face to avoid and weakness showing.

"You look like shit bro" Eric was the first to speak out.

Of course I look like shit and I did not dare to denie it, I had dark circles under my eyes and I haven't shaved since two days now. "Yeah, thanks bro" I said

"Justin what is it tell me" my mum asked me clearly worried.

"Ehm...I think you guys need to sit down in this one" i sat immediately they all sat down with Victoria beside me. She brought my right hand to her hand left hand filling me with her warm palm giving me a reassuring look.

"What wrong Justin" Elsa asked.

I swallowed hard "I have something to tell you all" i once again put on my straight face.

"Brother you looking so serious and your starting to scare me" Lisa asked clearly concern.

"Please I need you guys to please give Justin an open mind I understand him as much as I need you guys to,please?" Victoria begged they all nodded their heads.

"Am...." I turned to looked at Victoria, she smiled and nodded her head for me continue also tightening her hand to mine. "Am...expecting a....child"

The whole family gasp and I noticed Valentina tensed. The house were filled with happy faces.

"Ohhh my god congratulations to you guys" my mum said.

I gave her a confused look.

"Oh my Victoria you guys should have said it earlier that am going to be an aunty, isn't that right lisa" Elsa asked lisa which she scoffed murmuring under her breath 'like I care'.

I seem to realise my family took the message the wrong way.

"Justin and Victoria thank you for this wonderful news" mark said smiling wide.

I decided to drop the bomb then " Victoria is not the on pregnant "

Immediately the house was silent and quiet like a graveyard, you could hear the deep breath of everyone, the silence was too long and it was enough to swallow everyone here.

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