Chapter 19

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Justin POV

The silence of the car and the beauty right next to me is a moment I will for ever treasure, I pulled the car glass from both the driver and passengers side I loved the way the wind touches my faces and hers.

Her peaceful sleep and beautiful face putted a smile on my face, the events of last night didn't stop my smile from getting any smaller, she is wore the necklace I give to her last night.

I love the way her lashes are touching her cheek it long and most times I find it hard to believe it natural but it is, I love the way her hair moves like it also dancing with the wind, I love the way her lips part a little and the way it moved up a little like she is smiling.

Oh, The things I will love to do to her, my thought seems not to be helping me a bit I felt hard.


I wish we would spend more time together but we can't the weekend celebration is over and I wished it won't end but i have lot of work to do at the office since I left and agreed to three days off to myself and I know once I get there I will have tones of works for me to do.

But I will make sure i plan a honeymoon later for both of us since we have never gone to any before and boy do I plan on having two weeks off.

Yes I do, I will so love to fuck and cherish that body of hers, I still can't believe she was a virgin for someone so hot I hard to believe how she kept herself and knowing that I was her first gave me pride and possessive over her I will make sure I'll be her first and her last.

A call pulled me out of my thought, I look down for a moment and saw it was one of my very good friends.

I connected the call with the Bluetooth in my car"Hi bro" I greeted with a smile

I guess he could hear the happiness in my voice "wow, what happened? You sound like you won a jackpot".

I chuckle "That because I did Sebastian, I did win more than a jackpot" the joy in me made me happy to share my happiness with someone.

I could hear the sound of surprise in his voice "Justin bro tell me what you won that more bigger than a jackpot" he was interested in knowing more.

"How about you, Caleb and I discuss this over a drink at Ben's tomorrow night." I asked

"Well hell yeah, we are see you there then bye" he hung up the phone.

I used the opportunity to call my secretary, it ringed once and she picked up.

"Teresa, I need you to send me the files that has not been done this weekend" I wasted no time in asking her, my respect or her lessened a little after what she did but I can see ever since that day she pulled that stunt she became more organization and that good, her work is excellent I can give her that she know how to do her job both as my secretary and assistant.

"Yes sir, I will send if widen the next five minutes" I felt Victoria moved and I turn to find her awake with a lovely smile on her face, I figure the noise woke her up "Mr smith I will like to inform you about an important meeting tomorrow morning with Mr Russo"

I narrowed my eyes "I have a meeting with Mr Russo?"

"Yes sir" Teresa said

I looked at Victoria with a surprised face "How? How come?I have try to asked him on having a meeting with me but it seems to be hard due to his arrogant ass"

At Teresa reply I could sense the smile in it "Well don't worry sir i found a way it make his agree or can I say put him straight"

"Wow, Teresa you did a good job I applaud you for that" I said amused by her way, she really must have put him straight to make him agree.

"Thanks sir it all pleasure and it also my way of saying sorry to you and Mrs Smith" she said very sincere.

Victoria and I smile at that "well no problem" my wife said.

"M..Mrs Smith you there?" She sound shock.

Vicky smiled "yes I am,how about you ,I and my friend lia go out for shopping on Saturday, how about that"

Teresa paused for a moment and replied "yes of course I will love that thanks Mrs Smith"

Victoria scoff "Oh please call me Victoria,Mrs Smith makes me feel kind of old"

Teresa laughed "yes Victoria".

Then there both took it from there talking forgetting I even exist and forgetting am the one even made the call.

I smiled looking at my wife she is so open minded and has an open and forgiven heart and I fill for that people will take her for granted bit I still love it.

The call ended " well I never thought it will end"I muttered feeling slightly jealous for not have her attention.

A frown found a way to her face "is the big bad man jealous?" She smirked.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes "me jealous?you wish?" I lies though my teeth but she knew I was lying.

Victoria's laughed hard filling the car with light will I drive to the airport.




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