Chapter 26

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Dedicated to mis104
Justin POV

The journey to Derek's house seem to take forever I wonder how much longer I would be able to stand the suspense. The distance away from Victoria was killing me slowly. I still had things to tell her everything and profess my love to her, I still have tell her how sorry I am.

"Justin snap out of that thought of your and listen to the plans" Caleb said to me seriously.

I glared at him angrily "You think all this is easy for me?!" I snap at him.

"Well it not my fault you decided to get drunk and push her away" he yelled at me "So it better you listen if you want to save her from that psychopath" he said strictly.

I made sure to breath in to calm my nerves before nodding my head to telling him to continue.

After Caleb explains everything nobody spoke a word at all but look at him like he had just cracking humorless joke.

Sebastian was the one who broke the silence "You joking right because that the most lamest plan I have ever heard" he gave a 'are you serious look' "So I think you better give us a reasonable one"

"Sebastian just shut up, it the only way we can find out how many people are there" Caleb spoke looking at us all then stop his stare at me "And you Justin should where this" he gave a camera contact lens "And also this" then he hand over to me a ear bug "This way we would be able to see how many they are and hear everything" then he pointed his finger at Sebastian "Now let me do my job an expert way".

Immediately the car came to an halt "Now lets get into action" Caleb said out.

The plan immediately started. I jumped off the car and head to the one story building which is known to Derek's house. My mind tells me something is off because it can't be too easy to get here. He planned all this but that won't make me stop not when am this close to my wife.

I inhale deeply then let it out. I now or ever, I head straight to the door and look back only to find out Caleb's car was out of sight. Well the plan seem to be going smoothly.

I turn the handle of the door and found out it wasn't lock. See I told to it was to easy.

"Justin move and get inside" Eric's voice spoke out in my left ear though the bug.

"Shut up am trying to be careful here" I whispered back at him in a shut up manner.

Immediately I step into the house five guns were pointed to my head then the door was shut at once. In front of me sat Derek Marshall. The sight of him makes me fume in anger.

"Well,Well,Well look who we have" Derek said smirking "So predictable, I knew you would come just like I planned and you just happen to fall right in it but am so surprise it took you this long to locate my house or are you starting to lose your riches but all the same you welcome to join us" he then tit his head to his right side. "Isn't that right sweetheart!"

It was then I noticed Victoria's presence.

Victoria POV

Seeing Justin here fills me with joy, even if the last time we spoke harsh word were thrown I don't care. Him being here shows that he cares for me and am ready to forgive him for the things he has done to me for am not alone now. Yes, I know I'm too forgiven but what can I do it in my nature.

I couldn't speak out his name for my mouth is gagged and I couldn't take it off because a gun was pointed to my head.

I could see the relief in Justin's face "Derek please let her go, you have issues with me not her and now am here please just let her go" Justin pleaded to the devil.

"Hhmmm" I try speaking out but can't.

Derek only but chuckled "Yeah like I would do just that, you no what.." Derek stood up "I want you to pay for the death of my sister if she had listened to me and not married you. She would have still been alive, but no you went ahead and marry you the love of her life and what did this love do to her it killed her"

Hearing this made me wonder what happened to briella was it true that Justin killed her. I looked at Justin closer to see if I could find any sign if Derek was lying but I find nothing but guilt.

Derek still continued "I even sent a girl to you. You remember Jane, I sent her to frame you so briella will leave you" When he said that Justin frown at him "And the next news I heard was my sister was dead and sure you eliminating her to keep your secret and made I look like she committed suicide"

At this point Justin yelled out "If you were the one who sent Jane then you killed briella, do you want to know why" Justin said "Because that move you pulled made briella killed herself thinking I cheated on her"

Derek scowl in disbelief shaking his head refusing to believe "Liar!" He shouted out "Now play time is over now that you here it time for you to witness the death of your stupid wife" he angrily moved to me and pulled my head taking the gun from the man behind me.

"No!! Please" Justin pleaded "Please don't kill her. I love her"

I was starstruck at his word even when I was in pain. He loves me, Justin loves me. I stare at him deeply only to find out he was saying the truth.

An evil laughter brought me out of my trance "Now that makes it more fun, now say bye to your love" he left my hair and place the cold gun at the side of my head I heard the crock of the gun.

Justin gave me a sign to hit Derek gun off. I did it immediately and bent down it was then gun's shots went off.

All I could remember was Justin bending over at me "Please stay with me, I love you" I barely heard him till my body gave into exhaustion.


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