Chapter 12

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Victoria POV

As soon as we got to Hawaii (did I mention that where we going, oops my bad). But as soon as we got there Justin took my hands and we left along with the family and that bitch, Valentina.

She looked at Justin's hand holding mine I could tell she was trying hard to cover up her face with a blank expression but I know her more than she thinks. I Guess maybe.

I just hope she and Lisa aren't planning anything stupid cause if they both are they will so hate themselves I don't care if Lisa is Justin's sister and if she trys to reign my marriage with Justin she all so hate herself.

If it where to be possible to find out what wrong I had done to Lisa , I would love to know and I plan on asking her when we get to the beach house.

It took us a while to move and get out of the airport not before I notice the way the staffs were treating us all. I saw a limo already waiting, we got in, I sat beside my husband,Helen and mark,Elsa and Eric,Lisa and Val.

I looked up out of the car window and gave a silent gasp, what I saw almost pop my eyes out of my eye socket note the key word 'almost'.

I looked at Justin like he has grown horns in his head, he seems to notice me staring at him and gave me the 'what have I done wrong' look. Ooh you defiantly done something wrong, why didn't he tell me.

"What wrong?" He asked his voice showing concern.

"Your family owns this airport" I made it sound like it was an offence to own one.

"No,Justin own it" I looked over at Mark, he and Helen are a perfect fit for each other, the way they hold their hands and cuddle tight. Ahhh, it so sweet.

"You don't know?" Elsa said more like a question than a statement.

I heard someone scuff "how can she know when this marriage is nothing but an arranged one, not to forget to mention a contact relationship I don't see how they will get along" Lisa said giving me a glare with a smirking Valentina by her side.

If I were to say the words did not hurt I was nothing but a big liar. Bit she was right how marriage was an arranged one and a contact relationship I hate to admit that she was saying the truth but she is.

Though she missed on point and that point is that Justin and I are passed the arranged and contact relationship......

My thought was cut short by Helen "Lisa how can you say that" she sounded angry.

"But it true, it nothing but a fake marriage and I don't thin....." Lisa word was cut by Justin.

"ENOUGH!!!!! DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT MY MARRIAGE LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU HEAR ME, IF YOU DARE SAY ANY BAD WORD ABOUT MY MARRIAGE AGAIN YOU WILL HATE ME" Justin voice alone can frighten you and with the stare he was giving Lisa I pray I never get in the position she is in right now.

"But Justin...." She tryed saying more.

"I SAID ENOUGH!!!" He hit the seat compactor with his fist in anger. I have never seen Justin this way before it scary.

With that Lisa kept shut and not to mention his entire family also kept quiet. I could see Lisa blinking back her tears to avoid any dropping down.

There was an awkward silence no one could talk, the tension in the air was so strong and thick to the extent that a scissor can't cut through it.

It was then that Justin decided to break the silence talking to me "Vicky?"

"Hmmm?" I answered.

"I didn't tell you about some of my business" He looked at me with an emotion I can't just explain in his eye.

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