Chapter 9

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Justin POV

If time could go back I would love for it to.

Today was on of my special day, the kiss I shared with her and I almost fucked her. Oh how I wish I had.

Damn, the woman has me tight in her palm and I love every moment of that.
Waking up with her by my side, to see her lovely face every morning, to spend my time with her every seconds,minutes,hour,days every single one of it i cherish with all of my heart. The woman does things to me things i love and things i always dream my woman should have and i certainly won't let go of her or the memory. Even if i have a fucked up past, call me selfish I don't care cause I want her bad.

I am in my office now not even doing any thing but day dream about my beautiful wife. Am so stupidly in love wit.....

WHAT!!! IN LOVE not possible. Am never the type to do so.

Love is not in my dictionary now and I don't think it ever going to be in it.

I care for her and like her but LOVE no way. Am never going to be in love with her or anyone else.

Call me wicked or a jerk I don't care. I don't love her I care for her and that what I can only give to her.

While still carrying this thought in my head. I heard a noise outside my office.

One thing I hated in my office was noise I love my peace and quite and my employees are aware off that. Then why the hell of a noise.

I stood up and move to the door and opened it what I saw shocked me.

Two security were holding Victoria arm dragging her out and also my secretary Teresa was smirking.

What made me very angry was those men holding my wife, I was boiling inside, how dare them drag my wife.

With annoyance I shouted "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE"

Victoria POV

I turn to look at the door and saw a very angry Justin, the smirk on the bitch of a secretary was gone that instance. Now she will see if I was lying or not and she so going to kiss my ass including justin.

My heart hurt that he his yet to make our marriage official. I thought we were heading somewhere but I was wrong.

The more we try to take one step forward we just end up taking five steps backward.

"Mr smith I assure you we are taking care of this am sorry for the noise" the bitch spoke to Justin in a formal way. I thought they were both having an affair. Or was she lying or are they both pretending.

I had lot of an unanswered questions.

The bitch kept on talking to a fuming Justin "we had an intruder like always claiming to be your wife" she turned and glared at me then she continued "like how the rest does and am sincerely sorry for disturbing your privacy" she turned and looked at the two security "well what are you waiting get her out of here" she snapped.

As I was been dragged outside I heard a very angry Justin's voice "GET YOUR STUPID HANDS OFF MY WIFE"

Immediately the hands holding me were off and I could hear the bitch gasp and Justin moving forward.

His angry eye became soft when he looked at me "Am so sorry for not know about this on time"

I smiled a smile which didn't reach my eyes "no problem"

He smiled at me then lifted his eye and glared at the security "I know you are doing your job but you should at least informed me about this before you take any action"

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