Chapter 11

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Victoria POV

After receiving a very pleasurable orgams I didn't believe I could survive the journey. But I did, if there is anything I enjoyed it being with Justin.

I could never wished for nothing more, Justin is not the type of man I painted him to be the things he makes me feel I can't pin point on it. Is it want?or is it need?or love?.

Could it be love? Oh my god, am scared I am in love with him I don't want to get my hopes up only for it to clash down into pieces on the ground.

But I can't help it. No one can stop love from happening no matter how hard you try to avoid it and I can't help falling in love with him,he is the type of man I dream for me to to be with and I am not disappointed.

I just hope he loves me back. I really do.

When we got to the airport I saw the rest of the family are already there, Eric Justin's younger brother, Elsa and Lisa Justin's younger sister, Helen Justin's mother, Mark Justin's step father and I tryed to look closer to see who the last person was, when I found out who it was I was so angry. Valentina.

"What she doing here?" Is asked Justin as we both left the car holding hands moving to meet his family.

"Who?" He looked at me he appeared to look clueless.

"She, valentina what she doing here?" I was already annoyed "your mum said family and she is not family"

"Well about that, this is not the first time she has been here she is consider family"

"I don't like her here" I whispered in an annoyed tone.

"Well,well,well look who is jealous" he smirked seeing the way my face was red.

I was blushing hard "am not jealous I just don't like her here" I sigh "but there is nothing I can do about that at least i know she can't make a move on you when have got you here tied around me" I smirked

"You got that right" with that he leaned down to kiss me on my lips.

When we stopped I turned to look at a Valentina she looked angry and annoyed but she later covered it with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes, the bitch thinks she has a chance with my man. In her dreams.

When we got close to the family Helen moved forward to hug me

"How are you my dear?" she asked

"Am fine thank you" when she moved from her hug Elsa moved and hugged me

"I missed you Vicky" yeah that what she calls me, very different from others.

"Me too but now am here I does think you would"

"You got that right"

I turned expecting Lisa to also come but she rolled her eyes and moved to board the jet with Valentina.

Am sure those two are very best of friends. I wonder what things she has full on her head.

"Let get inside" mark said

We all got inside and took our sits, Justin and i were sitting together.

I moved my hand around his torso and rest my head on his shoulder.

"You feel warm" I said on a calm voice.

"I do?"

"Of course, and I like it a lot" I smiled

"I bet you do" he paused to tell me "have I told you look beautiful today"
He used his cozy voice.

"I believe you have" I blushed real hard

He chuckled "you adorable with the way you blush"

I hit his arms playfully "stop that, are you trying to make my face look like a tomatoes sauce if you are,you are succeeding" I smiled

"That the plan" we both laughed loud and long.

"Wow, I would love to know what making you laugh, I want to be part of it" Eric grin "you know Victoria your laugh does things to us most especially Justin isn't that right bro" Eric has always been the tease of the family.

"Shut up" Justin said "save yourself and don't think of things with my wife or else I will strangle you alive" he try looking serious but I know between those layers lays a smile.

"Yeah right like you would" he (Eric) looked nonchalant.

"Don't try me Eric when I comes with my wife" he pointed a finger at him

Eric raised his hands up surrendering "okay I surrender"

"Don't you two look lovely" Else said.

Mark,Helen,Eric agree except Lisa and Valentina.

Speaking of her she was fuming on her sit she looked like she could kill someone.

What was she expecting in Justin and I marriage was she think because our marriage was an arranged marriage that It had to look bad.

But Lisa whispered something in her hear that made Valentina grin.

I had the feeling deep in my bone that I won't like it and I hope it won't be a problem for Justin and I.

I hope so.


What could they honesty be planning on?

Fund out



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