Chapter 8

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Victoria POV

I felt bored, the silence of the house was eating me up. I try doing things to keep me busy but nothing seems to help.

I put on my phone to know Justins' location and his office, I was planning to go visit him,I had the urge to go for so long but I couldn't, now I could.

I went to my wardrobe took out my jacket to put on, along with my shoe I took my phone and car keys then left the house.

I got to the garage opened the car and got inside and left the garage driving ahead to Justin's office.

When I got there I was cut short of words "oh my god" I whispered to myself.

The building was one tall huge one, I wonder if he was the only one who owns the whole floor he really was one big rich man and not to forget a die hard look, a look to kill for. When I got passed the security I told them I was Justin's wife and showed them the proof, when I got to the elevator and to the receptionist desk I asked for direction of his office. I wasn't asked any question which surprised me. I guess the security already told them who I am.

When I was given the direction to his office I went ahead. I got to his secretary desk. I saw she was there.

And, She was beautiful.

Blonde hair, blue eye and sure she has a nice shape and good legs but what spoil her face was the frown and the glare she was given me.

"And who are you if I may ask?" She lifted her face high and asked.

"Hi, my name is Victoria Smith am here to to see Mr Justin smith am his wife" I looked at her and got irritated with that same look she was given me.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes "Darling have heard that a thousand times believe me you not the first to say that" she rest her back on her chair folded her arms and also cross her leg in an unprofessional way her short skirt rode higher showing she wore a high thigh socks.

Who the hell was this woman and what the hell was she doing here in the first place and what was that she wore the top she wore two buttons were realised and l felt her two breast are about to pop out from her shirt l, looking at her now she was not beautiful she was an ugly bitch. Was she trying to seduced justin with her dressing I wonder if Justin has had sex with her before.

I felt a peg and pain in my heart. I hope he has not or else only God knows what am going to do to them both.

Am trying to make things work out for Justin and I but am still angry,sad,heartbroken for the he had done to me, I try to forget but I couldn't.

I closed of my thought and tryed to focus on the presence "Like I said am his wife and can you please inform him am here"

"Not going to happen but one thing is going to happen for sure am calling the security" while saying it she picked up the land phone and called the security. When she finished in less than one minute the security where here to take me out.

"How dare you!" I turned to glare at her "don't touch me!!!" I shouted at the security.

"Ma'ma we need you to leave"one of the security said.

"Not going to happen"

"Then we have no choose but kick you out" both of the security took my arm dragging me out.

"Let do of me!!" I was angry .

The bitch did nothing but to smirk at me "wait" she said she stood up worked to me and whispered so no one should hear "you know girls like you aren't meant for guys like Justin but girl like me are and by the way Justin and I are dating not to forget even fucking that how I knew you were lying, nice try next time" she grin and turned her back and left.

What!, what the hell does she mean, she and Justin where dating. He lied to me, again.

I was deep and angry in my thought not knowing when a door opened to hear an angry voice.






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