Part 20 (I WANT YOU BACK!!)

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Naomi's pov

After My photo shoot, I decided to take Lyric out to this restaurant, she just seemed so stressed lately, I wanted to know what was wrong with her. We sat across from each other at the booth, She wouldn't even look me in the eye, she just kept looking down at her phone. "Lyric, what's wrong?" I asked."Nothing, MiMi" She says staring out the window. "Why have you been acting so sad?" I ask. Lyric sighs, "Just been having a lot on my mind" She says constantly staring out of the window. "Lyric, please stop looking so sad, I have some good news" I said tapping her shoulder. "Oh really, whats up?" she asks, still looking out of the window. "Oh, nothing important, im just pregnant" I say with sarcasm. Lyric Smiles, "That's great, MiMi Congratulations sweetie" She says reaching over the table to hug me, Then she sits back down and stare out of the window again. "Oh God!" She says Getting up from the booth. "Are you okay?" I ask her. "Im fine, I just need to go to the bathroom" She says running out of the booth. "God what is wrong with her?" I ask myself, Then out of no where, I see Larry coming through the door of the restaurant, "Oh God!" I take the menu and try to cover my face. I close my eyes and hope he doesn't see me, Then I feel a tap on my shoulder, I slowly turn around "You missed me?" asked Larry, With a evil grin on his face.I roll my eyes, "What do you want?" I ask. He sits beside me. "I want you baby, I know you miss me" He says grabbing my face. "Eww, Larry don't touch me, Im married" I say snatching my face away. "Aww, C'mon MiMi, Don't be like that, I want you back, Why are you even married to this guy, Have you gave him any?" He asks, Laughing. I roll my eyes again, "Larry, that's none of your Damn Business, Now please go away!" I yell. "Awww, girl see you drawing attention now, Can I have a kiss before I go?" He asks as he gets up from the booth. I ignore him, so he walks away.

Lyric's pov

Oh My God, I hope Larry didn't see me, I take out Jane, (My Meth) and chop it up, I snort it all in one. I start to cough, *Coughing continues* I couldn't stop coughing for some reason, I quickly run to a stall, And I could feel myself about to throw up, I did but nothing but blood came out "Oh God!!"

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