Part 9 ("Remembering Daddy")

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October 2009
Oprah: Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome back to the show, as you all know, all of last month we have had different guest appearances on the show sharing their past Relationships with the late king of pop Michael Jackson, but today with us we have four very special guest, Michael Jackson's children to be exact, Im gonna start from eldest to Youngest, I want you guys to introduce yourselves with your name and age and something extra if you'd like so... Let's begin
Musiqq: Hello, World My name is Musiqq Symone Jackson and Im 15 years old,  :)
Aden: What's up, Im Aden Joseph Jackson, Im 14 years old
Bryce: Hey, Im Bryce and Im

12 years old
Taylor: Im Taylor Jo, Jackson and im 11 years old
Oprah: Okay, first things first I would truly like to thank you all for coming to the show, I know there's a lot of people trying to give you guys interviews
ALL: Yeah, pretty much!!! *Giggles*
Oprah: Okay, well what we all want to know is what will you guys remember and miss about your father the most, We're gonna start with you Taylor
Taylor: Uhmmm, i remember when I was sick and daddy stayed up with me all night, he even canceled his concert for me, and Im gonna miss him calling me his munchkin
Oprah: AWW, That is so sweet, What about you Bryce
Bryce: Uhmm, I remember dad bought me a Go cart for my 12th birthday, and me and him raced, around in neverland it was pretty fun and im gonna miss, how he use to mess up my hair on purpose, it was real funny
Oprah:  Haha wow, what about you Aden?
Aden: Well, I remember him trying to teach me how to dance, It was so funny because my mom was standing there the entire time and he didn't even notice, and he started to moonwalk and he bumped right into her, It was hilarious, and uhmmm Im gonna miss his advice, he gave out really great advice about everything
Oprah: Musiqq, what about you?

Oprah: Musiqq are you okay sweetie, are you crying?
Musiqq: *Sighs* *Sniffs*
Oprah: Do You need to take a break?
Musiqq: N..N No Ma'am *Sniffs* I can do It, I.. I.. Oh My God I Can't
Oprah: That's okay, Sweetie let's take a break We'll be right back
30 Minutes Later
Oprah: Welcome back to the show, now before the break, we had all four of the late King Of Pop Michael Jackson's children, in here sharing their favorite moments about their father but the eldest of the four, just couldn't take it, but now she's back, and alone because the other three have been dismissed, are you okay Musiqq??
Musiqq: Yes Ma'am
Oprah: You sure?
Musiqq: Yes!
Oprah: Okay, something that you remember about your dad, and something that you will miss about him the most
Musiqq: Uhmm one day, my dad came in my room, and sat next to me on my bed, and I was upset because I was being bullied in school, the kids were taunting and teasing me about my daddy being Michael Jackson, and they talked about his clothes, his surgeries, everything and it really hurt me, but he sat next to me and told me not to ever let what people say define my character, he that people will always be judgmental and try to hurt you and intimidate you, but you have to always stay strong, he kissed my forehead and told me that he loved me, and that heaven can wait, and no Angel can take him away from his Angel, and what I miss about him the most is his smile, Daddy, if you can hear me, I miss you and I love you and you were the most caring person ever, your heart was huge but those drugs I Hate them because they took you away from me, away from US your family, Friends, Fans You're irreplaceable Daddy, and I'll always hold you right here in my heart FOREVER <\3

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