Thanks for the memories

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Allie:"Hey guys, you nervous?"

Alex:"a little bit, you?"


Haley:"guys, we're ready for this. We have worked our arses off to get here."

Allie:"I guess so, I mean playing at the O2 arena is insane.

Alex:"can you remember when we were 15, and we first started that YouTube channel?"

Hayley:"of course we can"

Allie:"yeah, and the guys noticed us and wanted to meet with us"

Alex:"haha yeah, I think that was officially one of the best days of our lives"

Hayley:"i completely agree"

Allie:"now we all have the best job in the entire world, the best friends and best boyfriends and it was tough getting here, but we did it and we made it. Even though our parents may have brought us down we never gave up and look at where we are today a band about to perform at the O2 arena and have the best performance of our lives."

Alex+Hayley:"very inspirational *giggles*"

Allie:"shut up"

{5 years earlier}

Alex's POV

Why does everything at school have to be so stressful? All i want to do is sit in a room with my friends (Allie and Hayley) and make music. The summer of 2004 was very busy, I had three holidays and I had homework on top of this. Allie had also decided that we should form an acoustic band (which we all willingly agreed to) and it's called 'Midnight Haze'.

Allie wanted to film a cover for our channel before i left for my holidays. We were slightly obsessed with Mcfly at the time so we decided that our first cover was going to be 'all about you' as we loved this song so much. All the members of Mcfly were 18 at this point, three years older than us which is why we thought it could possible for us to become a real band in a few years time.

We created other accounts for our band such as, twitter and Instagram.

I left for my holiday 2 weeks into the summer and we didn't film our cover. But we were determined to get it filmed before it was time to go back to school. Which eventually we did and we had already received over 1,000 views which was incredible and after about 3 weeks we gained over 100 subscribers which was astonishing for us at the time. We were extremely committed after this and we wasn't going to let anyone get in the way of us pursuing our dream.

Thanks for the memoriesWhere stories live. Discover now