NURSE NURSE!!-chapter 18

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Allie's POV

As we walked in to the room I started to cry as I saw Danny hooked up to the machines and before I started to scream Tom engulfed me into a hug and as did Harry and Dougie and then Alex and Hayley joined in. I said to Tom,

"Where was he shot?"

Tom replied sounding concerned, "his stomach". He's been in for an operation to remove the bullet and everything's in a more 'stable condition'. I smiled but he then said, "however, he's not woken up since the incident".

I looked at Danny and the smile that he always put on my face when I saw him was no longer there.

Then I heard Dougie cry "NURSE, NURSE...His heart rate is slowing down" I then was pushed aside and escorted out of his room as were the others as many doctors and nurses rushed in. At that moment I thought to myself.

I'm going to loose him.

We were sat outside his room and Tom had his hand on my thigh (in a comforting way) and telling me that he will be fine. I heard screams coming from down the corridor from other people in pain. I HATE hospitals.

Alex's POV

We all decided to go and get some food as we hadn't eaten in a while and we wanted to take Allie's mind off of Danny. I can't imagine how hard it must be for her right now.

We arrived at the canteen and we had sandwiches and crips e.t.c...which wasn't too bad actually and then a nurse said I'm looking for Allie jones? And straight away (even though that wasn't her name) Allie jumped up and followed the nurse whilst we waited there.

Allie's POV

The nurse said to me "don't worry darling, we have him now in a 'stable' condition and he should be ok to leave in about 2 weeks. My heart rate started to go back to normal.

Before we went inside she said to me, "I know you two are together and u may have wanted children in the future, however, in Danny's condition he will no longer be able to produce sperm so he cannot have children, I'm so sorry" i nodded and walked into his room.

I sat by Danny and held his and hand and even though he wasn't awake, I knew he could hear me. So I told him everything was going to be ok.

Tom's POV

I was so scared, was Danny going to be ok!? He's my best friend I love him like he's my brother. Danny may not be the smartest of people but he's strong and he will pull through this I know he will.

We sat and waited patiently in the canteen. Alex and Hayley looked worried for Allie and Harry and Dougie looked worried about Danny. Allie rang me and I said,

Me-"how is he?"

Allie-"I'm doing great thanks mate"


Allie (Danny on Allie's phone)-"yeah, it's me I'm sorry if I scared you I'm ok"

I felt tears running down my face and i said with a now chocked voice,

Me-"I love ya mate"

Allie (Danny on Allie's phone)-"love u too"

I ended the phone and recited the news to the rest of the guys and girls. They were relieved and it felt as though a weight had just been lifted off all of our chests as we were no longer anxious.

~2 weeks later~

Danny was being let out of the hospital Allie had stayed with him the whole time the others had stayed with us in our room in the hotel we were staying at. Allie had been allowed to use the showers e.t.c...and we brought her some clothes as she didn't want to leave Danny's side.

Allie's POV

It had only just sunk in that Danny couldn't have children with me anymore, I mean, this wouldn't stop us from having sex but nothing's going to come out of it, other than the overall pleasure I guess. I didn't care, I just wanted Danny home, safe and sound.

Danny's POV

Allie had told me that I wouldn't be able to have children which I expected. I apologised to Allie numerous times but she wouldn't let me apologise for something that wasn't my fault.

The tour had been cancelled and luckily all of our fans understood. I just wanted to get home and tomorrow was our flight back. I wanted to be in my bed with Allie by my side and that's all I could think about.

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