It's my fault-chapter 20

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Hayley's POV

We had gone to the hospital to check up on how our little girl was doing. For some reason that day I didn't feel as confident as I had throughout my whole pregnancy.

I tried my best to act normal that day but Tom saw straight though me.

Tom-"babe what's wrong?"

Me-"is it that obvious?"

Tom-"kinda...yeah, what's bothering you?"

We sat down on the sofa of our living room to talk properly.

Me-"well, for some reason today I've felt different compared to how I've felt all of the other days."

Tom-"Hayley....are you scared..?"

Me-"I am scared"

Tom just wrapped his arms around me and told me everything would be ok. I was just confused on how I'd gone from being so super confident to becoming scared about it all.

Tom's POV

I knew Hayley would start to get scared at some point about the pregnancy, I mean who wouldn't?

However, I know how strong Hayley is and she'll be fine I know she will, and we are going to have a little girl who will be healthy and hopefully be given what's best for her in life.

We made our way to the hospital, Hayley did seem anxious. It was as if she knew something wasn't right.

Hayley's POV

We made our way into the hospital and Tom proudly registered us in. After waiting for about 20 minutes we were in the room and my belly was being scanned. I could see my little girl and I smiled to myself but then the doctor said

"She's very small"

Tom-"well yeah she's a baby"

Doctor-"no, sir this baby is very small for what stage you're girlfriend is at during this pregnancy"

Tom-"oh, wi..will she be ok?"

Tom started to sound very scared but the doctor said,

"Yeah she'll be fine, but if she's not at the full stage at the end of the pregnancy Hayley will have to have a cesarean"

Hayley-"ok well thank you for today doctor"

Doctor-"that's quite alright, it is my job after all"

I laughed along with him and so did Tom and we exited the room.

I walked slightly ahead of Tom and tears began to trickle down my face, until Tom caught up and I swiped them away quickly until he stopped in his tracks.

I was confused at first so I just said,

"Tom....are you ok?"

Tom-"it's my fault, we wouldn't be in this mess if it wasn't for me and my stupid teenage hormones"

Me-"hey,'s my 'stupid teenage hormones too'."

We both giggled and I sat him down with me on the closest bench near us.

Tom-"I'm sorry Hayley"

Me-"what for? Making a beautiful little girl who you will be the father too?"

Tom-"I love you Hayley"

Me-"I love you too"

Tom then rubbed my stomach and whispered,

"And I love you too missy".

We walked out of the hospital feeling so much better and we told everyone about the news.

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