Keep them keen-chapter 6

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Allie's POV

I'm not entirely sure what happened at the prom to make Danny even want to talk to me, but he did and I'm glad he did. I now have Danny's number but I didn't know wether I should text him or let him text me. So I consulted Alex about the situation as it was only 9 on a Saturday morning (why was I awake?). However, Alex wakes up so early so I knew she would reply

Allie:" hey girl, I wanted to ask you a quick question?xxxx"

Alex:"heyyy, sure :) xxxx"

Allie:"well I have Danny's number....should I text him first or let him text me?xxxx"

Alex:"let him text you :) I did and Dougie text me around 8:30 this morning as I was up earlier and now I can have a conversation with him, trust me there's a saying 'treat them mean keep them keen' which basically means treat them not too great and they will come after you more ;) it usually works xxxx"

Allie:" :D Okiee thanks Alex xxxx"

Alex:"that's ok :) did you have a good time last night ;) xxxx?"

Allie:".....Danny kissed me.....does that answer your question?xxxx"

Alex:"fair enough ;) xxxx"

Allie:"what about you anyway?xxxx"

Alex:"I had the best time and me and Dougie have created a nice friendship which is good :) xxxx"

Allie:" yeah I could tell ;) xxxx"

Alex:"Allie...... *rolls eyes* xxxx ur the one who was snogging Danny :D"

Allie:"fair play....fair play ;) xxxx"

Alex:"anyway g2g I'm meeting up with Dougie today I can't wait :) xxxx"

Allie:" ooooo have a nice time ;) xxxx"

Alex:" shut it ;) xxxx"

Allie:"nope, seeya later Alex :) xxxx"

Alex:"byeee :) xxxx"

Hayley's POV

I woke up at around 12 in the afternoon (don't judge me I need sleep) when I checked my phone and saw a tweet from Alex which had a picture attached to it and It was her and Dougie out on a date I guessed? In the picture she had a smile that I'd never seen before, she looked so happy which made me feel happy for her.

Tom text me this morning and wanted to know if I wanted to listen to him practise and then we could talk about our career as 'midnight haze'. I of course accepted and he said he was going to pick me up around 1:30.

I was so excited to see Tom again but was nervous that I might say something stupid because like every normal person I get normal feelings. I just had to get ready as quick as I could so that I would look nice and be ready on time.

Tom arrived at my place and complimented me on how I looked and he had brought his getter so I guess he wanted to practise here which was fine of course. When we strummed his guitar and sang it made a huge smile appear on my face and it also gave me butterflies.

Tom was different compared to all the other guys I knew or had been out with, he was different and that's what I loved about him.

Dougie's POV

I was nervous to see Alex today but it went ok up until it got a extremely awkward

Alex:"so what you class this as"


I started scratching my neck nervously as I guess it was but did she want it to be?

Alex:"I errr....are you ok?"

Dougie:"...yep I'm err...good i guess yeah it is a date?"


She then leaned forward and kissed me on the cheek and said;

Alex:"I'm glad you wanted to go out with me today"

Dougie:"thanks Alex"

I then gave her a hug and we walked hand in hand back to my car and I drove her home.

It was so nice to have a normal date with someone who wasn't a "crazy fan", I mean I knew that she was a fan but she wasn't going out with me because I was in a popular band, she was going out with me because of who I was as a person which meant a lot to me.

~earlier that day

Danny's POV

I texted Allie this morning and we had a conversation about last night....

Danny:"morning Allie :) xx"

Allie:"morning Danny :) xx"

Danny:"so about last night.....when we"

Allie:"it was a bit out of the blue but I enjoyed it non the less xxx"

Danny:"I'm so glad to hear you say that Allie because I really like you and because I kisses you I was scared I was being too forward and you wouldn't want to talk to me after last night xxx :3"

Allie:"oh...Danny don't be silly I really like you and you have such a nice and funny personality and maybe you were a bit forward but it's not like I didn't kiss you back ;) xxxx"

Danny:";)...true thanks Allie it means a lot....anyway wanted to ask if you wanted to maybe hang at my place today?xxxx"

Allie:"I'd love to, pick me up around 12?xxxx"

Danny:"sure thing be there soon :) xxxx"

I arrived at her place and she looked beautiful as she always did and we drove to my place.

We watched films, cuddled, and overall it was a really nice day with her and when she left we continued to talk on the phone for hours and hours after she left.

Every text that I received from her a smile appeared on my face and I said goodnight to her and I went to sleep the happiest I've been for such a long time.

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