A few weeks-chapter 26

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~1 month before the babies due~

Dougie's POV

We were making sure that we had everything ready for when the babies arrived. So I had finished their bedroom and I have to say I was extremely pleased with how it had turned out and I can't wait for my own two babies to be in there.

Alex had everything sorted, she even had her hospital bag ready. So she bought nappies, nipple cream (which sounds gross I know) which she needed after breast feeding. She also made sure we had some clothes for the babies to change into and we both went shopping together sorting everything out, we had to get follow on milk too for when Alex no longer needed to breast feed.

I felt like a dad already and I can't believe that I'm saying this at 18. When I joined Mcfly at 15 I never expected that 3 years later I would be having twins with the woman I'm now engaged with.

Alex's belly is huge, she's not too pleased about that fact but she's skinny everywhere else, she's always been a skinny person anyways. But I guess her knowing that she's holding her own two babies makes her feel better about it.

I think Alex is going to go to the hospital and ask for an epidural as soon as she goes into labour as this stops the whole giving birth scenario from hurting. Which is so good (but defeating the object a little bit). Although, if I were in Alex's position then I would definitely want ALL of the drugs.

~2 weeks later~ (at the hospital)

Alex's POV

We went to the hospital to sort out the epidural for me. However, they said that they would have to see how my condition was. Meaning, if they thought I was ok they wouldn't give me it. As soon as the doctor said this my whole body began to shake. I started to have a bit of a panic attack, I used to get them quite a bit when I was younger as I always used to think something into something that it wasn't.

My ultimate fear as a child was dying at child birth which is why I didn't want the pain. I don't want to be in a condition where they think/know I need the drugs. I want to be ok and most importantly I want my babies to be ok and for that to happen I need to be ok to be there for them.

So maybe even a few weeks from now, I could be having my two babies that I've been carrying around for 9 months. That's when I began to think 'ok this is actually happening, prepare yourself girl because this is about to get very scary and emotional'.

Harry's POV

Me and izzy had planned to be there when Alex and Dougie have her child because we wanted to give her the gifts we got her babies. However, we had planned a weeks holiday I'm Greece at the time when Alex's babies are due. I really hope she has them late or early as I wouldn't want to miss such a beautiful moment in their lives.

Izzy's POV

I loved how Harry didn't want to miss his good friend's children being born, but he has to think about himself sometimes too. He always makes sure that he has time for others but never for himself and more of that needs to happen. We got the twins some all in one baby grows one was a lion and the other was a little princess suit. I couldn't wait for Alex and Dougie to see them I especially knew that Alex would love them as she loves cute things like that.

Tom's POV

Not long now, wow this 9 months has just gone so quickly I have made sure that Dougie and Alex are ok and Hayley has gave Alex quite a few tips so I'm sure they're all set. Our Little girl is now 10 months old and she's developing so well. I'm proud of Hayley she's such a good mum and just seems to know how to do everything. I on the other hand, I am slightly useless. I wish I could be just a good a father to Libby. I am trying my best to do what I can, I should get better as the months progress.

Hayley's POV

Everything is moving so fast, I wish it would all just stop or at least slow down. I can't believe Alex is having twins and she's engaged. Me and Allie always said it would most likely be me first who has a child then Allie then Alex. Alex has always been so quiet and timid around certain subjects. Including subjects such as, sex. She didn't really like the word so she never ever said it.

Nevertheless, I'm so happy for her i love her with all my heart and always will as I do Allie. I'm also happy for Dougie, i've seen boyfriends come and go for Allie and Alex but I've never seen them both so happy being with Danny and Dougie which makes me happier every time I see them with them.

A few weeks and the twins will be here, Alex had said to me that she wanted her little boy to be named Luke which Tom keeps saying Dougie has got it from Star Wars (which is most likely) Alex did love Star Wars when she was younger and has always loved the name Luke.

Dougie said to me that he wanted Alex to have her choice of name for the girl, he's going to tell her after she's had the babies and they're deciding the names. The next few weeks is just waiting for Dougie to let us all know.

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