A night to remember(part 2)-chapter 5

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Allie's POV

We all walked in to our school so nervously we got some looks from a lot of people which was funny to watch to be honest. I was walking so close to all of my idols and it made me feel special. I turned to Alex and Hayley who seemed to be keeping their cool pretty well.

Before I knew it we were standing at the back of our schools stage and waiting to perform. The guys wished us luck and we thanked them.

Alex's POV

I loved performing and I was looking forward to performing for the first time properly with my friends. We stood on stage and gave each other that look to say "ok, start playing now". Luckily we all understood and started to play one of our favourite songs which was 'all about you'. This made me even more nervous because Mcfly were there and we were singing THEIR song. I tried not to think about this too much.

Hayley's POV

I saw the guys in the crowd which made me receive butterflies in my stomach. I just smiled and concentrated on performing. I saw Tom and he looked great, i started to stare into his eyes and when he looked at me he smiled and I looked away from his gaze quickly.

We sounded good, really good infact. I smiled at Alex and Allie and they retuned the smile and we carried on singing whilst Allie played the guitar and Alex played bass and I just sang as my electric wasn't needed for this song. I couldn't wait to talk to the guys afterwards and they were still going to perform.

Danny's POV

"It's all about youuuuu..." The girls finished singing and everyone gave the biggest round of applause which echoed in their school hall. Allie is amazing at playing the guitar and her vocals are incredible, her red hair hit the lights perfectly which made her hair stand out and her eyes were breathtakingly beautiful.


I was knocked out of my day dream by Tom and said we should talk to the girls. I agreed and followed the guys backstage.

Alex's POV

The guys said to us that we were amazing and couldn't have sung their song any better. We all felt so privileged. We had so many compliments by people who walked past us, it was like we were famous it was quite fun actually. My teachers decided that Mcfly couldn't play because they didn't want them to basically, this really bugged me. I apologised to them and they didn't seem to mind much.

Dougie sat next to me and said "...you were....I mean you guys were really good". Dougie started to rub the back of his neck nervously and I giggled and he laughed with me. I got to know him so much better and it was really nice to have a friend like him. He was so generous and kind hearted but also cheeky and mischievous which is one of the main things I loved about him.

Dougie's POV

Alex was gorgeous and her voice and her bass playing gave me butterflies every time I thought about it. I wanted to be friends with her first before we maybe got to be more than friends. I don't even know if she would like me in that way but hey oh I was gonna give it a shot sooner or later.

~2 hours later

Allie's POV

I had a few drinks, ok yes It was diet coke but I still had drinks didn't i? Danny walked over to me and started to act a little different compared to how he acted with my other band mates.

He said that I sounded amazing and that I looked beautiful. I was completely gob smacked considering that I idolised him. He was talking to me so that we could get to know each other better and when we were quiet for a few moments listening to the music that was playing I saw him leaning towards me. 'Woahhh is he going to kiss me? Should I let him?" Before I had a chance to think he pushed my body slowly against the wall holding onto my waist which made me feel a bit flustered. Then I leaned in too and before I knew it our lips collided together Danny smiled and I giggled and it drove him crazy, I could tell I was doing something right. He deepened the kiss so our tongues were now on a battle against each other and I hate to say it but his kept winning.

Danny's POV

I couldn't help but kiss her, her lips looked so soft and I had already learnt a lot about her and we clicked very quickly and when we kissed I smiled instantly and she giggled which drove me crazy and I deepened the kiss between me and her until I saw Alex and Dougie standing there and then I pulled away from Allie and she just said "well today has been interesting...."

We all laughed at her and then Alex said "it appears you two have hit it off quickly" she then giggled to herself. I smiled nervously but I didn't care as I knew that I liked Allie and she must have felt that between us when we kissed? I walked her home and I kissed her gently on the lips and she smiled and said thank you Danny I've had an amazing night, we exchanged phone numbers and I left her house.

Alex's POV

I was completely shocked walking round the corner to see Allie snogging Danny freakin' Jones. Dougie saw this as an opportunity to hold my hand so I accepted and I could tell that he liked me and I really liked him but I wanted to be friends for a while I mean we met today for crying out loud!

The night was slowly drawing to a close and it was probably one of the best nights of my life. Dougie drove me home as legally he could as he was 17 he was the youngest compared to the other boys. So he dropped me off outside my door and he saw my step dad standing there in the living room watching from inside. He looked quite scare to be honest but I said don't mind him and Dougie gave me his a number before he gave me a hug and as he pulled away he gently placed a kiss on my cheek and I walked in singing and felt extremely happy as if he had put me on some kind of drugs.

Hayley's POV

"Hey Tom, I've really enjoyed tonight thank you so much for coming" I said to Tom as he walked me home in a sweet voice he spoke back "oh don't worry it's been a great night". He then said in a more nervous voice "I would love to see you again" I said delighted;

"I would love to, here's my number and give me a call when"

Tom's POV

She smiled at me and put her number in my phone and she added a smiley face at the end of her name which made me chuckle to myself.

When we reached her house I gave her a hug and her dogs barked from inside her house and made me jump and she laughed at me and I pouted "it's not funny" she then walked towards me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "goodnight Tom", smiled at me and walked inside her house. She was amazing I needed to see her again as soon as possible.

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