Stage fright-chapter 8

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Alex's POV

We were just about to walk on stage when I felt my self become a lot more scared and nervous than I usually would before performing. It was Mcfly's fans and what if I messed up.

The guys were backstage telling us good luck before we went on stage. I walked on stage to see all of their fans and they were cheering and when I stood in front of the microphone I felt my throat seem to close up.

The music started to play our song and I chocked on my words and I stared at Allie and Hayley but they didn't know what to do but to carry on playing. I didn't know what to do either, I've done what I never wanted to have happened and get stage fright so that I go wrong.

Just as I was about to leave and I had tears running down my face, Dougie ran on stage and held my hand and I suddenly felt so much better and he started to sing our song which I had practised with him so he knew all of the words and everyone cheered and I didn't let go of his hand, I just gripped it tighter.

He then looked at me and began to give me a look which said "sing with me" I then took a deep breath and I began to sing and the crowd applauded even louder and Dougie stopped singing and ran off stage letting me continue. I couldn't have thanked him anymore I love him, I really love him.

Allie's POV

When I saw Alex almost run off the stage crying I wanted to drop everything and follow her. However, when Dougie ran on stage and made sure that she was ok and sang for her my heart melted and It was the most generous thing anyone could do for someone and I know that he did that out of love. This makes me feel better knowing that my best friend is with someone who respects and cares for her.

When Alex gained her confidence back the crowd cheated so much louder and I couldn't be happier as that moment on stage made me and everyone else realises how much we all mean and care about it each other.

Hayley's POV

I had a feeling Alex would go wrong, (not meaning to sound horrible) whenever she was about to go on stage she looked as if she was going to have a nervous breakdown but tonight proved to me and all of us how strong she is when Dougie is around. He helped her up when she had broken in front of everyone and she still carried on singing and braved it. I don't think I would have had the nerves to do that.

Alex means the world to me and I now know who makes her the better person that she can be. And it's Dougie. They were meant to be (sounds so sappy I know) but they were in love and together made each other a better person individually.

Dougie's POV

I was nervous before Alex walked on stage. Because before she went on stage she turned to face me and gave me a look which said "I'm not ready for this". My face changed from smiling and being happy to a face which looked so ghostly and as if my heart had just been ripped right out of my chest.

I knew when she had a breakdown that I had to do something. This was our concert. So I ran on stage and held her hand and told her everything was going to be ok. Luckily the song they had been singing was the song she had been practising when she was with me, so I knew all of the words.

I was so happy when she started singing again it made my heart jump and I had the biggest grin slapped on my face at this point as her voice was so beautiful. She hasn't always been the confident person, but as soon as I ran on stage her eyes seemed to light up and her confidence seemed to have lifted.

I love Alex. I really love her. I would do anything for her and this was only a minor set back in her career and I was not going to let this be the end of it.

Alex's POV

When the crowd cheered we walked off stage and I ran straight to Dougie and gave him a the biggest hug and he picked me up and spun me around.

I said in a now chocked voice "...thank you". He then stroked my hair and I lifted off his chest to see him and she kissed me gently and said "I would do anything for you Alex, I love you and I've never felt this way about anyone before in my whole life, I love you Alex"

This made me cry even more compared to how much I already had been. Dougie then started to tear up and then realised he had to go on stage. We shared a very passionate kiss before he took off and headed to the main stage.

Allie and Hayley ran to me together, squishing me in a little sandwich of happiness. We were all in tears and not of sadness but of joy and we were all thankful of the fans and everyone who had supported us when we were up there.

Allie:"hey Alex, Dougie's a keeper don't let him go"

Alex:"don't worry he's not going anywhere anytime soon"

Hayley:"I love you guys"

We then embraced in a hug and me and Allie said in unison;

"We love you too"

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