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My heart was beating out my chest as the results were read. I couldn't tell you how I felt, I was regretful and I was disappointed at the same time. My life was changed and I don't know how to take it. Miranda seemed not fazed at all, just sitting there no face as if she knew what the results had been. Her smile was small to barely there.

I was the most affected by this, Michael grabbed my hand and we went out the hospital. Quickly and swiftly I was in the passenger seat and he drove away from the hospital.

The first place we visited was a little baby's store. He bought so many outfits, for toddlers and infants and I was lost in a daze. I watched him, he must be giving them to someone. probably Sky. I figured out her name, it was such a beautiful name, I'll admit that but nothing more.

He seemed happy which disappointed me some. But I know it's all for the best, he seemed happy and it was weird why I felt upset a little.

I smiled and watched his pick out outfits, which I most definitely had to help him with.

"Michael, that is ugly put that back".

"What, it's a ruffled skirt". He seemed thrown back as if girls with style really wear shit like that these days.

"And it's ugly, put it down your embarrassing me while holding it". I started to giggle slightly and snatched the skirt out his hand. Quickly putting it back on the rack and pushing him away from this area.

I pushed him towards the jeans and cute tops area. He knows something about dressing me but completely nothing about kids. He was a good dresser himself but when it came to girls he wasn't the smartest cookie in the container.

I picked out some fresh outfits and let him look them over. He liked them better than what he chose and he snatched them taking them to the cashier who immediately started to fangirl over him.

I hid off to the side slightly allowing him to take all the attention. I'm good love on that he can enjoy. Upon finishing he turned to me but I ran out the store. He chased me to the car, and placed the bags in the back. But I ran away in the parking lot.

He didn't notice, so I hid behind a bush. He looked in the car and didn't see me the proceeded to search around. He looked like a puppy who lost their owner. I giggled from the bushes and they ruffled slightly taking his attention.

I could see the smirk on his face was he walked over. He stood right next to the bush, and looked around.

"I wonder where she went" pretending as if he didn't know I was there. "I guess I'm just going to have to go to Carl's Jr then Cold Stones by myself then". When I say I jumped up so fast. I sprung out the bush and looked at him as if he had three heads. I know he was just trying to lighten the mood for me.

I guess he must of thought I was mad or slightly disappointed. I felt a little ashamed to be happy about it, not entirely.

(I'm being so mean by not telling you guys the results I'm so sorry guys 😈 I hope by the way she's acting about it that you have a guess.)

He ended up taking me to Carl's Jr. first. He ordered for us and I waited patiently at the table for him. As he sat in front of me I just smiled, and watched him return a familiar smile. When the food came I didn't eat much but I did enough to not seem suspicious.

"You eat like a pig". I watched as he took another bite of the burger he was eating. He looked up at me giving me a closed mouth smile, because of his mouth being full. He swallowed then proceeded to talk.

"I'm hungry, imma eat woman". He chuckled and I slapped his arm lightly. He continued to eat and I nit picked at my own.

"Were you not hungry baby".He asked concerned.

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