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Sky was a moving body for her to be sick, I laid my head down on a pillow. Waiting for her to tired herself out, somewhat.

"Sky can we take a nap". I asked

"No". She jumped on the bed, she ran to the edge looking like she was about to attempt to jump to the other bed.

"Sky No, your too small for that". I grabbed her and jumped up standing on the bed myself. "Let me jump with you". I took one leap and landed on the other bed Michael was peacefully sleeping on.

He groaned as his eyes slowly peeled opened looking at us.

"Uh ohh, Sky you're in trouble. You woke daddy".

Michael leaned up his facial expression still angry. He looked from Sky to me, pouncing and grabbing Sky. Tackling her and pinning her to the bed, while tickling her.

He wasn't done there, he grabbed me as well, pinning me right next to Sky.

"Get off me you loony". I laughed trying to lift my arms off the bed.

"You both woke me up, I need sleep". He growled, his head was in between Sky and I.

"Dada". Sky called laughing and coughing.

Michael released my hands, and I started to tend to Sky immediately, grabbing the medicine and measuring it for her body size.

"Here baby, drink this". Surprisingly she didn't make a fuss about it, but her facial expression changed when the medicine touched her taste buds. I laughed giving her some water to wash the taste away. "Come lay with mommy". I pulled her down to lay right at my side.

She snuggled her head into my chest, sniffling and quietly crying. I know this is wrong but listening to her softly cry was so adorable but still sad. I felt bad for my baby, I couldn't wait to get home to get her feeling better and make her some food. Michael rested behind me as well hiding his face away in the back of my neck. Going back to his slumber.


(So I don't want to describe the trip back home, it's better if I don't so we can get to more drama, again)

"Finally home". I praised walking through the door with Sky on my hip. "Come on baby let's make you some soup".

We got back to the house early in the morning, it was about 5 am and we slept the whole place ride, the only two that were tired were Sky and I. Michael seemed more energized and more mad then when we first got on the plane. I didn't know why he seemed more upset and it kind of startled me but I didn't push into it.

I just focused on making soup for Sky to eat and calm her stomach. She wasn't able to eat anything we bought for her, she threw it up.

I felt bad the whole time so I decided to make something that would be light on her stomach. I helped feed her the soup and some light yogurt until I heard a door slam.

It was distinctly the front door. I jumped up with Sky jogging to the front door seeing it had already been closed. Out the window you could see Michael hopping in his car and driving off to someplace. I wonder where he was going?

Michael's POV

I knew it was early but I didn't care, I was banging on the door, if he wasn't awake he sure was now.

Once he opened the door I couldn't help but swing my arm and have my fist connect to his jaw. He didn't have much time to react as I was throwing punch after punch. He was thrown off balance, he fell back landing on his backside.

He put his hands in front of his face trying to block my face hits, so I started throwing body shots. I didn't care I just wanted him to hurt, texting my girl, inviting her out knowing she with me. It was worst since I didn't know what they was doing, she could have went to his house at any time and have done the act.

My phone starting ringing out of no where, Auriel was calling. I ignored the call but of course she called a million more times. I turned my phone off, eventually, ignoring the rest of her attempts to call through.

I needed someone to take my rage off on, and since Jason messed up he was the lucky victim.

Auriel's POV

"Sky baby, come on let's go visit your uncle". I let her walk towards me while I stood at the front door waiting for her to catch up to me.

When she did I grabbed her hand and we were out the door.

I buckled her inside the car taking the 15 minute drive to the apartment buildings on the eastside.

I took Sky out the backseats of the car pulling her to my chest and taking the elevator to the upper floors.

"You promise to be on your best behavior". I asked

"Yea!" She screamed in a the most happiest baby tone ever. Have you ever heard a baby so happy that their voice was so high pitched but it was the most adorable thing known to man.

"Good, and if you are I'll get you ice cream".


"Cream baby, cream". I laughed walking towards the familiar door and knocking.

"Oh hello, do I know you. I mean you seem familiar but I don't know".



"There is a baby here". I warned before he finished his sentence.

"Oh my bad sorry B-I-T-C-H". He gave me a thumbs up like spelling it would make it better. "Come on in". He let me inside his humble abode and I went to greet Tom.

"Hey Tommy". I outstretched my arm for a hug, and he took notice to the child he never seen before. "Sky, her names Sky".

I turned around making her face Tom who was fascinated by her. He acted as if he never saw a child before.

"You wanna hold her". I asked

"Can I". He smiled gladly taking Sky from me.

"I'm going to talk to J okay". I pointed over to Joeys room then made my way over to they way. "Hey Joey". I knocked on his bedroom door before I got permission to walk inside.

"Hey bi- there isn't a child in the vicinity is there?"

I giggled, "No Joey".

"Good then I can say this, BITCHHH where the fuck you been, I've been having tea to spill with you and I know you got some to".

"You know I have a lot". I sat down on the bed right next to him getting ready to spill.

"Well first off bitch what kind of tea is it, Lipton, Nestle or that Kermit". He said tilting his head to the side.


He took a giant gasp, "Not that Kermit".

"Yes Joey! Now what you want in it".

"Well second bitch who is it about".

"Her". He already knew I was talking about Miranda. She was the only one I ever refer to when I say that, she's been on that level since high school.

Another huge gasp, "Bitch give me some sugar".


"Oh fuck no, bitch, add some honey".

"Joey you already know I'm about to make it sweet for you, because them two got me fucked up, down, left and right".

"Now what's the temperature of the tea".

"That all depends on how you take it after I tell you, if you wanna fight".

"Bitch I can already tell I'm gonna so make it the bottom of hell hot, NOW SPILL".

So I told him everything, starting from the part Michael left in the middle of the night, to what I mistaken that night, to my time in the hospital for a suicide attempt. And when o got to the info about unblocking Jason that's when things got real.

"Oh baby fuck no, you unblocked him".

"Yeah I fucking did".

He put his head in his lap, and shook it around grunting slightly. This is when I knew he was about to school me.

Aren't you all glad Joey's back, I know I am, I missed his fun spirit so much!!

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