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"Ready to go home princess". She nodded as I carried her to the car. Once I allowed her in the car the drive home would really let me know if we had a successful date. Once we got home, I looked back and seen she was sleeping. That's when I knew she must of have a good time, she went to sleep so fast.

I had to carry her sleeping body inside and made sure I wasn't to rough so she didn't wake. It was 8:30 when I stepped in the door, a smell of pizza hit me in the face when I walked in the door.

I could get a glimpse of the kitchen from where I was. Auriel was doing the most cutest struggle to get the pizza out the oven. Bending over holding her belly while she grabbed the pizza pan out the oven.

"Baby". I whispered not in the mood to handle Sky's attitude if she woke. I walked into the kitchen so I could check on the second baby, make sure my number 2 was safe since Auriel was putting her body through so much movement trying to get a pizza. "Do you need my help, I could do it for you".

"Please". She whined stepping back away from the pan she set on the oven. She took Sky holding her while I cut the pizza for her, in 8 slices.

"There you go babygirl".

"Thank you, thank you, thank you". She squealed like a child. She loved her food man that's for sure. "What did you do to my baby". She looked at Sky kissing her little forehead.

"I took her out, did everything she wanted. You know let her live the baby's dream".

"My baby is sound asleep, you tired her out. You guys didn't do nothing funny? My daughter isn't allow to get kisses yet, well except from me".

I stood to the T facing her like a army soldier. "I promise ma'am I respected all your wishes".

"Good now give momma some sugar". I leaned in to receive the sweet kiss from her.  I also handed her the plate of pizza in the process. I didn't know how much to give so I piled 4 slices on her plate. She was pregnant don't judge my decision.

She walked away up the stairs into the bedroom, to change Sky into sleeping clothes. Which woke her up in the process, she started to cry. Which wasn't good for neither Auriel or I. She just changed her like the crying didn't faze her. Then once she changed the baby and herself, she held Sky to her chest, Sky's face in her upper shoulder, crying her lungs out.

She bounced her lightly in her arms calming her down, lightly rubbing her back. I like how she was able to calm Sky down with ease. Like it was a effortless attempt at getting her to calm down. One of the hardest jobs was being a mother and Auriel did it with ease. One of the most important jobs like this always went unnoticed but I see it.

Once Sky stopped crying she started being quiet making the cutest little whining type noises. That was until Auriel sang a little song to her and got her to sleep in a matter of a few minutes.

She laid Sky down in the middle of her bed, and smiled to herself.

"Look at you playing mommy".

"I'm not playing anything, get that right. I'm being mommy to my first child. In the matter of 2 more months we will have two running around here".

"I can't wait". I placed a kiss on her lips then crouched down to kiss the baby bump. Lastly I walked over and climbed in bed and kissed Sky goodnight. "Good night my princess".

I jumped out the bed to change, so I didn't sleep in my jeans. I slept in my basketball shorts and nothing else.

I could hear Sky's tiny snores in my ear, it was the most adorable thing I could have heard. It was so peaceful it helped me get to sleep.


When I woke up in the morning Sky and Auriel were missing from the bed. I looked around for them then heard noises come from the closet.

I laid back in bed and just relaxed looking up at the ceiling hoping to take some type of break and fall back asleep.

"Dada!" Was called and and then I knew I wasn't going to get no peace not right now. Sky was lucky I loved her attention.

"Yeah pri-What are you wearing". She had on this little bikini. And I was so upset, like more upset then I have ever been before.

She started laughing and pushed herself up on her feet. "No it's not funny, Princess what are you wearing". I started fake crying. "That's way to much skin, you are growing up way to fast". I sniffled a little and she stopped laughing then got worried. She must have thought I was crying for real.

"Princess where are your clothes". I picked her up and placed her in front of me on the bed. When she crawled around I got even more hurt. " Oh my god, Princess, to much leg you know your beautiful, that's why you gotta cover up". I stared whining then Auriel came in the room. Just in her under garments. So I whined a little louder.

"My Queen way to much skin, your beautiful both of you, so cover up". I jumped out of bed grabbing my shirt then walked over to Auriel sliding it over her shoulders. She happily and proudly wore my shirt. I took my sweater and put it over Sky and of course she was swallowed by the huge sweater. She looked like someone's girlfriend who just got their boyfriend sweater. She stood up showing the sweater covered her entire body. "That's better both my girls covered".

I collapsed on the bed again and pulled Sky to my chest.

My phone rang, I was getting a call from the New York prison. I knew that had to be only one person, so I answered.


"Michael.. please tell me this is you".

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh thank god". She sounded relived like something was troubling her.

"What's going on".

"J-Jackson was here, he's claiming to try and get custody of Sky".

I almost dropped my phone, the last time I spoke to Jackson he didn't want anything to do with Sky. Now all of a sudden he wants custody, OF MY CHILD. My blood was boiling and cooking my insides. My hands balled into fists and my jaw clenched.

"I'll handle it".

"What are you going to do".

"He's not taking my daughter, that's all you need to know".

"Thank you Michael, I take relief knowing Auriel is the best mother Sky could have".

"She really is". I smiled thinking about Sky and Auriel behind me in my clothing. I turned around to them dancing and modeling in my clothes. Even though the sight was beautiful it made me even more mad, the fact someone was trying to take this away from me.

"I have to go, see you-". The call cut out and I removed my phone from my ear.

That child's name legally was Sky Jordan, and she was my daughter no matter where she got her genes from. The last thing I'm about to do is let some drug dealing, deadbeat take her to a home to were she could get abused or raped. Jackson wasn't there for not one day of her life, why would he want her now I have no idea.

But I was determined to not let him win, he wasn't fit to be a father. He just wasn't!

Best Friends Brother *Sequel*Where stories live. Discover now