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"What have you been up to?" I asked relaxing in my seat watching him pull up another right next to me.

"Nothing much just trying my best to reconnect with my boys, as best I can".

"That's amazing to hear, he's missed that in his life Mr. K".

"It's all thanks to you that I'm back, so I should thank you".

"I just encouraged you, the choice to actually do it was your own. Thank yourself Mr. K".  We decided to catch up of life for a bit talk about our lives and everything else.

"You seen to be doing well for yourself with a daughter and all and another on the way, house full of girls huh, you guys got Michael outnumbered". He chuckled

Michael walked inside with Sky, baby talking her. "Sucks for him doesn't it".

"Sucks for who?"

"You, the fact that you only have girls".

"Yeah man, thought I would have at least one boy". He snapped his fingers like he was really upset, in his eyes you could tell he wasn't mad about it.

"Get your corny finger snapping self out of here". I giggled

"You ready to go?"  He asked and I nodded. It was 9:30 and I was proud to have said I was even awake at this time. To I had to personally go back on stage again to announce that I was leaving since it'd be rude to not say anything.

"I'd like to thank you all for coming, I had a awesome day but I'm pregnant and my feet are killing me". Everyone laughed like I said some joke but I brushed it off. "Enjoy the rest of the night y'all, peace". I walked off the stage taking on last pic with Michael and Sky for the photographer. During the whole 4-6 hours I was there he was nonstop on me.

I was pretty sure he took millions of pictures since he was pretty much glued to me the entire time, but I was pretty sure that was Joey's doing.

I let Michael drive me home and by home I meant the one I owned.

"I'll walk from here". I said grabbed Sky and walking in the neighbor hood towards the home, but he followed me in his car.

"No you won't, it's late. Just get back in the car and let me take you". He looked me deep in my soul.

"You wanna know where I been hiding out don't you". I giggled

"A littllleeeee". He whined like a cute baby. So I obeyed and hopped in the car Sky in my lap since we were around the corner. But don't get it twisted, I sat in the back.

Once he pulled up I hopped out the car and you know ya girl had to invite ole boy inside. He was looking tired anyways. 

Sky was basically asleep already, she snores peacefully in my arms as I carried her inside the house Michael following right behind me.

"Babe, can you dress Sky in her pajamas please".

"Oh I missed that so much".

I raised an eyebrow and looking at him I said, "What?"

"I got my title back". He giggled a little taking Sky upstairs to change her. But he stopped in the middle of the stairs. "Do you need help up the stairs to babygirl".

I nodded, rubbing my belly feeling the baby kick. "Oh don't do this now little one, mommy wants to sleep". I walked over to the stairs taking it one step at a time. Slowly but surely I made it to Michael's position on the stairs.

"You got this babygirl, you doing well without my help". He moved to the side allowing me to get ahead of him. He placed his hand on the small of my back and lightly pushed giving me a leverage and helping me make it up the stairs faster. "There you go baby, you got this".

"I made it!". I was exhausted and I made my way to the bedroom. While Michael changed Sky I removed my makeup in the bathroom.

I had to have Michael help me out the dress, and he put it away for me as well. I practically collapsed on the bed, right next to Sky who was sound asleep in the middle of the bed. She was slightly drooling but I didn't mind it, it was adorable.

I scooted in close and Michael walked towards the door of the bedroom.

"Where you going".

"I don't want to stay where I'm not needed".

"Daddy?" I said in a baby voice not trying to be dirty in no way, shape, or form. (Ya nasties). "Come lay down, your girls need you". I lifted my arm in the air and he smiled coming towards the bed and scooting in. I let my arm fall over his waist. My eyelids didn't want to stay open and I didn't fight them. I let my top lid connect with the bottom letting the blackness cover my eyes.

"Baby". He whispered

"Yeah". I said in a low audible voice.

"I love you".

"I love you more". I smiled weakly, but the smile soon faded as I fell into a deep sleep.


Michael's body heat was very much there once I woke. I was so lazy that I didn't even get up I just allowed myself to fall back into a second sleep. That was until Sky's cries woke me up.

"Sky what's wrong". I looked down just coming to the first thing that came to mind. I got up and grabbed a bottle I had made on my nightstand and pulled Sky on my lap. "Here baby". I put the tip of the bottle in her mouth, letting her suck the milky contents from inside. It quieted her down and I almost fell asleep with her still in my arms.

Once the bottle was gone and Sky quieted down, I laid her back on the bed beside her sleeping father. It was currently 3 am in the morning, Michael would be awake soon, but me on the other hand decided to watch some TV. I turned on some Netflix looking down at Sky who wasn't fully asleep, but wasn't fully awake either.

She had just eaten so I knew she was about to sleep, I just hoped it wouldn't take her long to drift off. So for the next few minutes I watched her look at the TV hanging on the wall. Her eyes barely open.

"Sky baby are you sleep yet". I looked down and her eyes were still cracked open. Babies are supposed to sleep after they finish and entire bottle. "Go to sleep, you know I can't sleep until you are, are you taunting me babygirl". She just smiled a little and I leaned back and rested in bed.

A whole hour went by and she still wasn't sleeping yet. I changed her diaper and fed her another bottle, this time I made it warm. She wasn't finna stay up this time. I knew it for sure this time.

Her eyes dropped closed and I praised the lords above. In the morning Michael is taking her out, I'm getting some shut eye.

It was now 5:30 in the morning and Michael was awaking. He looked over at me and even I knew I had to have looked disgusting.

"Baby". He said hoarsely. "Why you awake".

"Your daughter wouldn't sleep". He looked at the sleeping baby right next to him, then back up at me. "She just went to sleep dude after drinking 2 bottles. You have the pleasure of taking her out tonight have fun". I fell back in bed and let myself drift off to sleep again. It felt so good to finally catch up on the 3 hours I had missed.

Sky was such an energetic baby, that even when she was tired she wouldn't sleep. I hope my 2nd is a lazy baby and loves to sleep.

Best Friends Brother *Sequel*Where stories live. Discover now