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I walked away from sky back downstairs, making my way back down to Michael.

"You ready to talk now?" I asked looking right at him.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you. I was just thinking hard and I'm trying to figure out how to keep Jackson away from us".

"You could have just said that, instead of ignoring me you know". I titled my head to the side. Giving him a cocky smile.

"I know I'm sorry baby, I should have just said something. Imma try to do better".

"Good, so what are we going to do about this Sky situation". I asked walking towards him and hugging his waist. I laid my head in his chest and we just stood there as one.

His chin rested on top of my head and he didn't really say anything for a second just wrapped his arms around me. It felt good to be in his embrace, just sitting there being hugged and swaying slightly from side to side, letting it all out just talking our way through things. No more twists and turns in the road. No more making speed numbs into hills.

"I honestly have no idea, you have any suggestions".

His grip around my waist was tight, every time I would mention Sky's name he would get tense but that would cause me to hug him tighter.

"We can start with a restraining order, then go from there".

He rubbed my back, I just sighed, "That's a good idea. We will handle that in the morning".

"Can we rest with the kids now". I asked looking up into his brown pools.



By morning we were in for the surprise of our lives.

Pulling into the courthouse the only thing on my mind was getting Jackson out of the picture for good. Nobody was going to take my daughter away from me.

I held Lani close and Sky followed behind us. She seemed as confused as a mental person in the middle of the neck of the woods.

I didn't think I would ever have to lay foot in any place that had to do with police and jail. That was a indefinite possibility but I guess I was sucked back into the wonderful world of jail time.

Walking in made my skin crawl and my stomach well in knots. The way I was getting stares and the way Lani was to quiet. Everything was just to out of it to put into words.

I didn't like the silence of the room most of all.

It was so quiet in here you could hear a pen drop. You could hear if a fly landed on a table a mile away. It was like the whole room was dead and nobody else wanted to make a peep. As if someone would hurt them if they did.

"Excuse me. Ma'am". The woman at the front desk was trying to get my attention as I wasn't focused on anything but the silent room.

"Oh my bad sorry, yes".

"I need your signature". She explained whist pushing a clipboard with a piece of paper on it.

I looked upon it skimming it reading only the things that looks important. Michael took Lani from my arms.

I signed on the designated places and slowly slid the paper right towards the lady again who indeed skimmed it making sure I signed the right areas.

"I'm going to get this approved I'll be right back". She gave us a hearty smile while rising from her chair. The bigger fuller sized woman happily made her way to a door to the far side of the building before unlocking it and disappearing into the room behind the door.

Hearing the door slam, the noise booming crashing against the silence. It startled me, it felt as if my stomach did a somersault. I felt as if I was going to be sick and I didn't know if I was nervous or scared but something just didn't feel right. I knew I was just going to have to deal until I was able to leave.

But I needed a breath of fresh air for a while. Something to clear the lump in my throat. Something to fill my lungs. So I did a little jog and hurried quickly outside, letting the wind hit my face and the cooler weather sooth my skin.

I felt as if I was in a different place at the moment and I closed my eyes. That only lasted a minute before a I felt some hands wrap around my lower leg, and a head resting against my leg as well. I looked down to see that Sky had followed me outside. She must have sensed something was wrong because even when I looked down and our eyes met she didn't let go of my leg, she just stood there looking at me and hugging my leg.

But I wanted more, so I knelt down and let her hug my neck. She stood on her tippy toes and hugged me and I almost cried at her sweet gesture. I tried to get back up but she held on my neck to tight.

"No mommy". I was shocked, she said mommy. One of the longest words she said in ever.

"Awe". Was I could get out before I started to sniffle. I held her and hugged her rubbing my hands up and down her back. "Thank you my sweet baby".

She didn't even let go the second time, so I had to pick her up and carry her around outside. It was very nice out, so a walk around the courthouse wouldn't do us bad. I knew that there were cameras all around the courthouse nothing could happen to us without some of the many police inside notified.

The walk refreshed my body and allowed me to feel more comfortable and to be able to walk with someone felt even better.

She was the best company, always giggling at the best things. Pointing to every piece of funny looking trash she could have spotted. She made me smile, she made my heart race.

I opened the door to the front but a figure in the distance caught my eye. Something was unsettling he looked familiar. I squinted my eyes and noticed Jackson's body in the distance. I ran inside my sudden calm nature already fucked up and gone.

"Michael! We have to go". I said looking from him to the door frantically.

"Wait baby, the papers are almost finalized". He looked at the woman who was writing one last signature on the paper but I was tired of waiting. So I walked over, she barely finished her signature. She let us know it's finalized and said she would keep one copy for them and send the third one to Jackson to let him know.

I walked behind Michael and pushed him while he held Lani. But the door opened before we got there, this fucking lady had taken to long.

Jackson walked in looking directly at Sky. I moved over hiding right behind Michael.

"Dada!" Sky called out. I think Jackson was trying to be funny, because both men answered back, "Yes".

"Jackson you are not her father, leave us alone we put a restraining order on you. GO...AWAY". I didn't scream it, I said it in a stern bold voice. He had no authority over me not one bit.

"Your kind of sexy when your mad".

"You were so funny, I forgot to laugh". He disgusted me I didn't want anything more then to go. So that's exactly what I did, there was,no need to entertain a man who couldn't do anything to us. Hell he couldn't even step on the same ground as us if we were on it.

So I made Michael ignore his dirty comment on me and just pushed him out the door.

Best Friends Brother *Sequel*Where stories live. Discover now