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"Bitch before I cuss yo ass out finish".

So then I told him about my meet ups with Jason and how Jason comforted me in my time of need. Then it got to the point of how I ended up with Sky. Joey seemed less then fazed, like he knew Miranda was a bunch of bullshit. That's when I wrapped the story up to our time in New York and how Michael asked for my password.

"BITCH, you gave him your Instagram password. Did you delete the messages with Jason?".

My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped.

"Bitch you can't be this stupid, you gave him your password. Now all of a sudden you don't know where he is and he turned his phone off. Bitch I can give you a guess to where he is".

"AT JASON'S HOUSE!" I turned on my heels and ran out the Joey's bedroom into the living area. "Tom can you watch Sky for us". I yelled and he yelled sure as we ran out the door towards my car jumping in and speeding down the street.

"Bitch I want you to know this is all your fault. If you never unblocked him like I told you not to, this would have never happened".

"Fuck you Joey, I hate your always being right head ass".

"Once you listen to me your life will be easier". He gloated being annoying.

"Fuck up, you are a conceited fool".

"Hey at least I'm right, ALL the time". He laughed

We pulled up to Jason's house with the door wide open. I knew Michael had to have done something.

I jumped out the door calling for him, "MICHAEL!". I jogged to the house while continually yelling, "Michael!" Until I got to the door. I took cautious steps inside the house hearing low audible sounds.

"Michael!" I said in more of a question. Pushing more through the house, until I came up on the kitchen.


I walked up closer to the scene of Michael tackling Jason beating the crap out him like there was no tomorrow.

"Stop it! STOP IT! MICHAEL STOP IT". I jogged up trying to break the scene up but I was no match for it.

"Auriel get your pregnant ass out the way". Joey yelled before he lightly pushed me out the way and broke up the fight himself. "Michael get a grip, what the fuck is wrong with you".

I made my way to Michael jogging my "Pregnant ass" as Joey calls it, I looked at him his face was lightly covered in bruises. He looked in rage mode, but once my hands came in contact with his face it softened. His once tense body relaxed under my touch.

"Calm down Mikey, it's alright". I rubbed his shoulders lightly. I started pulling his body towards the door leading him out getting him some air. "You remember Sky right, she's at Joeys house wondering where her Dada is".

He just grunted like he didn't know where he was.

"Hello Michael, I'm talking to you, not Adonis".

"I hear you". He said back making some relief flow into my heart.

I punched him in his arm, he didn't flinch though. "Don't you ever do something like this again you hear me. I know you seen those messages between Jason and I". I stopped talking when I seen his eyes go black, or really dark brown I don't know I just know his eyes was darker then they usually are.

"Michael calm down, nothing happened. We didn't do anything we didn't have sex we didn't do anything if that's what your worried about. It was innocent interactions, nothing that wasn't friendly".

Best Friends Brother *Sequel*Where stories live. Discover now