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"Mommy, there's a man that came to see me today. Said he knew Aunt Sam and daddy." Bessie, my adorable five year old tells me. 

"Who?" I asked worried. 

"He says his name was Maurice." She says. 

"Okay, why don't you go upstairs and get ready for bed." I tell her with a smile so that she didn't hear the worry in my tone of voice. 

She heads upstairs and I head up there a few minutes later to tuck her in and right as I tell her goodnight and give her a kiss goodnight, I see Hunter come walking into the bedroom and kissing her goodnight. Then as soon as he's done, he joins me downstairs in the kitchen as I start putting the dinner away. 

"Sorry I missed dinner baby." He tells me. 

"It's fine. What were you doing?" I asked. 

"Just working late. My last client was wanting a lot done." He chuckles. 

I can't hold it back anymore. I'm furious and know he's not telling me anything. 

"Why don't you tell me the truth, huh?" I turn around to ask him. 

"Excuse me?" He asks confused and a little defensive. 

"You need to tell me what the hell is going on and you better tell me now or me and Bessie are leaving." I threaten him, although I know it's wrong to but in this case, I'm just needing to make sure that everything will be okay and that he isn't falling into his old life and old bad habits. 

"What are you talking about?" He asks defensively. 

"Who in the hell is Maurice? And what the hell does he want?!" I ask him folding my arms across my chest. 

He looks taken back a little bit and then takes in a deep breath and lets it out before answering. 

"I'm taking care of everything." He tries to assure me. 

I just shake my head. 

"Fine, you don't want to tell me that's fine because than me and Bessie will leave and stay at a hotel until you can tell me the truth." I tell him as I push past him to head upstairs. 

He stops me and grabs my arm to turn me to face him. 

"Calm down. How did you even find out about Maurice?" He asks. 

"Because Bessie told me that he talked to her to tell her that she knew you and Sam. So should I actually ask Sam to tell me the truth?" I ask him irritated that he's still not telling me. 

"Alright, I'll tell you but, you have to promise that you both won't leave." He says defeated. 

"You can't have me promise that. However, I WILL though tell you that I will hear you out before doing anything." I assure him. 

He takes in a deep breath then takes hold of my hand and we walk on over towards the couch in the living room and sit beside each other on the couch. 

"Sam and I have actually known each other for years. I knew her through her cousin who used to be a member of my gang at the time. Then after being kicked out, it made Sam have hatred and resentment towards me so I left. We hadn't seen one another for years until I met you." 

"What? Why didn't either one of you guys tell me?" I ask him. 

"Because we swore when we were younger that we would never tell people we knew one another." 

"But why not?" 

"It was protection from her cousin's father. He was the leader of the Mafia and not even me could ever go up against him. Once he found out I kicked his son out from the gang, he threatened to kill me and my family. His son eventually left the state and nobody heard from him for many years. Until recently. Sam and I couldn't tell you because we didn't wan't you to..." He started explaining some more until our front door get's blown in and Hunter pushes me onto the floor and covers me from anything landing on me. 

The next thing I hear are heavy footsteps and a bunch of men come walking inside. 

"I told you I was going to make you pay." This man says. 

I hear Bessie from upstairs start screaming and I immediately try and run upstairs to get her but am right away pulled back harshly by my hair from one of these intruders. Then I see another man come walking down the stairs carrying my daughter around the waist. 

"Let her go!" I hear my husband yell out and then I see him getting punched by someone. 

"Who the hell are you? What do you want?!" I yell to the man. 

"You'll find out soon enough what I want. Though as far as for who I am, the name's Maurice. I believe I met your daughter earlier." He grins. 

First chapter will be posted in a few weeks once I'm done with the other 3 stories and I will let you know when these are all posted. I hope you like these and don't worry, these new stories will get better. Even if you don't like the Epilogues pleeeeease give them each a chance and the first chapters of them will be great! :);)  Who knows, I might even post the first chapters to these soon, as a thank you and as part of the sneek peeks. ;):)

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