CHAPTER 1: I Try To Move On, But.....

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I have always wanted to be a dad and now that I am, I find it to be the most exciting thing in the world and the best thing in my life. Well, other than being married to Carrie who I can't stop falling in love with every day more and more. 

I was just finishing up some things at the motorcycle/Tattoo shop upstairs that I own, when I heard my phone going off and saw it was from a number that I don't recognize who has kept calling me for a week now and I have ignored it every time and they won't leave a message so I am hoping that they will just give up. However, they keep hitting up my phone several times a day and it's getting on my nerves. 

"I don't know who you are but you need to stop calling me." I began and then stopped as soon as I heard the next voice coming from the other end. It's a voice I haven't heard in a long time and a voice that I have dreaded ever hearing again. 

"Now is that anyway to talk to an old friend?" I hear the man say. 

"Maurice." I reply under my breath. 

"It's been a long time. How have you been?" He asks me. 

"What do you want? How did you get my number?" I ask him. 

"Don't worry about that. You'll find out the answers to both your questions very soon." He maliciously chuckles. 

"You stay the hell away from me and my family." I warn him. 

"Now we both know that I can't do that. Not to mention that both you and Sam owe me." He claims. 

"No we don't. Neither one of us is part of that lifestyle anymore." I tell him. "So you and your father can go fuck off." I tell him. 

"I would but he's dead. Although you already knew that." He says. 

"What are you talking about?"

"Everyone knows you killed him in his sleep back at his home in Colorado, so really don't you think it would be better if you admitted it?" 

"I didn't do anything to your father. I was here celebrating my daughter, Bessie's birthday." I exclaim. 

"That's not what your fingerprints all over the gun says." 

It takes me a moment but I quickly realize what's happening. 

"You son-of-a-bitch! Nobody will believe you." I assure him. 

"Oh I don't know about that. You see, since you left your gang, they have been working for me trying to make a living. Not to mention the fact also that with the evidence I have against you right now, I guarantee they'll believe me. Then can you imagine how many people will be after you?" 

"I swear that if you come near my family or any of your men or ANYONE, I swear that I will kill each and everyone of you." I tell him through clenched teeth. 

"No you won't. Because you wouldn't wan't anything to happen to your precious family would you?" 

"I swear to god, I'm gonna...." I started to say but he stopped me. 

"You're going to do exactly as I tell you as well as Sam too. Then when you're finished doing what I ask, I promise I will never again bother you, or your family again." He says. 

"How can I trust you?" I ask. 

"You can't. You just need to take the risk. You see, you both owe my father the last favor he asked from you both to do." He begins to remind me. 

"Why can't you do it?" I asked. 

"Because the man has seen my face and is aware of my reputation. I need someone who he least expects to have go after him." 

I stop and begin thinking for a moment before answering him. I already have moved on from that life and promised Carrie that I would never go back to my old lifestyle, however, I also know that I wouldn't be able to protect her if I let him tell everyone that I killed his dad when obviously I didn't. 

"Fine, we'll do it." I agree. 

"Good. Both Sam and you will meet me at my late father's mansion and I will give you both information on what I wan't you to do."

"When?" I ask. 

"Next Monday at 3 P.M. I will text you the address and my guys will be picking you both up at the airport. And don't worry, you'll be back in time so that you can go to your daughter's school talent show the next day." He says before hanging up the phone. 

Right away I text Sam and tell her that her and I both need to talk ASAP!! I swear, if Maurice thinks that he's going to destroy my family or try and get me back after kicking him out of my gang many years ago, he has another thing coming.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)   I wonder how Maurice got the fingerprints and how he convinced Hunter's ex gang to believe what he says. Hmmmmm..... Guess we'll have to wait and find out. :);)

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