CHAPTER 5: How Will I Explain This?

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Today both Sam and I were going to see her cousin, Maurice to see what it was exactly he wanted from us.

"Do you have any ideas in what he might ask us?" I hear Sam break the awkward silence we both were sharing with one another during our car ride over to his dad's house who I'm assuming is his house now.

Once we arrived we both were nervous as if we were about to get into trouble.

After walking up to the door, being escorted inside by a couple of Maurice's men, we went to a big room that looked to be Maurice's office where he was seen on his phone pacing back and forth behind his desk not noticing we were here.

Then once he see's us, he grins and then ends the call he was on before asking us to sit down.

Sam and I both walk over towards his desk and take a seat.

"I was worried neither one of you were going to show." He smiles at us.

"Let's cut through the bullshit." I began. "Why are we here? What the hell do you want from us?" I ask him about Sam and I.

"Don't worry, it won't be something terrible." He chuckles while lighting up a cigarette.

"Come on. Don't fuck with us. What is it you want?" I ask again.

You both owe me." He smirks.

"Pff. The fuck we do." Sam says.

"Well at first I thought that maybe it was me that owed you. You both did me a favor with you killing off my old man." He says as he looks at me before looking back at her." And you for what you did a few years ago with that one crazy bitch." He chuckles.

"So then why are you saying Hunter and I owe you?!" She asks.

"Because for the last few years, I have kept you both safe and from being buried at the bottom of the ocean or in the desert somewhere." He smirks while taking a puff from his cigarette.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"You see by killing my old man off, you also caused a lot of his business deals to go bad, causing his clients to lose money and security. Luckily I was able to fix all that and convince them to do business with me. So because of that, you both are still alive."

"You're lying." Sam snaps at him.

"You don't have to believe me. However, just know that right now, your wife and child are both being watched everyday by some business partners of my fathers that want what we'll call a refund." He smirks at me as he takes a final drag from his cigarette and blows out the smoke before putting it out.

"I swear to god if one of your men touch them..." I began to threaten through clenched teeth.

"It's not my men. In fact, if anything, my men are the ones protecting you and your family." He tells me.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask.

"Because it's like I said, you both owe me." He grins.

"What do you want us to do?" Sam asks.

"You both need to help me get something from a client that I'm sure you both remember from years ago, Calum Diggs."

Oh my god. Not that guy. That man is a few years older than Maurice's uncle was and in fact, he is the one that helped Maurice's dad become who he was and happens to be more ruthless than anyone else I have ever known or heard of. In fact, he makes other well known mafia leaders look like amateurs. Nobody will go against him let alone steal from him.

"There's no fucking way." I tell him. "You aren't going to send us to be slaughtered so you can gain whatever you you do from it." I tell him.

"Do you love your wife and daughter?" He asks me.

"Don't ever mention them again." I tell him.

"It's just a question. Besides, in case neither one of you heard, she will be catering my event that you both will be attending in a month with the item I'm going to have you both get for me." He smiles.

"You son-of-a-bitch!" I snap at him while trying to get up to start beating the shit out of him but Sam quickly squeezes my hand and keeps me from getting all the way up out of my seat.

"What is it you want us to steal?" Sam asks him.

"Are you seriously considering this?" I ask her in disbelief.

"Yes. We both know there's no other way." She tells me under her breath before looking back at Maurice.

"Good. Here, these are burn cell phones that I want both of you to have on you at all times. I will text you both later with details on when and how I want you guys to do it. However, in the meantime, enjoy each day as if it were your last." He grins at both of us and then he gets up and buttons his last button of his coat and excuses himself to leave as we see ourselves out.

When Sam and I get into the car, I can't hold myself back from snapping at Sam a little bit.

"What the fuck was that?!" I yell at her.

"Really?" She fires back at me. "Look, neither of us want to do this, but we both also know that he was right about others finding us and they probably have been watching us. This is the only way we can end everything once and for all and moving on with our lives." She points out.

She's right but still, this is suicide going against the guy he wants us to steal from.

"I have to tell Carrie." I began to tell her as I gripped the wheel.

"I know. Especially now that we know she's catering his event." She mentions.

"Yeah. But how are we going to explain this to her and what about Bessie?" I ask out loud to her.

"Don't worry, we'll think of something." She assures me.

I'm not sure how or why but I have a feeling she may be right. Maybe I'm overthinking and worrying too much about what's going to happen when things might go well. However, on the other hand, how will I explain this to Carrie?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)

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