CHAPTER 12: A Better Life

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It has been two weeks since we have talked things out and figured out what to do. Sam, Hunter, a few of their old friends and I were in the living room going over the plan in what all we should do.

"Alright...." Hunter starts. "I'm thinking that the best way to take Maurice and his guys down is at this big event he is having. Carrie can get us all in since she's catering the event and has been lucky enough to get a tour of the entire house."

"What if he catches on to everything?" I ask him.

"Then we'll deal with that. In the meantime, we need to just make sure he doesn't find out about our plan."

"Alright." I agree. Then I heard Bessie scream for me and Hunter.

Everyone stops and drops everything and runs with us out towards the living room and stop abruptly as we see Bessie being held with her mouth covered by one of the guys from that night when Bessie and I were attacked.

"No!!!" I scream out and start running towards them but Sam holds me back.

"Don't!" She tells me.

"That's my baby." I start to cry while getting ready to punch Sam to let me go.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find you?" The man who had pushed me up against the fridge door and covered my mouth.....Skullz.

"Get your fucking hands off my daughter!" Hunter warns him as he takes out the gun he had in the back of his pants.

"Nah, I think I'll keep her thank you. She's gonna be collateral." He tells Hunter.

"Please let my daughter go." I start to cry a little bit.

"Now why would I do that?" He smirks at me.

"Take me instead." I practically beg.

He looks at me for a little bit until he begins to laugh in a sinister way.

"No thanks." He winks at me before looking over at Hunter. "You know what needs to be done." He tells him and then starts walking out the front door after he hands Bessie off to one of his guys who throws her over their shoulder as she starts kicking and screaming.

"No!!!!" I cry out loud as I break free from Sam and try to run after them until one of the guy turns quickly and punches me to the ground.

I see Hunter run to my side and picks me up off the floor.

"Shh. It's going to be okay baby." He tries to calm me down.

"Let me go." I squirm out of his arms until he drops me onto my feet and I start hitting him really hard.

"Baby, baby." He says as he tried to grab my wrists to make me stop hitting him.

"You let them take our fucking baby." She cries into my chest.

"I know, I know. But I promise that he won't hurt her." He tries to assure me.

"Fuck you! I push myself away from him and then see Sam. "And fuck you too! I hate you both!" I cry louder than before as I start making my way upstairs into our bedroom and fall onto the bed and continue crying into my pillow.

I hear the door close and look up and see Hunter walking over towards me.

"Please, Carrie." He begins begging.

"I don't want to hear it." I sniffle. "There's nothing you can tell me that will make me calm down or take away this excruciating pain I feel in my heart because some asshole from yours and Sam's past has returned and taken our daughter."

"I know." He says as I notice him starting to cry. "I know that I fucked up everything. I fucked up yours and my life together as well as our daughter's and I swear I will get her back and when I do, I promise...."

"Stop promising things that you have no control over!" I interrupt him.

"Fine, I will. After I get our daughter back, and I WILL get her back, you can divorce me and take half custody of Bessie if you want. Then maybe you both can have a much better life. The life that you both deserve to have!" He cries out loud to me and I can see the pain he has after saying that.

I don't really wan't that. But before I can even tell him that, he has already stormed out of the room and the house, slamming the doors behind him.


Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)

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