EPILOGUE: Eight Months Later

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Today I was picking up Hunter from the hospital. I was lucky to have gotten a shot at Skullz and at his head especially. Now that he is gone I feel more at ease. More safe. All of us do. 

Maurice survived and so did Sam. We rushed both her and Hunter to the hospital and Sam had an emergency surgery done and it took a few months for her to recover but she's still doing good and everyday gets a little more of her strength back. 

Maurice and Sam's relationship seems to be stronger and better than ever they tell us. So much has happened and yet, we have been good at putting it behind all of us and move on with our lives and eventually the memory will hopefully fade away entirely. 

Bessie remembers only a few things but not the big horrific parts in which I'm really glad. Things have been going okay and Bessie and everyone have gone to the hospital every day to see Hunter in the hospital. Which I won't lie, it was really hard in the beginning. But now, we're just looking forward to him coming home. 

So many nights I have cried and prayed that Hunter would come out alive because he was shot in the chest and the bullet was inches away from his heart. The doctor wasn't entirely sure if rather or not he would survive but luckily he did. 

Bessie right now is at school and right now I am finishing up with the 'Welcome Home' decorations for the small party that me and Hunters friends are throwing for him. Everyone has been great at helping us out from the shops and have been very supportive while Hunter's been in the hospital all this time. Tonight, they were all coming over to help and Sam was picking Bessie up from school for me. 

"Alright, I'm gonna go and get Bessie then we'll pick up the cake and some other things and Maurice will be over to start grilling." I hear Sam call out from downstairs. 

"Thank you." I call back to her from my room. 

She leaves and a few minutes later I come walking down the stairs and take a look around as I grab my keys and purse. I can't help but smile as I think about just how lucky I really am. 

Once I arrive at the hospital, I get a guest pass sticker and start heading back to his room. When I open the door, I see the bed is already made. So I look over at the bathroom and don't see him in there. What the hell is going on?! 

Before I turn around to call a nurse and see where's he's at, I feel him wrap both his arms around my waist and kiss me on my neck. 

"I've missed you." He says. 

"You ass." I tease as I turn around and throw my arms around him as well and we start to kiss. 

"But I'm your ass." He smiles. 

"That's right." I smile. 

"Mmmmm. speaking of ass, I've missed it." He wiggles his eyebrows up and down. 

"Baby, you need to save your strength. Besides, we should really wait until we get home." I tell him. 

"Yeah?" He asks with a cocked eyebrow. "Are you sure baby?" He asks as I feel him place his hand down my leggings and slips his fingers inside of my slit and begins moving it slowly in and out at first making me moan and causing my knees to shake a little. 

"Fuck it." I tell him and he picks me up and shuts the door and locks it behind him before taking me over to the bed where we have the greatest sex we've had in a long time and my god I miss him so much. Not just for this part but him loving on me. 

When we got done, we started heading back to the house and everyone was there and yelled out at the same time, "Welcome Home!"

He looks at me and smiles then gives me a kiss and then Bessie comes running up excited and he picks her up in his arms and gives her a tight hug and a kiss. 

"I've missed you daddy." She tells him. 

"I've missed you too angel." He smiles and gives her a kiss on the forehead. 

Everything turned out great and for the first time in a long time, we felt more relaxed and safe and no longer feel as though we have to look over our shoulders. 

                                                               THE END!!!!!

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